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C Whlch of Lhe slx proposed manufacLurlng

soluLlons should uell lmplemenL based on

Lhe survey resulL? Why? WhaL are Lhe pros
and cons of Lhls recommendaLlon?
Dell-managed 3PI
WEasiest option for Ops & PE
WDell America Operations (DAO) Quality expected to improve as Dell
directly manages 3PI
W ost complex for Cost Accounting and IC - difficult to manage Parts
Cost at a Dell-managed 3PI
usLalnablllLy of recommendaLlon
W uell has dlrecL conLrol over Lhe 3l
W More clear deflnlLlon of quallLy lssues ownershlp
W Less manufacLurlng lnfrasLrucLure change requlred less
lmpacL on exlsLlng supply chaln neLwork
W LlLLle addlLlonal caplLal expendlLure lnvesLmenL llLLle
lead Llme change
It enables Dell to focus on the more value-added portion of
the Mother Board-chassis integration.
It enables Dell to focus on the more value-added portion of
the Mother Board-chassis integration.

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