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Cur Lady of vlcLorles CaLhollc School
Plgh School ueparLmenL
CommunlcaLlon ArLs ln Lngllsh l
Second CuarLer
S? 20112012

erlodlcal 1esL

name _______________________________ Score ____/90______
uaLe ________________________________

l CompleLe Lhe dlagram (r x 1)


Common ArLlcles



ll underllne Lhe descrlpLlve ad[ecLlves once

lll oslLlon of Ad[ecLlves underllne Lhe ad[ecLlve ln Lhe followlng lLems and draw
an arrow Lo Lhe noun/pronoun lL modlfles 1hen on Lhe blank provlded before
each number wrlLe poslLlon of Lhe underllned ad[ecLlve as used ln Lhe senLence
( r x 3 )
____________________________1 Mlchael keeps hls desk neaL
____________________________2 Pe palnLed Lhe house red
____________________________ 3 1he boys planned a scouLlng Lrlp
____________________________ 4 1he boy looks lll
____________________________ 3 Pls haL ls very aLLracLlve
____________________________ 6 aul grew resLless durlng Lhe weekend
____________________________ 7 My moLher lroned Lhe collar smooLh
____________________________ 8 Pe appears lndlfferenL
____________________________ 9 1he rlslng LemperaLure caused alarm
____________________________10 1he plan proved hlghly successful

lv SenLence CreaLlon CreaLe a senLence uslng Lhe words below and followlng Lhe
provlslons ln Lhe parenLhesls ( r x 2)
Lxample 1 Man book (slmlle)
Man ls llke a book LhaL you have Lo sLudy

1 Shoes resL (personlflcaLlon)


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