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In the play Hamlet by William Shakespeare, the involuntary situation that Prince Hamlet finds himself in has an influence

in his identity. A grief stricken Prince Hamlet is requested by the his fathers brother, now the king of Denmark who has married his mother the queen within two months of his fathers death is upset by these events that are in quick succession with one another. An uncomprehending Hamlet questions his mothers behavior, Thaw and resolve itself into a dew/Or that the Everlasting had notShe married O most wicked speed! (Act 1, Scene 2) These doubts of Hamlet further develop when he meets his fathers ghost. Hamlet being a rational person doubts that the ghost he sees is actually of his fathers, I am they fathers spirit(Act 1 Scene 5 Line 9). His father asks his son Hamlet to revenge his death to show if he loves his father, Revenge his foul and most unnatural murder(Act 1 Scene 5 Line 25). Then he goes on to describe the involvement of his mother is his death, With witchcraft of his wit, with traitorous gifts (Act 1 Scene 5 Line 43). This encounter with his fathers ghost has an impact on his identity and all that he can think of is revenge from that moment. Hamlet a perfectly normal person is now influenced by his surrounds, environment. Although Hamlet decides to pretend to be insane in order to plot against the King, it is clear, he really does go mad. His madness seems to amplify his anger towards Ophelia. During the play scene, he openly embarrasses Ophelia and acts terribly towards her, when she brings Hamlet the letters, My lord, I have remembrances of yours/That I have longed long to redeliver(Act 3.1 Line 93-94) Hamlet yells at his mother for destroying his ability to love. His love for Ophelia also forms part of his identity. His love for Ophelia is restricted because of what he has recently learnt about his father. In the play Oedipus Rex by Sophocles, Oedipus struggles to uncover his own identity throughout the play. Oedipuss choices get in the way that leads to his downfall. The people of Thebes tell him to stop searching so much for the truth and just not worry about his true identity. But Oedipus just never wants to stop to find out who he really is, and must find out the hard way. At first he seems to be stubborn and ignorant to new ideas and anything that isnt his way. But then Oedipus makes everything else in the play happen, and everything he does causes new problems to himself because now he is stubborn to listen to anyone. By painting Oedipus in this manner,

Sophocles creates a character ripe for a fall, and thereby draws a sharp contrast between what a noted wise man believes and what is true. (Lea 17-19) Sophocles portrays Oedipus as a character that the Greek audience can sympathize with and even relate to. This can be seen towards the end of the play when the senators say that, Dwellers in Thebes, behold this OedipusAbove him roll (Sophocles 53).The audience saw a respectable figure, who did not seem to commit any error, come to his destruction. Sophocles portrays Oedipus as a man who was proud, prosperous, and powerful. Oedipus was a respected hero for the courage and identity he portrayed in his kingdom. In conclusion, as seen in the play Hamlet by Shakespeare and Oedipus Rex by Sophocles humans are inquisitive in nature and constantly question themselves to find answers, to their identity in relation to the world they live in and universe at large. The human mind explores the rational and irrational thus creating a form in their imagination that is influenced by their voluntary or involuntary exposure to facts, fictitious beliefs, faith, their surroundings and circumstance.

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