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7 Insider Secrets to Attract Hot Girls

Hot Women are Work. Are You Up to the Job? ................................ 3 What is a Hot Woman? ................................................................. 5 Rating is Due Diligence .............................................................. 7 What is a 10? What is a 9? ........................................................ 8 Beautiful Women Are Like You & Me? ........................................... 10 Why Hot Women are Different ..................................................... 13 High Traffic............................................................................. 13 Wide Spectrum of Approaches................................................... 15 Greater Range of Options ......................................................... 18 7 Guaranteed Secrets to Attract a Hot Woman .............................. 19 Secret #1 - Be Willing to Put in the Work ................................... 19 Secret #2 - Be Able to Handle the Dichotomy ............................. 21 Secret #3 - Treat Her Like Everyone Else ................................... 23 Secret #4 - Initiate Gentle Knock-Backs .................................. 24 Secret #5 - Create Value in Yourself .......................................... 26 Secret #6 Or Create Perception of Value.................................. 27 Secret #7 - Market Yourself for the High-End.............................. 28

7 Insider Secrets to Attract Hot Girls

Hot Women are Work. Are You Up to the Job?

We wont waste your time Hot woman take work to get. If youre just interested in Ms. PlainJane Ordinary Girl at your workplace or class, then go right ahead. Pull out a couple of dumb jokes, smile, tell her she smells nice today, and say, Um, Im thinking of going to a movie tonight? Would you be interested? Because, uh, if youre notuh, well, thats okay, too. And you know what? Even with such a lame approach as this, she might even take you up on the offer. But we have to be honest with you right now That will not work with hot women. Not at all. You have to put in more work. More effort. Use more brainpower. More strategy. More skills.

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The bad news? If youre not up to the job, then just forget it. Go away. Pursue Ms. Ordinary and live your ordinary life with her. The good news? All of these skills and this strategy can be learned. They can be learned and practiced by any guy. It doesnt matter if you are normal or good-looking, rich or looking, poor. Its all in the art of the approach, and we are here to tell you approach, how that is done. And to attract a beautiful woman and take her to bed is a life life-changing experience. Your friends will treat you with new new-found respect. You respect will walk taller. You will have greater confidence. Most importantly, . when you attract beautiful women, you will find that more beautiful that women flock your way. Pretty cool, huh? Well, to find out how this works, just read on

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What is a Hot Woman?

As the old saying goes: Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. It means that beauty is relative. A junky old house that offends relative. most of the population may hold untold possibilities and beauty to another type of buyer. Or, to stick to the world of women, some ordinary girl who no one ever notices, may look like the most beautiful woman on Earthto a certain guy. Were here to tell you the truth: Thats a lie. Sure, we get the point. Beauty is relative, etc. But the fact is, there are some women who are so damn smoking-hot that nearly every guy will say: Oh yeah, shes gorgeous. Were talking about women so hot that even your mother would be omen forced to admit that the chick is beautiful. There is a certain universality to hotness, beauty, gorgeousness that no one can , deny.

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How and Why Do We Rate Women?

When you become involved in the world of attracting good-looking looking women, you become aware of a rating system going on. Most women hate the fact that guys assign ratings to them. Oh, I cannot stand it when guys call a woman a nine or a ten! they exclaim. It makes me feel like a piece of meat! Well, guess which women say this? You guess it: women who arent nines and tens. Seriously, do you think a woman would complain if guys said, Oh yeah, she is definitely a 9.5. Can you hear her saying, I hate it when guys say that! No, we cant eith either.

Rating is important because it helps you to valuate women. Just like you have a Kelly Blue Book for cars or Consumers Reports for most retail products, guys have this informal 1 1-10 rating scale for women. Heres the real reason: rating women keeps your head straight.

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Rating is Due Diligence

For example, lets say you find yourself really working hard to approach a certain woman. The approach isnt going as good as you wanted. Youre just not able to close this deal. But if you had properly rated the woman in advance, youd say to yourself: Wait, shes just a six. What on earth am I doing, trying all this stuff for just a six?! Because you had taken the time to valuate the goal (rate the woman), you could instantly determine if your approach was worth it. Lets look at a parallel in the world of business: due diligence. When a company or individual wants to purchase another business, they perform what is called due diligence. This means hiring someone, or undertaking yourself, a process of evaluating the company you want to buy. You look closely at its worth in terms of stability, its employees, its credit rating, its stock market performance, and so on. Then a report is issued that sums up the findings. issued

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The purchase is based on those findings: buy or dont buy? Or more likely, buy but offer different conditions.

With a Rate the Babe type of situation, it is the same thing. Before you undertake the work of pursuing a beautiful woman, you evaluate the worth of her commodity. If she is . only a five on the Rate the Babe scale, but you find yourself scale, nearly killing yourself to take her to bed, you have to ask yourself if this is worth it. But if she is an 8.5 on the Rate the Babe scale, then your efforts may be worthwhile.

What is a 10? What is a 9?

Even though guys disagree about the finer details of the rating system, there do appear to be some areas of agreement: A Ten woman is clearly at the top of the scale. A Ten is . defined as a woman whose beauty is intertwined with her occupation: actress, model, wife or girlfriend of rich/famous : guy. You will rarely find a Ten who works as a secretary. And if works she does work as a secretary, she wont be for long someone will take her away to bigger and better things. You need to move in extremely high circles to pull down a Ten. A Nine woman is one whose beauty can, and often does move does, within the regular walk of life. She is not necessarily in acting life. or modeling (though she can be). Nines are obtainable without having to own a yacht or be a modeling agent.

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Want More Information on Rating Hot Babes? Find out how rating works. Have the chance to rate women yourself. Go to: babes

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Beautiful Women Are Like You & Me? ?

Theres a saying about rich people and it goes something like this: The rich are just like you and meexcept they have more money. What this means is that rich people are not special creatures who sit on 24K gold toilets and have servants wipe their butts. It means that rich . people have all the same problems and concerns, the same joys and hopesexcept they do all of this with $1 billion in their bank account instead of $1.35! Thats the idea, anyway. Im sure some rich people do sit on 24K toilets.

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I live a few miles away from the worlds richest man. At times, his worth has surpassed $50 billion. But people I know have plenty of stories about seeing him drive his green Mercedes around townby himself. One time, he was standing in line at by a stadium waiting for a toilet, along with all the other ordinary people. Or, he sometimes turns up at a really grungy burger joint down the street from me.
Do you think that The Worlds Richest Man ever: Gets frustrated because he cannot pay his auto insurance premium? Becomes sad because he cannot afford that trip to Hawaii this year? Is despondent because the mortgage is coming due, and he doesnt know where to get the money?
The point here is that there rich people have two different faces. One minute theyre ordering up a . $5.99 cheeseburger cheeseburger The next minute theyre ordering their private jet to fly them to Tahiti. ir

When you see this dichotomy (a division in personality), you start to , see how the world of hot women operates.
They are like usbut they arent like us.

They have one foot in our worldone foot in a different world. You may say: Thats simply not true. I know that they are different people completely and utterly different.

7 Insider Secrets to Attract Hot Girls

Well, thats just loser talk. And the minute you remove loser talk from your vocabulary is the minute you can start attracting beautiful women.

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Why Hot Women are Different

Were not going to burn up a lot of ink and paper telling you how beautiful women are the same as you and me. Or the same as an ordinary woman who get a #5 or #6 rating. Because lets break it to you beautiful women do not have the same experiences.

High Traffic
When it comes to hot women, you often hear people say statements like: Oh, because these women are beautiful, men are afraid to approach them. As a result, all of these beautiful women are lonely. Yeah, right. Thats wishful thinking. Do you know where that kind of thing comes from?

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It comes from those weak wimpy dating guides that you so often weak, see on Amazon or in your local bookstore. Those guides all talk about how everyone is equal etc. equal, Wrong. We are not all equal people. If we were all equal, everyone would be having mad sex with each other all the time. It is this inequalityor more accurately, the perception of or inequalitythat prevents this mad, 24/7 orgy. No, beautiful women do get approachedall the time.

Anyone with a valuable commodity is going to get traffic through their door. If you happen to have an amazingly cool set of wheels, friends are going to want rides with you. If you have a speedboat with a tow line and waterskis, people will tow-line say things like, Uh so, are you taking your boat out this weekend, because I was kinda thinking it might be nice to waterski If you have some amazing new game, friends will want to play it. If you have a pickup or van, people will always be saying, So, Im moving this weekend and was wondering if I could borrow your truck.
Anything valuable that you have and which is in short supply with haveand other peopleis a commodity. is For hot women, beauty is their commodity commodity. The boat-owner gets lots of traffic in the form of people continually owner hinting, asking, or demanding that they get to use the boat. That is traffic. Now, whether or not you, the boat owner, actually follow boat-owner,

7 Insider Secrets to Attract Hot Girls

through on these demands is another matter. And really, it is an inconsequential matter. Youve got traffic coming through your door. Hot women have traffic coming to them all the time. So, you will be competing for hot women just in sheer numbers. When you approach an ordinary woman, the traffic level coming at her might be one or two guys. Maybe zero guys. Or maybe even four or five guys. Point being that its a small, manageable number, and whatever you do when you approach the ordinary woman will stand out, will be noticeable. However, with the larger numbers (the high traffic) coming to the hot woman, you are one of fifty. Or one of a hundred. You stand out less. You are one of many. But that obstacle is easily surmountable. We call it Perception Manipulation, and you will see this later in this guide.

Wide Spectrum of Approaches

Remember our example with the guy who owns the speedboat and waterskis? When he gets approached by friends, he gets a wide rangeor spectrumof approaches. These approaches depend on

7 Insider Secrets to Attract Hot Girls

the personality of the person making the approach, as well as their level of desire. Some people make mild hints: Gee, this weekend sure looks like it will be nice. Would be good to get some sunand water! Some make normal approaches: Hey, I was wondering if we could take your boat out this weekend. Sound good? Some hit full-force: Dude. Hand over the keys to your boat, cause me and my friends want to take it out. And some make no approaches at all (this is an important point to remember no approach gets you nowhere). So, not only is there traffic, but the traffic comes in great variety. Now, that is a great secret that few men pursuing hot women ever think about: variety of approaches. You can leverage this to your advantage, as you will see in just a bit. Hot women get a wide spectrum of approaches. Imagine a woman who is clearly a Nine. Lets say that she works at your company. If you were able to watch her for a day or two, you would see a spectrum of

7 Insider Secrets to Attract Hot Girls

approaches like this: From the mild to the wild.

Mild Approaches
These tend to be more passive-aggressive and hinting around. This is where the guy mainly wants to get near to the woman; wants to place himself in her proximity. Hey, me and some friends are going to the bar after work. If you and Deidre want to come, that would be cool

Wild Approaches
Wild approaches are those that women of lesser caliber rarely encounter. Wild approaches range from outright offers of immediate sex to outright offers of immediate marriage. These are the type of women who have rich guys quite truthfully offer them the good life of fancy houses, cars, and vacations, in exchange for dating or marriage.
Unless you are a woman in the 9-10 range, you cannot even conceive of these wild approaches. Some of them will truly bend your mind, if you ever have a chance to talk to a 9-10 girl and hear her stories.

Some Wild Approaches:

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Damn lady, you are fine. Let me fuck you right here, right now. Come with me to my 175 ft. yacht in the Mediterrane Mediterranean, and we will tour all of Europe, staying at five star hotels and dining at the finest restaurants.

Greater Range of Options

Because of the spectrum of approaches, hot women have a much greater range of options in men than do women in the middle range.

Their beauty has worth. This worth buys for them more opportunities. For example, if you had $10 million, you would have a great range of choices in vacations. Yes, you could take your usual annual trip to the seashore or countryside. Or, you could go to Fiji, Tahiti, Hawaii, or the Caribbean.

But its important to keep in mind that you are not obligated to choose from the upper range. Its just available to you. It is the same with hot women. They are presented with a wide range of opportunities. But they can still go with any guy they want. And this is your leveraging point as we will see later point,

7 Insider Secrets to Attract Hot Girls

7 Guaranteed Secrets to Attract a Hot Woman

Theory is all well and good. But how do you turn theory into actionable steps? You have already proven yourself as a man of action and intellect, and heres how we know: You pursued this topic in the first place. Lots of guys never even consider researching the subject. You downloaded this special report. You are still reading. By this point, 75% of men get discouraged, thinking: Ah, I can never get a Nine girl! And they go back to their ordinary dull lives and pursue the ordinary dull, ugly girls.

Secret #1 - Be Willing to Put in the Work

Anything worthwhile in life is worth the work. It could be something like finishing high school or college, getting your law or medical degree, starting your own business.

7 Insider Secrets to Attract Hot Girls

Or it could be a goal like adding 20 pounds of muscle to your body, dropping 40 pounds of fat, getting a better apartment or house, or finding a better circle of friends. Whatever the worthwhile goal, it will take work. A hot woman is a worthwhile goal. Now, youre very fortunate because of this one significant fact:
Even at this early stage of the game, most guys competing for hot women drop out of the game; this is where the pool of guys significantly thins down.

Look at it this way: you havent done a single thing yet. You havent undertaken any work at all yet the pool of competitors has thinned down. All because they are afraid of the future, but you are not.

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Feels pretty good, right? Well, its this type of mindset which you , mindsetwhich are already developing as we speak hat will carry you through the speakthat rest of the process.

Make the Approach! The majority of men fail to approach women they are attracted to, much less women of great beauty. Simply by making the approach you are farther ahead than most men. We will not belabor this point, because we know you get it.

Secret #2 - Be Able to Handle the Dichotomy

Earlier, we discussed the dichotomy of hot women. By this, we mean that hot women are like everyone elsebut not. You will not experience this dichotomy with ordinary women. What th you see is what you get is a phrase that usually applies to ordinary women. But with hot women you will see that they are Like Everyone Else Dont they work in your company, shop at Else. your grocery store, go to your local bars, walk down your alk neighborhood street? Right? Do you agree? But Not. While this is hidden from most of us, you need to be . aware that they get approached by modeling agents with offers

7 Insider Secrets to Attract Hot Girls

of work, approached by rich guys with offers of amazing dates, approached with offers to be an actress, etc. You need to be aware of this dichotomy, or this division, in their lives and in their personalities. The way you do this is to first treat them like Everyone Else

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Secret #3 - Treat Her Like Everyone Else

After all, why not? Didnt you earlier agree that hot women move in y your ordinary world? Why then would you treat them any differently?

It is absolutely important to keep your level of conversation on an ordinary level with hot women. You need to be absolutely unimpressed by her beauty, both in action and in speech.

The best template for this is the Older Unimpressed Brother. Imagine that she has a brother who is 3 years older than her. He has known his sister for the last 28 years, literally since birth. He has seen her in all of her most raw, unadorned and unbeautiful states. He has seen unadorned, . her throw up. When she was a child, he probably saw her on the crapper or in the bathtub. He has seen her pick her nose. nose Now do you honestly believe that he is impressedeven one single bitby her bit beauty? Hardly. Developing this mental framework is vital to the second volume of the Seduction Slayer System. Seduction Slayer Core II provides you with solutions to Outer Game problems like:

7 Insider Secrets to Attract Hot Girls

Do you know the right kind of body language to use around attractive women? How aggressive should your Opener be? And how do you modulate your seduction process? In other words, most guys think that seduction begins at zero and steadily ramps its way up to sex. Not so. That is a dangerous notion, and you need to learn the inner workings of modulating your seduction processor risk spending another night alone in bed. Seduction Slayer Core II answers many of these questions. At this point, you may say to yourself: OK, Im supposed to Treat Her Like Everyone Elsebut NOT. Wheres the NOT part of this formula? That comes later. But first

Secret #4 - Initiate Gentle KnockBacks

in order to Treat Her Like Everyone Else. Dont understand? We understand; this is difficult material. So, let us explain. Hot women in the 9 range or higher will nearly all need Knock-Backs. Elsewhere in the seduction field this is often called a neg, but we prefer this term. What it means is that you need to occasionally introduce mild negative comments to her, but all done with a good sense of humor.

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A classic Knock-Back is Your nails are beautiful. Are they Back fake? You pull her forward with the your nails are beautiful part, then knock her back with the are they fake part. You should never be too harsh or derogatory.

But how does this relate to Treating Her Like Everyone Else? Its simple physics. Because she is often praised and told how beautiful she is by acquaintances and total strangers, she needs to be equalized. She needs to be ne brought down to a neutral level, neutra where everyone else is. The only way to do this is to exert a greater than normal force with the Knock-Backs. It is a forceful readjustment. Imagine that you have a fire in your kitchen. You could gently try to put out the fire by dropping a few sprinkles of water on it. Or you could forcefully neutralize the fire with something that really does the trick tricka fire extinguisher or a bucket of water.
Your beautiful womans perception of herself and her contribution to this world is like that fire. You need to forcefully neutralize it. Youre not taking her way

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down and making her depressed and unhappy. Youre just bringing her back to the level of everyone else.

Secret #5 Create Value in Yourself

Have you ever noticed that you rarely see a 9 or 10 babe dating a guy who is fat, bald, and working at a McDonalds? Or how about never? You need to increase your value in order to match or exceed her value. Now, she may have a lot of good things going for her. Maybe ing she is good to her mother and she likes kittens and she gives to she charity or whatever. But her biggest, most valuable commodity is obvious: her beauty.
Your value must match or exceed her value, but on value, different terms.

7 Insider Secrets to Attract Hot Girls

Now, youre not doing it on the same terms, though. You are not matching her beauty one-for-one with your own good looks. You can find other avenues of value in order to present yourself as a high-value man. You may say, What if I dont have that value?

Secret #6 Or Create Perception of Value

Then the secret is to create the perception of value. Often referred to as creating frames, we use the powerful term Perception Manipulation.
This is the ultimate insider secret: As long as she perceives that it is valuable, it works the same way as actually having that value.

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How to Learn the "Art of Perception Manipulation" The art of creating the perception of value is found in Core II and Core III of Seduction Slayer System. It is one of the fine arts of seduction and it requires expert guidance... * Did you know there is one crucial type of value you can create that will attract her attention? * How can you fake that valueuntil you actually valueuntil have it? * Which types of value can you safely ignoreand save yourself countless hours of work and potential embarrassment? ?

Secret #7 - Market Yourself for the High HighEnd

Now, its not enough to have value or even the perception of value. You need to know how to present that value perception to hot women. We call this Marketing for the High keting High-End. Companies that specialize in high end retailing, like luxury condos and high-end houses, exotic cars, and custom vacations they all employ a more vacationsthey specialized type of marketing. Their marketing is more sophisticated and is equivalent to the customer base they are aiming at.

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NOT High-End Marketing: Crappy billboards, newspaper ads, End signboard guys on the street, etc etc. High-End Marketing: Wine tastings, private showings, fly people End Wine in on private jets, etc.

Important Note: Worn out pickup lines are like the billboards Worn-out and newspaper ads of the attraction world. They are "old school," they don't work, and they even offend the people they are trying to sell to. You don't want that.

Learn to view yourself as the high-end urban condominium development company; you have a value you want to communicate. The hot woman is your customer base.

HINT: Want to learn all the sophisticated high-end marketing sophisticated, techniques to pull down smoking hot women? Youll find them in Core III of the Seduction Slayer System It is titled Field Tactics Slayer, because it helps you develop and deploy tactics that happen out in the fieldwhere beautiful women are found.

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