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Planning Activity Document Tina Murphy - FRIT 7230 (Fall) 1. Identify the standard 4.

. Pursue personal and aesthetic growth 4.1.1 Read, view, and listen for pleasure and personal growth 4.1.5 Connect ideas to own interests and previous knowledge and experience 2. Analyze target audience The target audience for this video will be the entire ninth grade class. They range in age from 13-15 years old and come from a Targeted Assistance Title One middle school. Eight Hispanics, one Asian, one African American, one American Indian, two Multi-racial, and two hundred twenty eight Caucasians make up the 241 member class. Additionally, 100 of these students exceeded on the 8th grade Reading CRCT while, 122 met the standard, and two did not. The remaining students were either GAA or new transfers. Furthermore, all ninth grade students are required to come to the media center for several different orientation classes throughout the year. Therefore, these ninth grade students have the entry-level skills of finding books and understanding what resources are available in the media center. The learning style of most of the ninth grade class has been observed to be both visual and bodily kinesthetic. Therefore, the students attention will be hooked by watching a video that combines current music with both peers and educators discussing books they like to read, why they like them, and why they enjoy reading them. As the target students watch their peers and teachers discussing books which they have read, it will hopefully provide relevant motivation for them to ponder which types of books or written information that might interest them and then begin to read from that genre. Additionally, it is hoped that this video will create a confidence for these students that literature exists for them just as it does for their peers. Finally, students can gain satisfaction in understanding that reading can simply be for pleasure as well as purpose or information. 3. Objective After watching a video, the ninth grade students will be required to complete a personal reading interest inventory and choose a book from the shelf that is aligned with that inventory. Additionally, the students will have taken a step toward reading for pleasure and personal growth and in the process increase library circulation.

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