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Animation in Photoshop CS2

By: Jonathan Nunez

• Well, to begin I chose this project because
my last project with Photoshop CS2 did
not really explore the new features that
CS2 offers. One of these new features
that I wanted to use was animation. I
wanted to continue to use Photoshop
because I wanted to see the difference
between the new and old Photoshop.
Also, because animation is very important
to graphics in Photoshop.
Learning How To Use
• I began my project by first
seeing how to use animation
by learning the basics of it and
the general use of the tools.
For example, I printed out a
tutorial for the basics of
animation, and I underlined
and highlighted key points and
important facts about
animation. The animation
palette, or frames set, captures
screenshots of a video and
puts them into separate frames
and allows you to alter the time
between them.
First Tutorial
• My first attempt at creating an
animation was by pattering
myself with other tutorials and
doing those before creating my
own. I chose a shooting star
tutorial and decided to do this
one. This animation
manipulated a basic shape into
moving across the screen.
This one seemed to be basic
and just for beginners learning
how to move an object. I was
successful at following the
steps and recreating this
tutorial. The following is step
by step of how I did it.
Next Tutorial
• The next tutorial was a
more intermediate
animation because it
required the use of
brushes. I chose the
Lightning tutorial which
was placing a lightning
brush in random areas of
the screen in order to
make it seem as if the
lightning is real and
actually looks like a
thunderstorm. Here is the
step by step.
Creating My Own
• I then decided that I understood the general idea
of how animation works in Photoshop so I
wanted to create my own original animation
rather than do another tutorial. This was of
course the most difficult of the three because it
did not have a step by step format to help me
know what to do. I wanted to not only do the
animation but to improve the picture before
putting it into animation. Not only was this the
hardest one but it took a lot of time to do at
home because I wanted it to be a step above the
other two.
My Animation

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