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Urban Renewal Compare Sheet Clackamas County: Citizen Measure 3-386 vs.

BCC Measure 3-388

Clackamas County Citizen Measure 3-386

Caption: Voter Approval of

Clackamas County Board of County Commissioners Measure 3-388 Plan Area Voter Approval of Urban Renewal In Clackamas County
Shall new or substantially amended urban renewal plans require the approval of those voters residing within the plan area boundaries?
Citizens in a designated urban renewal area within Clackamas County following approval of Measure 3-388 will preserve a portion of the Board of Commissioners ability to encumber the county property tax base for urban renewal area project debt financing for Clackamas County administered taxlots. 2011 2012 Clackamas County Board of Commissioners initiative to preserve a portion of existing ability by authority and influence, to encumber property tax base county wide with debt for projects of their choosing within urban renewal areas. 1. UR COUNTY SP 2. URBAN RENEWAL COUNTY

Urban Renewal
Question: Shall the Clackamas County Code be amended to require voter approval of Urban Renewal decisions? Gist: All citizens within Clackamas County
following approval of Measure 3-386 will assert right to vote on urban renewal project debt financing encumbrances upon property tax base for Clackamas County administered taxlots.

Aim: Citizen initiative to control long term debt

encumbrances on Clackamas County property tax base, by county wide vote requiring citizen authorization of urban renewal areas and plans.

Property Tax 1. UR COUNTY SP Line Items: 2. URBAN RENEWAL COUNTY Affected Area: Clackamas County administered taxlots KEY BOND None CLAUSE CAUTION: Implications: Citizens county wide control debt loads
on all citizens with county wide vote authorizing urban renewal plans.

Clackamas County administered taxlots Full Faith and Credit of the County of Clackamas in State of Oregon
Citizens in Clackamas County and within an urban renewal area can vote on plans that may encumber properties outside the area with debt obligations both unknown and unauthorized by other county citizens.


Right to vote on debt

Decoy vote on debt

Website: Two Vote Solution:



Clackamas County Measure 3-386, Special Election November 8, 2011 Tuesday

Release File: SHCM_CCIM_UrbRenw501_2011_1OOct_18Tu_1600U.pdf

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