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Assignment 1:

CEL 420
Question 1

1.1 Write descriptive notes on exploring, searching and selecting information

as engagement skills required in e-learning. (10)

1.2 The cycle of consolidating knowledge begins with learners seeking to

share new knowledge (discuss), explain (externalize) what has begun to
be internalized.

List and describe the skills that learners utilise in the cycle of
consolidating knowledge. (10)

1.3 Write descriptive notes on analysis, synthesis and testing as engagement

skills required in e-learning. (10)

Question 2

2.1 Holmes and Gardner* (2006) view e-learning as: “online access to
learning resources, anywhere and anytime.” (p 14).

Critically discuss this statement. (10)

2.2 Discuss the following information and media skills: Analysing, accessing,
managing, integration, evaluation and creation of information in a variety
of forms and media. (30)

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