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ae: aaa NE Per at id kis BOOKLET #3082 PRESSURE-TREATED WOOD Uses and Ratings of Pressure-Treated Lumber ‘The most popular application for treated lumber i for decks ‘Application Minimum Rating ft) Deck surfaces 2s Landscaping | 40 Posts 40 Weod exposed to water 40 Wood foundations 60 Utility poles 60 Wood buried in ground 69 Freshwater piling 00 Saltwater piling 250 TOOL & MATERIAL CHECKLIST Safety Glasses or Goggles Stain or Paint 4 Water-repellent Sealer Saw Dust Mask 1 Hot-dipped Zinc Fasteners 4 Work Gloves “4 Hammer Read This Entire How-To Booklet for Specific Tools and Materials Not Noted in the Basics Listed Above. Pressure-treated lumber and plywood have unique advantages over non-treated wood. They can be used in contact with conerete, the ground, or even water without the normal fear of rot and decay. The preservative chemicals used in pressure-treated materials protect against wood-destroying organism. Untreated wood is subject to rot and decay caused by fiangi. It is aso susceptible to wood-cating insects such as termites. Certain strains of fungi eat wood fiber, causing the wood to decay and lose strength ‘Termites, the most common type of wood-eating insect, subsist on the cellulose content of wood. Without preservative treatment, wood generally incurs rot and/or insect damage within three to five years, depending on exposure conditions. In the treatment process, however, preservative chemicals are pressure-impregnated and chemically fixed into the wood cells. They react with wood sugars to render the wood useless as a food substance for fungi, termites, and other wood destroying agents. ‘This preservative treatment results in lumber and plywood that retains its structural integrity 10 to 20 times longer than untreated wood ‘The basic treating process is simple and highly controlled, The wood to be treated is loaded onto small rail or tram cars. The trams are pushed into a large horizontal treating cylinder. The cylinder door is sealed, and a vacuum is applied to remove most of the air from the cylinder and the wood cells, Preservative solution is then pumped into the cylinder and the pressute raised to about 150 pounds per square inch, forcing the prescrvative chemicals into the wood. The total treating time will vary, depending on the species of wood, the commodity being treated, and the amount of preservative to be impregnated. ee 2] At the end of the process, any excess treating solu- tion is pumped out of the cylinder and back to a storage tank for later reuse, The eylinder door is ‘opened and the trams are pulled out. ‘The wet wood is kept on a concrete pad until it stops dripping, PRESSURE-TREATMENT FORMULAS ‘There are two basic formulas used to pressure treat lumber, marketed under a variety of trade names. The oxide formula consists mainly of chronated copper arsenate (CCA); the salt formula uses ammoniacal copper arsenate (ACA). The pen- tavalent arsenic used in treating wood! is a naturally ‘occurring metal that’s found in the earth’s crust, not the dangerous manmade material made famous in Arsenic and Old Lace. Wood preserva- tive’s arsenate is the same natural element that’s present in soil, plants, and other living organ. isms—induding humans, ‘The ACA salt formula was introduced first. It includes some chemicals that react with each other without treating the wood. This causes a greenish: white powder to form on the surface when it dries. ‘The CCA oxide formula was introduced later and. eliminated these white deposits. CCA oxide lum- ber is slightly cleaner to handle and more natural in appearance than ACA-treated wood. While both treatments may cause a greenish tint to the wood, both are efficient wood treatments. Fence posts that carry electrical current may be more conductive with ACA wood than with CCA, wood. This means thar lightly galvanized metal may corrode a bit faster on ACA wood than on CCA wood, but hor-dipped galvanized or zinc metals should work well, CCA-treated wood is the type most commonly found in lumber yards and home centers today. Fig. 2 aT a = oe = Sa |S cca ao “Se es ‘ypeal stamps lel ound om pret treated woo PRESSURE-TREATED LUMBER RATINGS. ‘The use of pressure-treated lumber depends upon its rating and how it was treated. Every pressure treatment is rated in terms of retention measured. in pounds per cubic foot. The higher the number, the greater the treatment against decay. The wood is stamped with the correct usage information. All pressure-treated lumber should contain a stamp mark or label which bears the trademark of, the pressurized treatment and the quality mark of the recognized agency which maintains continuous supervision, testing and inspection over the quality of the product, Quality marks should include the following information: Mf Identiticction of the inspection agency. * Retention and end use for which product is suitable. ‘The mark should be permanently affixed to each piece. While the preservative retention is very important, good preservative penetration must be obtained to ensure excellent performance. This is especially ‘true where the material is used in ground-contact or fresh-water applications where industry standards require a 40 retention, In 4-inch and. larger material this retention is measured in the zone from the surface of the wood to a depth of ‘Standard to which material was treated, Identification of the treating plant. Linch, For lumber greater than 4 inches in thick- ness at least one manufacturer's standard is more demanding than that of the industry. In addition, to the 40 required in the outer L-inch zone, their products require a .30 rating in the 1.0 to 15-inch zone, ensuring greater penetration and a more effectively treated product. EFFECTS ON THE ENVIRONMENT Both types of pressure treatment are environmen- tally safe and are non-leachable—no chemicals ean leave the wood or enter the ground water or your body. The reason they aren’t leachable is the way the chemicals are injected into the wood. The longer the wood is exposed to the treatment, the better the retention, and permanence of the chem: icals. This chemical reaction is termed fixation because the preservative compounds in the treat ing solution are fixed in the treated wood in a highly insoluble state. Fixation accounts for the permanency of the preservative in the treated ‘wood, which explains the leach resistance and durability of the product. Some types of wood! are notched by machines to increase the saturation rate of the chemicals into the wood. These incisions are usually found on ground- contact lumber, with a 40 or better rating, ‘This pressure saturization doesn’t afféct the wood’s ability to perform normally. The structural integrity (ofthe wood, and its ability o swell or shrink with moisture isthe same as for untreated wood. PRESSURE-TREATED WOOD Most pressure-treated wood is produced from plentifil, fast-growing species of a renewable resource. Nearly all trees used are grown on man. aged forest land; no cutting of old-growth timber in ecologically sensitive areas is necessary. In addition, preservative treatment extends the service life of wood significantly, requiring that fewer trees be cut. In fact, Southern Forest Products Association estimates that without eT pressure-treated wood, an additional 226,000,000 trees would be required annually to replace decayed or termite-infested wood products. When Canada is included, the total exceeds a quarter of a illion trees saved annually Similarly, the American Wood Preservers Institute estimates thar one billion board feet of timber—or the equivalent of 750,000 new homes—is con- served each year through preservative treatment. Before deciding on the species and grade of lum- ber to use on a given project, read Booklet #3125. "The most common tree species used for pressure treatment are the southern pine group and west coast firs, pines and hemlocks, Even some woods naturally resistant to decay, ike redwood! and cedar, are pressure-treated. Heartwood vs. Sapwood. When specifving a particular species of wood, it’s important to note that, for some applications, the portion of the tree from which the lumber is cut may be an important consideration. Typically, the heartwood—or center part of the tree—may be quite dense and less porous than the sapwood—the younger, outer portion of the tree. ‘The heartwood is naturally ore resistant to attack by pests, but itis also less accepting ofpreservative. Therefore, in marine conditions, for example, where wood-destroying ‘organisms are a threat, itis wise to specify wood with a minimum of heartwood exposed (seawall grade) to be ensured of adequate preservative pro- tection. Likewise, even with “naturally durable” species like redwood, cedar and eypress, heart- wood grade must be specified for construction where decay and insect attack are likely. If sapwood grades of redwood or cedar are selected for such applications, they should be pressure-treated since the sapwood does not have the natural protection of the heartwood Proposed Usage. The proposed use of the wood affects what kind of wood should be used. Structural framing, for example, requires stronger wood than a cedar or redwood. Cedar and red= wood are naturally resistant to decay, but weak compared to fir or hemlock. Some fir is twice as strong as cedar. Hemfr is a mixture of hemlock and fir lumber, used for dimensional lumber such as 2x4s. It is naturally strong but prone to decay. When pres- sure-treated, hem-fir will match or oatlast cedar in life, and exceed cedar’s performance in strength. A pressure-treated wood deck built from hem-fr will also use less wood than a comparable cedar and redwood deck “The cost for treated lumber is about the same as the cost for cedar or redwood. Fig. 3 Treated wood is us for stan fresh-water dock, USING PRESSURE-TREATED WOOD Although considered safe by the EPA, there are some precautions that should be taken when handling treated wood. For example, treated wood should not be used in any direct contact applica- tion where the preservatives may become ponent of human food or drinking, water. However, applications with incidental water contact, such as docks and bridges, are acceptable. Gardening. CCA pressure treated wood is suitable for raised flower or vegetable beds, landscaping applications, mushroom trays, grape and tomato stakes, and most greenhouse uses Some tropical plant species are very sensitive to minute amounts of copper exposure from rain. water run-off or condensation drip. They should not be hung in copper planters and pressure: treated wood should not be used where such exposure is likely to occur, Pressure-treated wood does not emit vapors or fumes and may be used indoors for all applications {except cutting boards and countertops) where pro- tection against termites and fangal decay is needed. Tables. While it’s true that neither treated nor untreated wood is recommended for counter- ops, normal food preparation activity on pi tables is fine, since picnic tables are primarily used for serving prepared food, while a countertop is used primarily as a cutting surface. In fact, the USS. Food and Drug Administration recommends against any wood—treated or untreated—being used as a cutting surface since food particles are likely to become embedded in it. This can lead to bacterial growth and may present an unsanitary condition, Therefore, when eating at your pres- sure-treated pienic table, use common sense proce- dures and care (1. tablecloths and plates) and it will provide you with years of safe and durable use

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