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P[1] = 194 [psia] "condensing pressure" T[1] = 86 [F] "entering pressure expansion valve " h[1]=Enthalpy(Ammonia,T=T[1],P=P[1]) "enthalpy after

the condenser" T_ev = - 20 [F] "evaporator temperature" P_ev = Pressure(Ammonia,T=T_ev,x=1) "evaporator pressure" h[1] = h[2] "expansion valve" P[2] = P_ev "pressure in the evaporator entrance" T[2] = Temperature(Ammonia,P=P[2],h=h[2]) "temperature in the evaporator entrance" P[3] = P[2] "pressure in the evaporator exit" DELTA_Tev = 10 [F] "superheating at evaporator exit" T[3] = T_ev + DELTA_Tev "temperature at evaporator exit" h[3]=Enthalpy(Ammonia,T=T[3],P=P[3]) P[4] = P[3] "pressure at compressor entrance" DELTA_Tsuc = 25 [F] "temperature rise in suction line" T[4] = T[3] + DELTA_Tsuc "temperature at compressor entrance" v[4] = Volume(Ammonia,T=T[4],P=P[4]) h[4]=Enthalpy(Ammonia,T=T[4],P=P[4]) DELTA_Psuc = 4 [psia] "pressure drop in the suction valve" P_a = P[4] - DELTA_Psuc "pressure after the suction valve" h_a = h[4] T_a = Temperature(Ammonia,P=P_a,h=h_a)

P_b = P_a "pressure in the end of suction stroke" DELTA_Tcomp = 20 [F] "temperature rise in the end of suction stroke" T_b = T_a + DELTA_Tcomp v_b = Volume(Ammonia,T=T_b,P=P_b) DELTA_Pdis = 6 [psia] "pressure drop in the discharge valve" P_c = P[1] + DELTA_Pdis n = 1.2 "politropic coefficient" P_b * v_b^n = P_c * v_c^n "politropic compression process" h_c = Enthalpy(Ammonia,v=v_c,P=P_c) h[5] = h_c P[5] = P[1] T[5] = Temperature(Ammonia,P=P[5],h=h[5]) P[6] = P[5] DELTA_Tdis = 100 [F] "temperature drop in the discharge Line" T[6] = T[5] -DELTA_Tdis h[6]=Enthalpy(Ammonia,T=T[6],P=P[6]) C = 0.03 "clearance volume" eta_v = (1 + C - C*(P_c/P_b)^(1/n))*v[4]/v_b "eq. 4.3 Khuen" Q_dot_23 = m_dot *(h[3] - h[2]) "eq. 4.8" Q_dot_23 = 100*Convert(ton,Btu/min) m_dot = eta_v *CD/v[4] "eq. 4.9" w_45 = ((n*P_b*v_b)/(n - 1))*( (P_c/P_b)^((n-1)/n) -1 ) w_45_c = w_45*convert(psia-ft^3/lbm,Btu/lbm) W_dot_45 = w_45_c * m_dot { W_dot_45hp = W_dot_45 * convert('Btu/min','hp')} q_45 = w_45_c - (h[5] - h[4]) Q_dot_45 = m_dot * q_45 Q_dot_61 = m_dot*(h[6] - h[1]) DELTA_H20 = 12 [F] "condenser water rise" T_H20 = ConvertTemp('C','F',25) P_H20 = 1*Convert('atm','psia') rho_H20 = Density(Water,T=T_H20,P=P_H20) cp_H20 = Cp(Water,T=T_H20,P=P_H20) Q_dot_61 = V_dot_H20*rho_H20*cp_H20*DELTA_H20

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