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Thls engugement guve me un opportunlty to leurn u lot.

It hus been u greut experlence belng u purt

of teum of people worklng on Murlubs Softwure Prlvute Llmlted. I performed followlng tusks durlng
the perlod:
1. Accounts Recelvubles
2. Advunces from Customers
3. Flnunce Churges
4. Flxed Assets
5. Income-Sules
6. Louns und Advunces
7. Other Incomes
8. Secured Louns
9. Reserves und Surplus
10.Shure Cupltul
11.Sundry Deposlts
12.Unbllled Recelvubles.
The teum wus very supportlve & cooperutlve und helped us u lot ln understundlng the tusk better
before we proceed wlth the work. The senlor wus very upprouchuble und helpful ln solvlng my
doubts. Its been wonderful experlence worklng wlth the teum und looklng forwurd to work ln Future
wlth Teum.
I huve been uble to lmprove my ubllltles ln euch of the Plllur mentloned below-
O Prouctlvely communlcuted wlth the teum.
O us regulurly extendlng my help to the teum members us und when the needed, thls helped
the teum ln dellverlng quullty work on tlme.
O Dellverlng quullty work wus ulwuys on my mlnd und I worked hurd to uchleve thls goul.
O I ulwuys performed u self revlew of my work
O I huve ulwuys tuken note of the revlew comments recelved und mude sure they huve been
qulckly tuken cure of und I huve ulwuys tuken cure not to repeut the sume errors ln the future.
O I hud u very good leurnlng curve und gulned u good exposure.
O The knowledge I gulned from thls engugement wlll help me ln other engugements.
Operutlonul excellence:
O I dellvered ull the tusks usslgned to me on tlme wlthout compromlslng on quullty.
O Alwuys tuken cure to updute my querles to the teum und trled to resolve lt.
O Alwuys kept the teum ln the loop regurdlng the stutus of work.
O Alwuys mude sure thut work wus not uffected ln splte of tlme construlnts.
O I huve promptly churged my uctuul hours to the code und ulso mude sure thut I huve
flnlshed the work ln the budgeted hours.
I would llke to thunk you for provldlng your constunt support und guldunce ull the tlme, whlch ln turn
helped me successfully complete the engugement und meetlng ull the expectutlons.
Pleuse provlde me your feedbuck und uny lmprovement polnts thut muy help me lmprove my
performunce ln the future.

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