Immigration Reform

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Immigration Reform (The Dream Act)


Immigration Statistics
Legal Immigration Illegal Immigration

Asia accounts for highest amount of Legal Immigrants in 2010 with 411,063 immigrants Mexico accounts for the highest from a single country with 139,120 legal immigrants Except for California and Texas, Most Legal Immigrants reside in states on the Atlantic seaboard
Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey,

As of 2010 there is a estimated population of 10,790,000 Illegal Immigrants in the United States Central America is the overwhelming majority leader for Illegal Immigrants
Mexico leads all with 4,680,000 Illegal Immigrants

Illegal Immigrants are spread over most of the United States

Highest concentration in

The Dream Act

The purpose of the Development, Relief and Education of Alien Minors Act, also called the DREAM Act, is to help those individuals who meet certain requirements, have an opportunity to enlist in the military or go to college and have a path to citizenship which they otherwise would not have without this legislation. v=yCsldlO7198

Must be in country before age 16 Must be in country for five years Must have High school Diploma or GED Must be between the ages of 12 and 35 when you apply Must be in good Moral Character.

Why it Should be Passed

Allows large population to seek education and support U.S. economy Growth in Military Fulfillment on Investment New Tax Payers Supports Innocent Children

Why it Shouldnt be Passed

Allows for Citizenship to be obtained by family Rewards somebody for committing a crime Lower tuition then out of state students Gives adults chance at Education No clear way to determined who can participate

Moral Issues

Works Cited
http://www.dhs. gov/xlibrary/assets/statistics/publications/ois_ill_pe _2010.pdf http://www.dhs. gov/xlibrary/assets/statistics/publications/lpr_fr_201 0.pdf

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