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Discover the Money Making Resources Inside Your Keyword Spy Free Trial In the Next 15 Minutes or Less
Why using popular keyword tools can actually HURT your sales. (And the faster and easier system to find keywords that have already been tested with O.P.M. Other Peoples Money!) (See page 10 inside) The 3-Step search that easily uncovers hot, profitable Adseven when the info you are searching for is hidden in the Destination URL. (See page 14) How a simple green or gray indicator can point you to where the real profits are at in your marketno matter what you sell or who you sell to. (For example, youd be amazed at how easy it is to uncover profitable keywords even in weird marketslike Worm Farming!) (See page 12)

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Keyword Spy Free Trial Fast Start Guide Distributed & Published by Keyword Spy, Inc. Copyright 2011 by Keyword Spy. All Rights Reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise, except as permitted under Sections 107 or 108 of the 1976 United States Copyright Act, without either the prior written permission of the Publisher, or authorization through payment of the per-copy fee.

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The information contained in this material (including, but not limited to any manuals, CDs, recordings, MP3s or other content in any format) is based on sources and information reasonably believed to be accurate as of the time it was recorded or created. However, this material deals with topics that are constantly changing and are subject to ongoing changes RELATED TO TECHNOLOGY AND THE MARKETPLACE AS WELL AS LEGAL AND RELATED COMPLIANCE ISSUES. Therefore, the completeness and current accuracy of the materials cannot be guaranteed. These materials do not constitute legal, compliance, financial, tax, accounting, or related advice. The end user of this information should therefore use the contents of this program and the materials as a general guideline and not as the ultimate source of current information and when appropriate the user should consult their own legal, accounting or other advisors. Any case studies, examples, illustrations are not intended to guarantee, or to imply that the user will achieve similar results. In fact, your results may vary significantly and factors such as your market, personal effort and many other circumstances may and will cause results to vary. THE INFORMATION PROVIDED IN THIS PRODUCT IS SOLD AND PROVIDED ON AN AS IS BASIS WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, OF ANY KIND WHETHER WARRANTIES FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OTHER WARRANTY except as may be specifically set forth in the materials or in the site. IN PARTICULAR, THE SELLER OF THE PRODUCT AND MATERIALS DOES NOT WARRANT THAT ANY OF THE INFORMATION WILL PRODUCE A PARTICULAR ECONOMIC RESULT OR THAT IT WILL BE SUCCESSFUL IN CREATING PARTICULAR MARKETING OR SALES RESULTS. THOSE RESULTS ARE YOUR RESPONSIBILITY AS THE END USER OF THE PRODUCT. IN PARTICULAR, SELLER SHALL NOT BE LIABLE TO USER OR ANY OTHER PARTY FOR ANY DAMAGES, OR COSTS, OF ANY CHARACTER INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO DIRECT OR INDIRECT, CONSEQUENTIAL, SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR OTHER COSTS OR DAMAGES, IN EXCESS OF THE PURCHASE PRICE OF THE PRODUCT OR SERVICES. THESE LIMITATIONS MAY BE AFFECTED BY THE LAWS OF PARTICULAR STATES AND JURISDICTIONS AND AS SUCH MAY BE APPLIED IN A DIFFERENT MANNER TO A PARTICULAR USER.

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Welcome to your new Keyword Spy Free Trial Account! Whether you run a small business, or a Fortune 500 company, when it comes to competitive market intelligence, theres no better tool available today than your Keyword Spy account. And we want you to get started using your new account today! So, in order to help you understand all the money making resources available to you right now, weve put together this simple guide that quickly walks you through the nuts and bolts of whats inside your Keyword Spy account. Lets get started

Navigating Around Your Keyword Spy Account

First of all, lets take just a minute to get accquainted with the overall navigation so you know exactly where to look for specific information you need. After you login to your Keyword Spy account (your Username and Password were sent in the last email from us), youll want to pay close attention to the tabbed navigation at the top of the login page:

Home Tab: Clicking the Home tab will bring you back to the main Keyword Spy page at any time while you are performing your research. Research Tab: Hovering your mouse over the Research tab will reveal 8 additional menu options, including the following:
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Research Home: Clicking this menu option will take you to the main membership login page, which contains 15 additional training videos to help you get started and get the most from your Keyword Spy account. Top Lists: This page contains a list of 12 different reports containing the Top 10 results for each report. These reports include the following valuable info:
Top Paid Ad Spenders Keywords With The Highest CPC Top Ad Spenders Based On # Of Keywords Keywords With Highest Cost Per Day Top Organic Sites Based On # Of Keywords Keywords With The Most Clicks Per Day Advertisers With The Biggest Budget Change Keywords With The Highest CPC Change Advertisers With Largest Keywords Change Advertisers With Largest Daily Cost Change Organic Sites With Largest Keyword Change Keywords With Largest CPD Change

Affiliate Intelligence: This is the main affiliate intelligence reporting page. Keyword Spy tracks over 300 different affiliate networks every day! Detailed affiliate program summary provides the total number of affiliate products and number of ads too! Clicking on the affiliate program name, total products, or total ads link will take you to the specific page where you can drill down even further to get even more information! Affiliate Reports: If youre looking for a list of the Top Affiliate Products or priceless Super Affiliate information for the top
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affiliate networks, then this is a page you will visit quite often. The affiliate reports cover 8 of the biggest affiliate networks available today. Clicking on the Overview, Products, and Affiliates tab will bring up a different table of results that you can use to profit from.

Affiliate Boot Camp: In 2010, Keyword Spy introduced Affiliate Boot Camp, a step-by-step interactive training series that teaches you how to become a Super Affiliate using the incredible data at Keyword This training series consists of 11 step-by-step training modules and 13 interactive training videos.

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SEO/PPC Plugin: The Keyword Spy SEO/PPC Plugin gives you cutting edge information about your keywords and competitors right from your browser window. It takes less than 60 seconds to install in Firefox or Internet Explorer, and you can immediately begin to tap into the Keyword Spy database.

Widgets: Keyword Spy widgets allow you to tap directly into the Keyword Spy database directly from any webpage. Simply design your widget, grab the HTML code and place it directly on any webpage or in any blog. Instantly see a list of related keywords with Keyword Spy data as well. Agency & Enterprise: Are you looking for larger Daily Export permissions (up to 450,000 per day), or needing direct access to the Keyword Spy API to extract data from over 150 countries? Are you looking for Top 10,000, 100,000, or 1,000,000 reports? Then this is the page for you to signup or get additional information about the Agency and Enterprise offers.
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Next, lets click on your Account Tab. Youll notice that there is a concise summary of your membership level, contact info, and a link to change your password and contact info. Also, youll notice that you have the ability to set the ROI profitability threshold.

There is a detailed explanation of how this value is calculated on that page, so youll want to get familiar with how Keyword Spy tracks the profitability of an advertiser over time. Lastly, if you ever need any help, dont hesitate to contact our support staff via the Live Chat navigation tab. You may also want to check out the helpful training materials and FAQs in the Help navigation section. And of course, once youve seen how much valuable information is available in your Keyword Spy account, you can upgrade to a full membership plan at any time by clicking upgrade link.
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Your first Domain search

Now that you know where everything is, its time to dive in and perform your first custom domain search. Its easyreally easy. And youre going to be blow away by how much data weve already gathered on your competitors that you can use for your own profits in the next 5 minutes. So lets get started now Step 1: Navigate to Step 2: Type in the URL of a domain you want to get important information about. Type in the domain name and domain extension without any additional characters. (i.e. Then choose the Domains radio button.

Step 3: Choose the Advertising Location. (28 countries currently available) Step 4: Click Search. In less than 10 seconds, you now have more information about your competitors than they ever imagined was publically available about their company. (In fact, many times youll have a better picture of their advertising and ranking efforts than they do themselves, simply because they dont know how to track their ads properly!) Lets me take just a minute to explain what youve just uncovered:

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The first thing youll see is the site thumbnail, report navigation, and the overview chart.

The stats presented in the Overview Chart can be changed by clicking on any of the small chart icons in the Stats section below:

Clicking on any of the navigation tabs will take you to specific data that is extremely valuable:

Youll find information related to the Ads, ROI, Keywords, Search Volume, PPC Keywords, CPC, Ad Position, Days Seen, Last & First Seen, Related Keywords, Landing Page, etc. Theres just too much great info to fit it all in here, so we will dig in deeper in the future.
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However, youll want to spend a few minutes to get aquainted with the information available to you on each page. Whether you are looking for the best performing ad copies, organic keyword rankings, or a list of active competitors, youll find everything displayed for you in an easy to read format that makes your research a breeze and saves hundreds of hours of your time! Well be covering much more on how to use these features shortly, but at this point, youve already performed your first search (that was easy!) and you can clearly see how much valuable information is available on millions of domains! And now that youre a domain research pro, lets move on to harvesting keywords

Revealing The Most Profitable KeywordsFAST!

By now, youre well aware of how important keywords are to your business. And what Im about to show you is the fastest way to find a huge list of profitable (and tested!) keywords. This feature alone is worth 100x the cost of the Keyword Spy Professional Membership Plan, simply because you can search and download the most profitable keywords of your competitors and put them to use selling your own products and services. And unlike other tools that just give you a bunch of good AND bad keywords and hope you can figure out which is which, these keywords youll uncover have actually been tested with real money (O.P.M. = Other Peoples Money) and are profitable right now! And with daily tracking of 120,000,000+(over 120 million) keywords is done for you on autopilot, 24/7, youll be finding more money making keywords than you ever imagined. Heres how

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Step 1: Navigate to Step 2: Type in a Keyword to begin your research, select the keywords radio button, choose your Advertising Country, and click Search.

After you click search, youll see the familiar Keyword Spy layout, as in the Domain Search we previously discussed, but with specific information about the keyword that you entered.

Lets take just a minute to cover some of the information that youve just uncovered with that simple keyword search:

First, youll notice the Keyword Broad Match Monthly Search Volume and the CPC.

That information can be helpful for both SEO and PPC for many reasons.
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Next, youll see the navigation tabs for the different reports available for the keyword you searched on:

Each of these report pages contains valuable information about your keyword, including Ad Copy, Ads, Destination URLs, ROI, Affiliate Info, Position, Last and First Seen, Landing Page Info, Related Keywords, Similar Keywords, Mispelled Keywords (with traffic volume!), PPC Competitors, and Organic Competitors. Since this guide is a Quick Start Guide, we wont cover each of these in depth, but youll want to take a look for yourself to see what all is included on each page. However, one important metric that appears on many of the pages is the ROI value.

The ROI value will either appear Green or Gray, depending on the value and the settings you have selected in your Account Settings. (See previous section on Account Tab for info). Its important that you understand how ROI is calculated, so you can spot the most profitable keywords when youre performing your research.
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And heres a quick money making tip too. If you find an Ad and Keyword with a HIGH ROI value, click the KW icon next to the profitable ad to find more great keywords from this advertiser that are making them money!

As soon as you do that, Keyword Spy will return a list of more keywords from this advertiser and their ROI values and search volume as well, in a small popup window:

Thats incredible and priceless information to have! And you can do this over and over again, harvesting the best keywords from the top advertisers who are buying ads related to the keyword you are researching.
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And there is even more great data where that came from. But for now, lets move on to drilling into specific Destination URLs to find important data

Digging Into The Actual Destination URL

So far, weve covered the amazing domain and keyword search tools within your Keyword Spy account. And those are two searches youll be running all the time. But what about more complex searches Maybe youre wondering: Is there a way to perform a search on the actual Landing Page URL of an Ad? or Can I search for a particular string, within a URL? Yesand yes! (Glad you asked ) For a process that should be very complex, the Destination URL search in KeywordSpy is surprisingly straigtforward and simple. Heres how to do this: Step 1: Navigate to Step 2: Type in any characters that might be present in the Destination URL of an ad, and select the Destination URL radio button and Advertising Country location:

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Step 3: Click Search. Keyword Spy immediately returns a list of ads that contain those characters in the Destination URL and highlights the characters that were matched in yellow:

Now you can find related ads, even if you dont know the keywords or ad copy that is being used in those ads. You can also use this feature to monitor tracking codes and landing page changesbut more on that in another lesson. Using the Destination URL search is a powerful way to locate profitable ads and keywords for your own products and services! And theres still another way you can use your Keyword Spy account to dig up the best ads and keywords The Ad Copy Search!

Searching For Words Within ANY Ad

This is a real favorite for those looking for the most profitable ads on any topic, independent of the keywords used to promote the ad.

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This search is so simple and easy, it doesnt need a big introduction. In fact, whenever you know the topic, but arent sure about the best keywords, domains, or destination URLs, then this is a great place to start. Heres how to get the most from the Ad Copy Search: Step 1: Navigate to Step 2: Type in any word that might appear in an Ad you are interested in researching, select the Ad Copy radio button, and choose the Advertising Country.

Step 3: Click Search. Keyword Spy will return a list of Ads and corresponding data related to those ads, based on the words found within the ad.

Heres a quick tip. If you want to make sure that the EXACT phrase is found, youll want to wrap your keywords in . If you dont place quotes around your keywords, then a match can be found when both words are located in the ad, regardless if they are next to each other. (Compare the above result with the example on the next page)
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Thats how easy it really is. Simply use any keyword or keyword phrase that would be in an Ad for a product or service you are interested in, and Keyword Spy will bring back a list of all matches.

Domains, Keywords, URLs, AdsThe Choice Is Yours!

At Keyword Spy, we want to make sure that you have all the tools and resources you need to uncover valuable market research, without having to perform a bunch of complex searches or spend hundreds of hours trying to figure out how to get the information you really need. Your Keyword Spy account is incredibly flexible, and with the ability to export your results directly to your computer, you can be up and running a new profitable campaign faster than ever before! Of course, there are literally thousands of other opportunities and features available to you in your Keyword Spy account, and well cover many of those in future lessons. For now, we wanted to give you this Quick Start Guide to encourage you to dive in, and start using the tools and resources weve given you in your Free Trial Account. And while youre personally experiencing the power of your new Keyword Spy account, well be preparing the next step-by-step lesson to send to you shortly. So get started right now by logging into your new account here: Keyword Spy Member Login

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Tomorrow, well be sending you an email called Competition Spy which includes: A little-known, 7-step method that reveals exactly who your biggest competitors are (This comes straight from 125,000,000+ keywords scanned every day for the last 2+ years!) (Starts on page 3 inside) The 2 critical metrics you must know in order to determine how successful your competitor really is. (Hint: One of them is their advertising budgetbut can you guess the 2nd one?) (Answer on page 5)
Where to see the Marketing Time Machine snapshot that reveals exactly

how your competitors have been spending their money. (Potentially letting you know exactly what keywords to target and how much you could profit, even before you do any advertising!) (See pages 7-11)

Sincerely, The Keyword Spy Team

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