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Parent Volunteers Needed

Please print your name and phone # Helping students trade coins 8:45-9:15am Monday_____________________________ Tuesday_____________________________ Wednesday___________________________ Thursday____________________________ Friday______________________________ THANK YOU for being willing to help!!!!! We will start September 13th.


I signed up in Mrs. DeCourseys class to help students trade coins from 8:45-9:15 on (circle one) M T W Th F starting Sept. 12th I signed up in Mrs. DeCourseys class to help students trade coins from 8:45-9:15 on (circle one) M T W Th F starting Sept. 12th I signed up in Mrs. DeCourseys class to help students trade coins from 8:45-9:15 on (circle one) M T W Th F starting Sept. 12th I signed up in Mrs. DeCourseys class to help students trade coins from 8:45-9:15 on (circle one) M T W Th F starting Sept. 12th I signed up in Mrs. DeCourseys class to help students trade coins from 8:45-9:15 on (circle one) M T W Th F starting Sept. 12th I signed up in Mrs. DeCourseys class to help students trade coins from 8:45-9:15 on (circle one) M T W Th F starting Sept. 12th

Parent Volunteers Needed

Please print your name and phone #

Helping grade Assessment Papers 10:15-11:00 Friday______________________ Friday______________________ Friday______________________

THANK YOU for being willing to help!!!!! We will start September 13th.


I signed up in Mrs. DeCourseys class to help GRADE PAPERS from 10:1511:00 on FRIDAY starting Sept. 16th I signed up in Mrs. DeCourseys class to help GRADE PAPERS from 10:1511:00 on FRIDAY starting Sept. 16th I signed up in Mrs. DeCourseys class to help GRADE PAPERS from 10:1511:00 on FRIDAY starting Sept. 16th I signed up in Mrs. DeCourseys class to help GRADE PAPERS from 10:1511:00 on FRIDAY starting Sept. 16th I signed up in Mrs. DeCourseys class to help GRADE PAPERS from 10:1511:00 on FRIDAY starting Sept. 16th

Parent Volunteers Needed

Please print your name and phone # Help on Field Trips (no younger children) TBA________________________________ TBA________________________________ TBA________________________________ TBA________________________________ THANK YOU for being willing to help!!!!! I will contact you before the field trip.

Parent Volunteers Needed

Please print your name and phone # Can help with cutting, stapling, grading etc at home Anytime_____________________________ Anytime_____________________________ Anytime_____________________________ Anytime_____________________________ THANK YOU for being willing to help!!!!!
I will send home items that need cutting and gluing in your childs backpack. That you can do at home and return.

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