Cmsc127 ERD

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Ginwene M.

Kathrina Lua I. Dabalos
Rolando Bernabe A. Tribo

CMSC127 Enhanced ERD Report

Crow’s foot:

Superclass / Subclass


Crow’s foot.
This is used to replace
cardinality symbols in
ERD’s. It can be used to
describe 1 to many relationships, 1 to (1 and only 1), 1 to (0 to 1), many to (1 and only 1),
many to (0 to 1), many to many, etc, by putting lines and/or circles beside it. Like this:
Example: boy drinks milk.

In this case, each boy drinks 0 to many milk. Each milk is drunk by one and only
one boy.

Superclass / Subclass.
This is used to show indirection between superclass and its subclass/es.

In the same example, the encircled letter ‘U’ means union. The union of truck and
taxi constitutes vehicle. This is used in replacement for “is an/a” relationship.

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