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Mr Anlndo ls a graduaLe ln MaLerlals and MeLallurglcal Lnglneerlng from nl1 SuraLhkal Pe
comes from a mlddle class famlly ln !abalpur Madhya radesh lL all sLarLed when he was ln
hls flnal year of Lhe undergraduaLe program Pe was selecLed for an lnLernshlp aL lndusLrlal
8esearch Councll (l8C) lndlan lnsLlLuLe of 1echnology 8ombay (ll18) durlng hls flnal year
summers Pe was also preparlng for C8L Lhose days Lo go abroad and pursue MasLers ln
maLerlal sclence Pe meL a loL of good sclenLlsLs durlng hls sLay aL ll18 Whlle worklng aL Lhe
labs he reallzed LhaL maLerlal sclence research requlre a loL of paLlence 1he maLerlal
behaves Lhe way lL behaves and you have Lo do loL of hlL and Lrlals before you could come Lo
a concluslve soluLlon 1he research some Llme Look as long as 10 years lf you wanLed Lo
come ouL wlLh a soluLlon say Lomorrow you cannoL [usL do lL wlLh maLerlals Anlndo
reallzed LhaL maLerlals sclence lab ls noL Lhe place where he wanLs Lo spend hls llfe and
career 1he nexL opLlon he explored was abouL how Lhe [ob looked llke Pe conLacLed hls
senlors and chlldhood frlends who were ln [obs and asked Lhem abouL Lhelr work llfe and
wheLher Lhey llked whaL Lhey do Pe reallzed LhaL mosL of Lhem were unhappy wlLh Lhe
work Lhey were dolng Anlndo declded LhaL he won'L [usL be a raL ln a corporaLe [ob Pe was
deLermlned Lo do someLhlng on hls own


lL was easler LhoughL Lhan done for Anlndo Pe has declded Lo do someLhlng lndependenLly
buL he hasn'L really glven LhoughL Lo whaL he wlll llke Lo do! Anlndo sald he chose
enLrepreneurshlp because lL was a 'cool' Lhlng Lo do and lL ls Lhe besL [ob you wlll ever geL
?ou have Lo freedom Lo do whaL you wanL and where you wanL 8uL Anlndo dld reallze LhaL
he had nelLher experlence nor enough money Pe [olned CognlzanL sLralghL afLer college
wlLh Lhe Lhlnklng LhaL he wlll do Lhe [ob unLll he flnds a good ldea Lo work upon Pe was all
seL for Lhe enLrepreneurlal [ourney buL Lhe problem was he had no parLlcular ldea ln mlnd
whlch he wlll wanL Lo follow Pe sLarLed conLacLlng some of hls frlends Lo look for sLarLups
whlch wlll Lake hlm ln lL was LhaL durlng hls search he meL hls chlldhood frlend who was
also hls senlor Mr Anupam uas who knew abouL some people ln uS who were wllllng Lo
sLarL a sLarLup and was looklng a Lechguy Lo help Lhem ouL 1hls was Lhe way ln for Anlndo
and he grabbed Lhe opporLunlLy wlLh boLh hands


Lrlk Logan and MarLln Logan ln uS had an ldea on whlch Lhey wanLed Lo work upon 1hey
were owners of a huge saloon ln Colorado 1hey had an ldea of puLLlng CS on everyone lf
group of frlends wenL on skllng Lhen puLLlng CS Lracker on everyone wlll help each of Lhelr
frlends know where Lhelr oLher frlends are lL wlll also prove useful ln Lracklng people ln
rescue mlsslons WlLh Lhls ldea ln mlnd Lhey reglsLered Lhe company by Lhe name Gookk|e"
ln AugusL 2006 Lveryone (Lrlk MarLln and Anlndo) was an equal parLner ln Lhe company
1hey declded Lo ralse funds for Lhe venLure and so presenLed Lhe ldea Lo a loL of vC's 8uL
no one was ready Lo lnvesL money ln Lhelr venLure 1he ldea was appreclaLed by Lhe people
buL Lhey dldn'L wanL Lo lnvesL unLll Lhe producL was ready Anlndo and Lhe oLhers declded
Lo develop Lhe producL on Lhelr own Anlndo was sLlll worklng ln CognlzanL whlle Cookkle
was formed Pe was managlng parallel [obs Pe used Lo work for CognlzanL durlng day Llme
and worked on CS producL for Cookkle durlng Lhe nlghL lL was a hlgh Llme for Anlndo and
he really had Lo burn Lhe mldnlghL oll Lo manage parallel [obs 1hey were able Lo
successfully develop Lhe producL by early 2008 1he producL was ready buL Cookkle sLlll dld
noL have any cusLomers ln hand And before Lhey could really plLch Lhe producL Lo many
people ln Lhe lndusLry a confllcL arose ln Lhe company Lrlk and MarLln wanLed Lo move
Lhelr CS producLs ln dlfferenL dlrecLlons 1helr confllcL could noL be resolved and lL ended
ln dlscordanL relaLlons beLween Lhe parLners lL was clear Lo Anlndo and oLhers by May
2008 LhaL Lhe company wasn'L golng ln any dlrecLlon So Lhey declded Lo qulL and Cookkle
was closed ln AugusL 2008 8uL Anlndo was noL ready Lo glve up on Lhe ldea yeL 1he ldea
[usL could noL leave hls mlnd Pe Lruly belleved LhaL Lhe ldea had a huge poLenLlal and lL wlll
be foollsh Lo leL go of lL WlLh Lhe baslc producL already developed Anlndo declded LhaL he
wlll glve a second shoL Lo Lhe venLure he has spenL hls Lwo years on!


lL was SepLember 2008 Anlndo was sLlll worklng ln CognlzanL and he haLed hls [ob Pe was
llLLle dlsappolnLed aL Lhe way Cookkle ended 8uL Lhe splrlL of enLrepreneurshlp was sLlll
allve ln hls hearL and Lhe ldea he has worked upon kepL llngerlng ln hls mlnd lL was a
dlfferenL slLuaLlon from LhaL back ln AugusL 2006 Pe had an ldea and a producL now buL
Lhere were no funds and no Leam 1he shorL sLlnL of Cookkle dldn'L geL hlm any money buL
he learnL a loL abouL managlng venLures CLher Lhan honlng hls codlng skllls he also learnL
abouL vC's and how Lo geL Lhem aboard
WlLh Lhls LhoughL ln mlnd Anlndo sLarLed approachlng dlfferenL people ln hls
neLwork who could help hlm ln esLabllshlng hls venLure 1he opporLunlLy came from Lhe
place from where he leasL expecLed lL CognlzanL gave an opporLunlLy Lo Anlndo Lo work ln
uS lL was Lhere where he meL Mr xx who was hls frlend's faLher and also chalrman aL
8haraL Coklng Coal LLd (8CCL) Pe was on a buslness Lrlp Lo new ?ork 1he meeLlng was
seLup beLween Anlndo and Mr xx where Anlndo dlrecLly explalned hls Cookkle ldea and
facL LhaL Lhe baslc producL was ready and lL [usL needs Lo be adapLed accordlng Lo Lhe
cusLomer's need Mr xx appreclaLed Lhe ldea buL he Lold hlm he cannoL help hlm wlLh
money buL he knew some vC's aL new ?ork who lnvesL ln sLarLups and he wlll refer Anlndo
Lo Lhem Anlndo knew lL was a good opporLunlLy for hlm as he has reallzed from hls Cookkle
experlence LhaL vC fundlng works well only when you have credlble referrals and whaL
beLLer Lhan a chalrman of a leadlng company!
Mr xx seL hlm up wlLh urendo ChaLLer[ee who was a chalrman aL Paldla
eLrochemlcals Mr ChaLLer[ee asked Anlndo abouL hls sLarLup how much money dld he
need and why was Lhe money needed Anlndo explalned Lhe ldea Lhe CS Lo hlm and how
he would llke Lo carry lL forward wlLh Lhe producL already ln place Mr urendo sald LhaL he
does noL lnvesL ln sLarLups buL he knew of a guy !lm Corben who was a consulLanL for
lederal PealLh rograms ln uS and he wlll be lnLeresLed ln lnvesLlng ln ldeas llke Lhls !lm
Corben was a blg shoL guy Anlndo Lalked Lo hlm abouL Cookkle and !lm lnvlLed hlm Lo
8alLlmore Lo dlscuss abouL Lhe venLure Anlndo had a guL feellng LhaL !lm wlll be able Lo help
hlm ouL and wlLh Lhls feellng ln hls hearL he wenL ahead Lo 8alLlmore


Anlndo wenL Lo 8alLlmore where hls meeLlng was scheduled wlLh !lm Croben Pe and !lm
cllcked well !lm llked Lhe Lechnology behlnd Lhe CS ldea and sald LhaL he was looklng for a
devlce whlch could do locaLlon Lracklng !lm sald LhaL he was noL a blg fan of soclal
neLworklng and lf Anlndo could adapL Lhe producL Lo Lrack say Lrucks and oLher LransporL
vehlcle whlch are ln movemenL he wlll be very much lnLeresLed ln lnvesLlng ln Lhe ldea and
Lhey could exLend Lhe ldea Lo soclal neLworklng laLer Anlndo also reallzed LhaL lL was a good
opporLunlLy and agreed Lo Lhe proposal by !lm
1he nexL lssue whlch !lm sald was crlLlcal Lo address was Lhe Leam Anlndo dld noL
have a compleLe Leam whlch could address varlous funcLlons llke markeLlng operaLlons and
graphlcs whlch wlll be requlred for Lhe venLure !lm broughL ChrlsLopher from new ?ork
1lmes who would be Lhe lncharge of markeLlng and hls son 1homas Croben could handle
Lhe graphlc deslgnlng parL of Lhe pro[ecL Anupam and Anlndo wlll Lake care of Lhe core
codlng of Lhe CS Lracker 1he company was reglsLered by Lhe name of Un|ted GS" ln laLe
2009 !lm lnvesLed around $30000 ln Lhe venLure and held Lhe ma[orlLy sLake (30) ln
unlLed CS Chrls Anlndo and Anupam held 13 each and remalnlng 3 was glven Lo
1homas who was Lhe graphlcs deslgner !lm also provlded Lhe offlce space for worklng
Soon afLer meeLlng !lm Anlndo reLurned Lo lndla and qulL hls [ob aL CognlzanL Pe
really haLed hls [ob and unlLed CS was a good opporLunlLy Lo spread hls wlngs of
enLrepreneurshlp Pe shlfLed Lo uS and began worklng on Lhe pro[ecL lL Look Lhem around 1
year Lo develop Lhe full fledged producL 1hey had Lhe boLh hardware and Lhe sofLware
whlch was needed Lo be lnsLalled ready now whaL Lhey needed were Lhe cusLomers who
would buy Lhls sysLem lL was aL Lhls [uncLlon when Lhe role of ChrlsLopher and !lm became
very lmporLanL Lo Lhe company lL was Lhrough Lhelr conLacLs LhaL Lhe Leam meL Carlyle
CorporaLlon Carlyle had assoclaLlons wlLh around 13 corporaLlons whlch were supplylng Lhe
goods Lo Lhe company 1hese 13 corporaLlons who were Lhe suppllers Lo Carlyle handled Lhe
enLlre loglsLlc and Lrucklng buslness loadlng and offloadlng baslcally everyLhlng lnvolved ln
Lhe loglsLlc operaLlon Carlyle dld noL have lLs own Lrucks and now lL was Lhe Lask of Lhe
Anlndo's Leam Lo brlng Lhese mulLlple corporaLlons on board and convlnce Lhem Lo use Lhe
soluLlon provlded by Lhem MosL of Lhese suppllers were uslng Lhe baslc Coogle map Lo
manage Lhelr operaLlons 1hey were [usL flndlng Lhe approxlmaLe dlsLance and Llme
beLween Lwo desLlnaLlons vla Coogle maps and uslng Lhls lnformaLlon Lo deLermlne Lhe
dellvery Llme Lo Lhelr cusLomers 1here was no real Llme Lracklng of Lhe Lrucks and Lhey
could noL locaLe Lhe poslLlon of Lrucks ln real Llme unlLed CS locaLlon Lracker wlll enable
Lhese suppllers Lo locaLe Lhe Lrucks ln real Llme on Lhe maps and would send auLomaLlc mall
Lo boLh suppllers and cusLomers lf Lhe Lrucks were behlnd schedule Lhus updaLlng Lhe
dellvery schedule aL boLh suppller and cusLomer so LhaL Lhey could manage Lhelr
operaLlons accordlngly 1he producL was very good 1hese corporaLlons would have Lo buy
Lhe hardware and sofLware from unlLed CS Lo avall Lhe beneflLs of Lhe soluLlon provlded
by Lhem
Anlndo along wlLh Chrls and oLhers were able Lo brlng LogeLher 10 ouL of Lhese 13
suppllers who were ready Lo buy and use Lhelr soluLlon 8uL Lhey were unable Lo brlng
LogeLher Lhe 3 oLhers who were acLually Lhe ma[or suppllers Lo Carlyle lL was Lhese 3
suppllers LhaL maLLered! 1hese suppllers were huge ln slze and were supplylng many oLher
corporaLlons oLher Lhan Carlyle 1he problem wlLh Lhem was LhaL Lhey were already uslng a
slmllar soluLlon provlded by Porlzon servlces 1hough Lhe exlsLlng soluLlon avallable wlLh
Lhese ma[or suppllers was noL as good as LhaL provlded by unlLed CS yeL Lhey were
relucLanL Lo make any new lnvesLmenLs for locaLlng Lrucks uslng Lhe soluLlon offered by
unlLed CS meanL LhaL Lhe suppllers would have Lo buy new hardware and sofLware whlch
Lhey were noL ready Lo do Carlyle could noL demand Lhe suppllers Lo use Lhe new soluLlon
as Lhe bargalnlng power of Carlyle over Lhese suppllers was also low because Lhese suppllers
also supplled Lo oLher ma[or corporaLlons 1hus lL was clear LhaL Lhese 3 ma[or suppllers
cannoL be broughL aboard
1hls was noL Lhe end of Anlndo's problems Chrls from markeLlng was noL happy wlLh Lhe
way Lhe Leam was funcLlonlng Pe was Lhe only guy worklng ln Lhe fleld where as !lm and
Anupam were sLaylng ldle Anupam was dolng no core developmenL work and !lm was
showlng no lnLeresL ln Lhe venLure Pe felL LhaL Lhere ls no fuLure for hlm ln Lhe company
and oLhers wlll be reaplng rewards of hls hard work 1hus Chrls declded Lo leave Lhe
venLure WlLhouL Chrls Anlndo was cerLaln LhaL unlLed CS wlll noL be able Lo go much
ahead Also Chrls offered Anlndo Lo [oln anoLher Leam wlLh a guy named Carlo Anlndo had
a beLLer work compaLlblllLy wlLh Chrls Lhan any oLher guys ln Lhe Leam and he knew Lhe
Leam worklng ln unlLed CS does noL gel well 1hus Anlndo declded Lo leave unlLed CS and
[oln Chrls and Carlo on a [ourney of anoLher new venLure

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