Resume:: Vaishalichandrashekhar Patil

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Name : V ai sha li C ha nd ras hek har P at il

Ad dress : Sh ri Ram chandra Apart ment Flat no. 2

Barrage Road ,Behind Pan kaj General stores,
Ba dlapur (West).
Pin code : 421503.

Con tact No : Mobi le. 9821365185


Email Id : vamali_07 @rediffmai m

Date of Birth : 05 June 1979

Re ligion : Hindu

National ity : Indian

Marita l Sta tus : Marrie d

Educational Qualif ica tion:

Exa m Pa sse d Unive rs ity/ Boa r Yea r of pa ssin g % of Ma rks

M.C.S PUNE 2003 59.90%

B.C. S PUNE 1999 53.55%

H..S.C PUNE 1996 68.50%

S. S.C PUNE 1994 77.71%


Proje ct : “Payroll System” For Bhara t Forge Ltd.

Soft ware Use d : VB Version 6.0
Duration : 6 Mont h

Soft ware Skill : VB, Java, C, C++, O racle

Hobbi es : Internet S urfing, Tourism, C hess, Rea ding

Langua ges Know n : Marathi, Engli sh, Hindi

( V. C. PATIL )

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