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- ANSWER KEY Unit 1: What do you remember?

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. did you get bought do you like hit was driving had changed 7. m meeting/m going to meet 8. finish 9. ll pick you up 10. ll love/ re going to love

A. 1. seafood (not an adjective) 2. fried (not a kind of meat) 3. roast (a way of cooking) 4. pitch (a place) B. 1. spicy 5. stepfather C. 1. for, out 2. for 2. starter 6. selfish 3. up 5. beat (verb) 6. affectionate (a positive adjective) 7. moody (a negative adjective) 8. family (its a group) 3. draw 7. mean 4. on 4. injured

A. 1. course // 2. food /u:/ 3. roast // 4. draw // 5. frozen // B. menu referee impatient sociable irresponsible

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