Material World: Year 10 Science Common Assessment Task 2011

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Name:_______________ Form: Science Teacher: HM ST RA

Material World
For Assessors use only

Year 10 Science Common Assessment Task 2011

Achievement Criteria Achievement with Merit

Demonstrate in-depth understanding of aspects of the material world

Demonstrate understanding of aspects of the material world

Achievement with Excellence

Demonstrate comprehensive understanding of aspects of the material word

Overall Level of Performance

Question 1
a) Label the parts of this atom i ii iii iv

i) ii) iii) iv) b) Magnesium's atomic number is 12. Oxygen's atomic number is 8. i) Write their elecron arrangements Magnesium


ii) What ions do each of these form (names and symbols)?

iii) Draw a diagram that illustrates how a compound can be formed from these two atoms below. Include a key.

iv) What is this compound called?

Question 2
a) Name an example of i) a weak base ii) a strong base iii) a weak acid iv) a strong acid b) Describe the difference between strong acids and weak acids (and what each tends to be)

c) Describe what happens in a neutralisaton reaction

d) Complete this table on how indicators react with different substances Blue Litmus Red Litmus Acid Neutral Base Universal Indicator Phenolphthalein

Question 3
a) Identify the reactions described below i) The breaking down of a more complex substance to form two or more simpler substances

ii) The reaction that occurs when a fuel and oxygen combine to make water and carbon dioxide

iii) A reaction where two soluble substannces in solution combine together to form a new solution and leave insoluble particles in the solution

iv) The combining of an acid and a base in correct proportion to form a neutral substance

b) Using the answers above, identify the following reactions Methane+Oxygen Water+Carbon Dioxide

Copper Sulfate+Sodium Hydroxide

Copper Hydroxide(s)+Sodium Sulfate(aq)

Copper Carbonate

Carbon Dioxide+ Copper Oxide

Sidium Hydroxide+Nitric Acid

Sodium Nitrate+Water

c) What is produced in a reaction with an acid and a metal?

d) Explain the differences between a complete combustion reaction and an incomplete combustion reaction.

e) When you use the orange flame on a Bunsen burner (or the 'safety flame') , equipment exposed to the flame gets coated in a layer of black dust that needs to be washed of. Explain what is happening in the flame.

Question 4
a) Describe the gas ammonia, giving its chemical formula

b) What causes chemical reactions?

c) What indicates a chemical reaction?

d) Explain three ways to increase the rate of a chemical reaction

Question 5
a) Explain the significance of sodium bicarbonate in cooking

b) Describe some practical applications of neutralisation

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