Sudoku Solver Beta V0

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V0.08 / 13.09.


6 8 5 7 1 2

1 7 2 4 6 9

7 2 6 5 4

8 5 7 4 9 6 1 2 3

2 6 9 1 5 3 4 8 7

4 3 1 2 7 8 5 9 6

3 1 2 5 4 7 9 6 8

5 9 4 8 6 2 7 1

6 7 8 3 1 9 2 4 5

Please enter puzzle here and click Solve.

Verify Solve

Done By: Joe
Done By: Joe

Known issues
Cant break the loop once started.. Has to be aborted by pressing Ctl+Alt+Del and End
task the Excel.

- The time consumption can be optimised a lot (even to 1/5 th to 1/10th)

I do not want to take away the fun of solving, but still I hope its useful for you..
Have fun..
Sure, being a ameture in excel, this has a few issues. I will try to solve that as well..
Meanwhile, i would like to hear your opinion, suggesions, problems faces and errors..

Check the following link for further updates on this..

Or send a mail with subscribe-sudokusolver and I will keep u updates

+Alt+Del and End


r you..

hat as well..
and errors..

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