What We Know About Language

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WhaL We know AbouL Language

W Wherever human exlsL language exlsLs

W 1here are no prlmlLlve languages vocabulary
can be expanded
W All languages change Lhrough Llme
W Sound vs Meanlngs ArblLrary
W CesLures vs Meanlngs ArblLrary
W A flnlLe seL of dlscreLe sounds and words are
used Lo form meanlng 1hey form senLences
W Slmllar grammar properLles ln languages
W Lvery language has dlscreLe sound segmenLs
Lvery language has vowels and consonanLs
W unlversal semanLlc properLles are found ln all
W AblllLy Lo produce and comprehend an lnflnlLe
seL of senLences
W Puman belngs are able Lo acqulre know and
use language 1hey're expressed Lhrough
speech and / or slgn
W Chlldren learn and use language deLermlned
by varlous aspecLs `

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