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W111W M111 &X111WMW1


1ext 1 t aratve
1he lox And 1he Crow
Cne day a crow sLole a blg pleces of meal 1hen she flew on a branch of a Lree Lo en[oy lL A fox knew
Lhls Pe wanLed Lhe meaL for hlmself Pe came near Lhe Lree 1he fox sald pollLely Lo her
Ch Mlss Crow Pow beauLlful you are whaL a lovely feaLhers you have!" 1he crow was very glad Lo
hear buL she kepL quleL 8uL eghr could you be Lhe mosL beauLlful prlncess ln Lhls foresL
Lghr oh very sorry" Lhe fox conLlnued Mlss crow was surprlse Lo see hlm ln doubL Ch Sorry
you can noL because you can noL slng a song" Lhe fox sald slowly and looked dlssapolnLed When
she heard Lhe fox's lasL word Lhe crow was angry She shouLed loudly l can!" !usL Lhen Lhe meaL
mlssed from Lhe crow's break and fell down 1he fox goL lL and wenL away

1 WhaL klnd of LexL ls lL?
a naraLlve b 8ecounL c uescrlpLlve d LxplanaLlon e ulscusslon
2 WhaL ls Lhe wrlLer's maln purpose ln wrlLlng Lhe LexL?
a 1o persuade Lhe readers Lo do someLhlng
b 1o descrlbe Lhe way fox and crow geL along
c 1o amuse Lhe readers wlLh funny sLory
d 1o explaln Lhe way fox and crow communlcaLe
e 1o Lell pasL evenL for Lhe purpose of lnformlng
3 1he LexL Lells Lhe sLory of
a Crow bfox c Crow and lox d 8lrd e rlncess
4 Whlch sLaLemenL ls Lrue accordlng Lo Lhe LexL
a Crow buy Lhe meaL
b Crow fly Lo house Lo en[oy Lhe meaL
c 1he fox geL meaL from Lhe crow and run away
d lox wanL Lo eaL Lhe meaL LogeLher wlLh Lhe crow
e Crow ls mosL beauLlful prlncess ln Lhe foresL
3 1he crow was very glad Lo hear buL she kepL quleL" 1he underllned means
a SLop b Lnough c Sleeplng d SllenL e nolsy
6 1he fox sald slowly and looked dlssapolnLed" 1he anLonym of Lhe underllned word ls
a CenLly b Slmply c Merely d 8rlskly e Carefully
7 1o Lell Lhe sLory wrlLer use
a Slmpe pasL Lenses
b Slmple presenL Lenses
c resenL conLlnues Lenses
d erfecL Lenses
e asL perfecL
8 1he fox sald polyLely Lo her" Lhe underllne word means
a 8especLfull b Angry c Smlle d Cry e Laugh
9 1he crow was very angry when fox sald
a Ch Sorry you can noL because you can noL slng a song"
b 8uL eghr could you be Lhe mosL beauLlful prlncess ln Lhls foresL Lghr oh very
c Ch Mlss Crow Pow beauLlful you are whaL a lovely feaLhers you have!"
d Ch you're so beauLlful"
e l love you"
10AL Lhe end of sLory fox
a lall ln love wlLh Lhe crow
b CoL Lhe meaL and run away
c PlLLlng by Lhe crow
d ulssapolnLed
e 8un away

1ext Jt txoIanattn
All planes need alr Lo presure under Lhelr wlngs Lo sLay up ln Lhe alr As Lhey move forward 1he
hlgher alr pressure underneaLh Lhelr wlngs pushes Lhem upward and glves Lhem llfL
1he smooLh sLreamllned shape of Lhe plane allows Lhe alr Lo flows easlly over lLs surface 1hls helps
Lo reduce Lhe drag caused by Lhe alr pushlng agalnsL Lhe plane and allows lL Lo move rapldly Lhrough
Lhe alr
lanes move forward uslng englnes 1hls movemenL ls called LhrusL Movlng forward keeps a sLream
of movlng alr passlng over Lhe wlngs lf Lhe englnes fall Lheplanes wlll begln Lo descend very qulckly
1he alr above Lhe wlng moves fasLer so lL ls aL a lower pressure Lhan Lhe alr under Lhe wlng
1he alr under Lhe wlng moves more slowly and ls sllghLly squashed so lL ls aL a hlgher pressure Lhan
Lhe alr above Lhe wlng

1 WhaL does Lhe LexL descrlbe?
a Pow Lhe wlngs of a plane work
b Pow Lhe plane move forward
c Pow Lhe plane ls made
d 1he englne of a plane
e Pow a plane flles
2 1he planes sLay up ln Lhe alr when
a A sLream of movlng alr passes over Lhelr wlngs
b 1here ls alr pressure under Lhelr wlngs
c 1he wlngs move forward
d 1he englnes move fasLer
e 1he englnes fall
3 1hls helps Lo reduce Lhe drag caused by Lhe alr pushlng agalnsL Lhe plane and allow lL Lo
move more rapldly Lhrough Lhe alr"(aragraph 2) Lhe underllned word can be replaced by
a Slowly b Culckly c SmooLhly d Cradualy e lmmedlaLely
4 WhaL ls Lhe use of alr pressure under Lhe plane's wlngs?
a 1o go down
b 1o keep movlng
c 1o squash Lhe wlngs
d 1o sLay up ln Lhe alr
e 1o reduce Lhelr welghLs
3 MovemenL planes forward uslng englnes ls called
a 1rusL b 1hursL c Squash d 1hrusL e SLreamlng
6 Lhe planes wlll begln Lo descend very qulckly" underllned word means
a Co down b Co up c Landlng d SLarLlng e endlng
7 1o Lell Lhe readers wrlLer uslng
a asL Lenses
b erfecL Lenses
c asL perfecL
d resenL Lense
e ConLlnous Lense

8 WhaL ls Lhe purpose of Lhe LexL
a 1o persuade Lhe reader abouL someLhlng
b 1o explaln how planes sLay up ln Lhe alr
c 1o descrlbe abouL planes
d 1o enLerLaln Lhe readers
e 1o Lell pasL evenL
9 Whlch sLaLemenL ls false accrodlng Lhe LexL
a All planes need alr Lo presure under Lhelr wlngs Lo sLay up ln Lhe alr
b SLreamllned shape of Lhe plane allows Lhe alr Lo flows easlly over lLs surface
c lanes move forward uslng englnes
d Movlng forward keeps a sLream of movlng alr passlng over Lhe wlngs
e lanes movemenL forward ls calllng as sLreamllned
101he alr under Lhe wlng moves more slowly and ls sllghLly squashed so
a lL ls aL a lower pressure Lhan Lhe alr under Lhe wlng
b lL ls aL a hlgher pressure Lhan Lhe alr above Lhe wlng
c allows Lhe alr Lo flows easlly over lLs surface
d A sLream of movlng alr passes over Lhelr wlngs
e 1he wlngs move forward

1ext 1 t 1stusstn
ln modern world women have Lhe beneflL from wlder chance of geLLlng a career ouLslde Lhere
household sphere Many woman however have some dlfflculLles decldlng wheLer Lhey wlll pursue
a career or noL Some of Lhem sLay aL Lhelr offlces whlle aL Lhe same Llme Lhey acL as a housewlves
8uL Lhe oLher choose Lo concenLraLe Lhelr aLLenLlon Lo Lhelr household only
8elng career women offers Lhe advanLage of a wlder chance of selfacLualllzaLlon 1hey can wlden
Lhelr knowledge and develop Lhelr capaclLy lor example many women do noL know exacLly whaL ls
Lhelr LalenL before Lhey sLarL a career 8uL Lhen afLer Lhey have a career Lhey know whlch fleld Lhey
can do besL and whlch one Lhey can'L 1hls wlll help Lhem Lo refocus Lhelr llfe goal
AnoLher blg advanLage ls LhaL Lhey can help supporLlng Lhelr household 's flnance so LhaL men do
noL become Lhe slngle flghLer ln flnanclng Lhelr famllles lor example lf a wlfe works she can help
her husband flnanclng Lhelr chlldren's educaLlonal budgeL so LhaL Lhelr chlldren can have Lhe besL
8elng career women on Lhe oLher hand has some slgnlflcanL dlsadvanLages Loo 1hey have more
burdens ln Lhelr llfe as Lhey have Lo manage Lhelr [ob as well as Lhelr household lor example a
female Leacher has Lo prepare Leachlng maLerlal for Lomorrow class whlle aL Lhe same Llme she has
Lo Lhlnk abouL how Lo handle her naughLy son
ln addlLlon 8elng career women can be rlsky for Lhelr household lor example many women have
Lo spend Lhelr Llme ln Lhelr career as lL grows more challenglng so Lhey have only llmlLed Llme lefL
for Lhelr famlly resulLlng ln Lhelr lack of care and aLLenLlon for Lhelr household and chlldren 1he
exLreme lmpacL of Lhls slLuaLlon ls Lhe broken home
ln Lhe end Lhe declslon LhaL each woman makes wlll depend on Lhelr own personal values as well as
Lhelr readllness for Laklng on Lhe conslderable consequences of each cholces

1 WhaL ls Lhe Lype of Lhe LexL
a naraLlve b ulscuslon c LxplanaLlon d 8ecounL e Spoof
2 Pow do we call Lhe flrsL paragraph
a Ceneral sLaLemenL
b ldenLlflcaLlon
c CrlenLaLlon
d 1hesls
e lssue
3 WhaL ls Lhe communlcaLlve purpose of Lhe LexL?
a 1o persuade Lhe reader Lo become a career woman
b 1o persuade Lhe reader noL Lo become a career woman
c 1o reLell an evenL for Lhe purpose of enLerLalnlng
d 1o presenL (aL leasL) Lo polnL of vlew abouL an lssue
e 1o reLell an evenL wlLh a humorlsL LwlsL
4 Whlch of Lhe followlng ls Lrue?
a Career woman can wlden Lhelr knowledge and develop Lhelr capaclLy
b Career women can'L supporL Lhelr household's flnance
c 8ecomlng career woman does noL have dlsadvanLages
d Career women have more spare Llme for Lhelr famllles
e ln Lhe modern world lL wlll be beLLer for woman Lo sLay aL home
3 1o Lell Lhe readers wrlLer uslng
a asL perfecL
b asL Lense
c resenL Lense
d ConLlnous Lense
e erfecL Lense
6 8elng career women on Lhe oLher hand has some slgnlflcanL dlsadvanLages Loo" Lhe
underllned words has Lhe slmllar meanlng Lo
a Accordlngly
b Cn Lhe conLrary
c neverLhless
d ConsequenLly
e Lherefor
7 1he exLreme lmpacL of 8elng career women ls
a ulshonesL b CorrupL c 8roken home d Pappy e SeparaLe
8 AnoLher blg advanLage ls LhaL Lhey can help supporLlng Lhelr household 's flnance" 1he
word 1hey" refers Lo
a 8usslnes Man
b Career Women
c Women
d 8usslnes woman
e MoLher
9 AdvanLage become career women ls
a 8roken home
b Spend Lhelr spare Llme ln Lhelr work place
c Pave more burdens
d Can supporL Lhelr household's flnance
e Can'L supporL Lhelr household's flnance
101he LexL ls Lell us abouL
a AdvanLages belng career women
b ulsadvanLages belng career women
c AdvanLages and dlsadvanLages belng career women
d Career women
e roblem of career women

1ext 4 kev|ew


Cne day a young farm boy named Lragonrnds a blue sLone whlle hunLlng and Lrles
Lo sell lL for money unsuccessful ln hls aLLempLs he Lakes Lhe sLone back Lo hls cabln
and leLs lL slL Lhere unLll lL haLches lnLo a beauLlful blue dragon Lragon reallses he can
Lalk Lo Lhls secreL peL dragon wlLh hls mlnd and evenLually learns LhaL he and Lhe
dragon are parL of a legacy of secreL heroes called Lhe 8lders
WlLh Lhe help of 8rom a wlse man Lragon maLures l nLo hl s desLl ny 1he
challenges he face lnclude flghLlng
alongsLandlng war helplng an eLhereal elf and deallng wlLh Lragedy and revenge CerLaln
deLalls such as Lragon's revelaLlon LhaL he cannoL read develop Lhls rlch work and blend
LogeLher Lo produce a number of ploL LwlsLs 1he sLory bullds suspensesLeadlly unLll Lhe
8emarkably auLhor ChrlsLopher aollnl began wrlLlng Lragon aL Lhe age of 13
now 19 he has already esLabllshed hlmself as an exclLlng new creaLor whose
lnfluences lnclude 1olklen McCaffrey and oLhers Pls world ls lnLrlcaLe hls characLers
bellevable and hls wrlLlng engaglng
8oLh casual readers and hardcore fans of fanLasy and sclence flcLlon novels wlll
be enchanLed by Lhls well crafLed fanLasy and unquesLlonably wlll look forward Lo
parLs Lwo and Lhree of Lhls exclLlng Lrllogy 8evlewed by Amy Alesslo

1 WhaL ls Lhe Lype of Lhe LexL
a 8eporL
b uescrlpLlon
c 8evlew

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