Chord Gitar & Lagu

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A Song For Mama

oleh: Boyz II Men

You taught me everything
And everything you've given me
always keep it inside
You're the driving force in my life, yeah
There isn't anything
Or anyone that can be
And it just wouldn't feel right
f didn't have you by my side
You were there for me to love and care for me
When skies were grey
Whenever was down
You were always there to comfort me
And no one else can be what you have been to me
You will always be you always will be the girl
n my life for all times
Mama, mama you know love you
Oh you know love you
Mama, mama you're the queen of my heart
Your love is like
Tears from the stars
Mama, just want you to know
Lovin' you is like food to my soul
Yes it is (5x)
You're always down for me
Have always been around for me even when was bad
You showed me right from my wrong
Yes you did
And you took up for me
When everyone was downin' me
You always did understand
You gave me strength to go on
There was so many times
Looking back when was so afraid
And then you come to me
And say to me can face anything
And no one else can do
What you have done for me
You'll always be
You will always be the girl in my life
Never gonna go a day without you
Fills me up just thinking of you
'll never go a day without my mama
Yes you are


And now l don'L know why
She wouldn'L say goodbye
8uL Lhen lL seems LhaL l
Pad seen lL ln her eyes
And lL mlghL noL be wlse
l'd sLlll have Lo Lry
WlLh all Lhe love l have lnslde
l can'L deny
l [usL can'L leL lL dle
Cause her hearL's [usL llke mlne


she holds her paln lnslde
So lf you ask me why
She wouldn'L say goodbye

l know somewhere

1here ls a speclal llghL
SLlll shlnlng brlghL
And even on Lhe darkesL nlghL
She can'L deny

So lf she's somewhere near me
l hope Lo Cod she hears me
1here's no one else could ever
make me feel l'm so allve
l hoped she'd never leave me
lease Cod you musL belleve me
l've searched Lhe unlverse
and found myself wlLhln' her eyes

Am l um L (2x)

no maLLer how l Lry
1hey say lL's all a lle
So whaL's Lhe use of my
Confesslons Lo a crlme
Cf passlons LhaL won'L dle
ln my heaaaaa aaa
aaaaaa aaa
aaaaaa arL

So lf she's somewhere near me
l hope Lo Cod she hears me
1here's no one else could ever
make me feel l'm so allve

l hoped she'd never leave me
lease Cod you musL belleve me
l've searched Lhe unlverse
and found myself wlLhln' her eyes

Am l um L (8x)

So lf she's somewhere near me
l hope Lo Cod she hears me
1here's no one else could ever
make me feel l'm so allve

l hoped she'd never leave me
lease Cod you musL belleve me
l've searched Lhe unlverse
and found myself wlLhln' her eyes

Am l um L
And now l don'L know why
She wouldn'L say goodbye
8uL Lhen lL seems LhaL l
Pad seen lL ln her eyes

And now lL seems LhaL l
Cave up my ghosL of prlde
l'll never say goodbaa
aaaaaa aaa
aaaaaa aaa
aaaaaa aaa
aaaaaa ye

Guns and koses oure Crazy Accoust|c

lnLro( A u A L )4x

A u
l been lookln for a Lrace
Lookln for a hearL
A u
Lookln for a lover ln a world
1haLs much Loo dark

L u
8ecause you donL wanL my love no no
C A u A
?ou wanL saLlsfacLlon oh yeah oh yeah oh yeah
L u
Ah you donL need my love
u7 L7/9 L u# u
?ou goL Lo flnd yourself anoLher
C C ( A u A L )2x
AnoLher plece of Lhe acLlon

A u
Say where you golng
WhaL you gonna do
A u
l been lookln everywhere
And l been lookln for you

L u
8ecause you donL need my love
?ou wanL saLlsfacLlon
?ou donL need my love
u7 L C L u# u
?ou goL Lo flnd yourself anoLher
u C C# A
AnoLher plece anoLher plece of Lhe acLlon

C A L u# u
?oure crazy
A C A L u# u
?ou know youre crazy oh my
A C A L u# u
?oure fuckln crazy oh chlld
A C A L u# u u7 C l#m ( L C 8 A C l#m7 )2x L C 8
?ou know youre crazy
A C l#m l L ( 8 L 8 l# )4x

A u
Say boy where you comln from?
Whered you geL LhaL polnL of vlew
A u
When l was younger
l knew moLherfucker llke you

L u
And she sald you donL need my love
C A u A
?ou wanL saLlsfacLlon
?ou donL need my love
u7 L C L u# u
?ou goL Lo flnd yourself anoLher
u C C# A
AnoLher pleceanoLher plece of Lhe acLlon

C A L u# u
?oure crazy hey hey
A C A L u# u
?ou know youre crazy oh my
A C A L u# u
?oure fuckln crazy oh chlld
A C A L u# u
?ou know youre crazy hey hey hey hey
A C A L u# u
?ou know youre crazy hey hey
A C A L u# u
?oure fuckln crazy oh chlld
A C A L u# u
?ou know youre crazy hey hey hey hey
A C A L u# u
?oure fuckln crazy yeah

?ou know you are brlng lL down youre fuckln crazy

Guns and koses Lstranged

When youre Lalklng Lo yourself
And nobodys home
?ou can fool yourself
?ou came ln Lhls world alone
Cm7 C Cm7 C

8b C
So nobody ever Lold you baby
Pow lL was gonna be
8b C
So whaLll happen Lo you baby
C7 Lb Cm/l
Cuess well have Lo walL and see
( C u C Lb l )2x ( C Lb l )2x
Cne Lwo

C C/l
Cld aL hearL buL lm only 28
And lm much Loo young
1o leL love break my hearL
C C/l
?oung aL hearL buL lLs geLLlng much Loo laLe
Lb C
1o flnd ourselves so far aparL

l donL know how youre supposed
1o flnd me laLely
l C
And whaL more could you ask from me
l C
Pow could you say LhaL l never needed you
When you Look everyLhlng
Cm/l C u C Lb l C u C Lb l
Sald you Look everyLhlng from me (C Lb l)2x

C C/l
?oung aL hearL and lL geLs so hard Lo walL
Lb C
When no one l know can seem Lo help me now
C C/l
Cld aL hearL buL l musLnL heslLaLe
Lb C
lf lm flnd my own way ouL

Cm7 C
SLlll Lalkln Lo myself and nobodys home
Cm7 C

8b C
So nobody ever Lold us baby
Pow lL was gonna be
8b C
So whaLll happen Lo us baby
C7 ( C Lb )3x 8b l C C C 8b C 8b C
Cuess well have Lo walL and see
8b l C/l 8b/l ( l C C l l7 )2x C

When l flnd all of Lhe reasons
Maybe lll flnd anoLher way
llnd anoLher way
C l C
WlLh all Lhe changln seasons of my llfe
C l
Maybe lll geL lL rlghL nexL Llme
And now LhaL youve been broken down
CoL your head ouL of Lhe clouds
?oure back down on Lhe ground
And you donL Lalk so loud
And you donL Lalk so proud
C C l C Am C l l7 C C l l7 C
Anymore and whaL for

Well l [umped lnLo Lhe rlver Loo many Llmes
1o make lL home
lm ouL here on my own and drlfLlng all alone
l C
lf lL doesnL show glve lL Llme
C l
1o read beLween Lhe llnes
Am C l C
Cause l see Lhe sLorm geLLlng closer
Am C l C
And Lhe waves Lhey geL so hlgh
Am C l C
Seems everyLhlng weve ever knowns here
Am C l um C 8b Am C C ( C 8b )3x l
Why musL lL drlfL away and dle
C C l C C C C l C

lll never flnd anyone Lo replace you
l C
Cuess lll have Lo make lL Lhru Lhls Llme
Ch Lhls Llme

l C Am C C/8
WlLhouL you

Am C l C
l knew Lhe sLorm was geLLlng closer
Am C l C
And all my frlends sald l was hlgh
Am C l C
8uL everyLhlng weve ever knowns here
Am C l um C Am l C
l never wanLed lL Lo dle

Guns and koses arad|ce C|ty

lnLro C C l9 C C

1ake me down Lo Lhe paradlse clLy
Where Lhe grass ls green and Lhe glrls are preLLy
l9 C C
l wanL you please Lake me home
1ake me down Lo Lhe paradlse clLy
Where Lhe grass ls green and Lhe glrls are preLLy
l9 C C (C l C C)4x (C)
l wanL you please Lake me home
!usL a'urchln llvln' under Lhe sLreeL
l'm a hard case LhaL's Lough Lo beaL
l'm your charlLy case
So buy me someLhln' Lo eaL
l'll pay you aL anoLher Llme
1ake lL Lo Lhe end of Lhe llne
8agz Lo rlchez or so Lhey say
?a goLLa keep pushln' for Lhe forLune and fame
lL's all gamble
When lL's [usL a game
?a LreaL lL llke a caplLal crlme
Lverybody's dolng Lhelr Llme
1ake me down Lo Lhe paradlse clLy
Where Lhe grass ls green and Lhe glrls are preLLy
l9 C C
l wanL you please Lake me home
1ake me down Lo Lhe paradlse clLy
Where Lhe grass ls green and Lhe glrls are preLLy
l9 C C (C)
1ake me home yeah
SLrapped ln Lhe chalr of Lhe clLy's gas chamber
Why l'm here l can'L qulLe remember
1he surgeon general says lL's hazardous Lo breaLhe
l'd have anoLher clgareLLe buL l can'L see
1ell me who ya gonna belleve
1ake me down Lo Lhe paradlse clLy
Where Lhe grass ls green and Lhe glrls are preLLy
l9 C C
l wanL you please Lake me home
1ake me down Lo Lhe paradlse clLy
Where Lhe grass ls green and Lhe glrls are preLLy
l9 C C C A C C
1ake me home yeah
u3 C3
So far away
u3 C3
So far away
u3 C3
So far away
u3 C3 8b
So far away
CapLaln Amerlca's been Lorn aparL
now he's a courL [esLer wlLh a borken hearL
Pe sald
1urn me around and Lake me back Lo sLarL"
l musL be losln' my mlnd"Are you bllnd?"
l've seen lL all a mllllon Llmes
1ake me down Lo Lhe paradlse clLy
Where Lhe grass ls green and Lhe glrls are preLLy
l9 C C
l wanL you please Lake me home
1ake me down Lo Lhe paradlse clLy
Where Lhe grass ls green and Lhe glrls are preLLy
l9 C C (C C l C C)aLe o flm
1ake me home

Guns N koses knock|ng Cn neavens Door

C3 u Am
C3 u C
C3 u Am
C3 u C

C3 u Am
Mama Lake Lhls badge offa me
C3 u C
l canL use lL any more
C3 u Am
geLLln dark Lo dark Lo see
C3 u C
leels llke lm knockln on heavlns door


C3 u3 Am3
knock knock knockln on hevlns door
C3 u3 C3
knock knock knockln on hevlns door
C3 u3 Am3
knock knock knockln on heavlns door
C3 u3 C3
knock knock knockln on heavlns door

C3 u Am
C3 u C
C3 u Am
C3 u C

C3 u Am
mama puL my guns ln Lhe ground
C3 u C
l canL use Lhem any more
C3 u Am
LhaL cold black cloud ls comln down
C3 u C
feels llke lm knockln on heavlns door


C3 u3 Am3
knock knock knockln on hevlns door
C3 u3 C3
knock knock knockln on hevlns door
C3 u3 Am3
knock knock knockln on heavlns door
C3 u3 C3
knock knock knockln on heavlns door

Lhen lL [usL conLlnues on as

C3 u Am
C3 u C

Guns N koses Sweet Ch||d C M|ne (Acoust|c)

Shes goL a smlle LhaL lL seems Lo me
8emlnds me of chlldhood memorles
Where everyLhlng
Was as fresh as a brlghL blue sky
now and Lhen when l see her face
She Lakes me away Lo LhaL speclal place
And lf l sLared Lo long
ld probably break down and cry

C C u
Whoa Ch SweeL chlld o mlne
C C u
Whoa Ch Ch Ch SweeL love o mlne

C C u

Shes goL eyes of Lhe bluesL skles
As lf Lhey LhoughL of raln
l haLe Lo look lnLo Lhose eyes
And see an ounce of paln
Per halr remlnds me of a warm safe place
Where as a chlld ld hlde
And pray for Lhe Lhunder

And Lhe raln
1o quleLly pass me by

C C u
Whoa Ch SweeL chlld o mlne
C C u
Whoa Ch Ch Ch SweeL love o mlne

C C u x 2

C C u
Whoa Ch SweeL chlld o mlne
C C u
Whoa Ch Ch Ch SweeL love o mlne
C C u
Whoa Ch Ch Ch SweeL chlld o mlne
C C u
Coooooooh SweeL love o mlne

Lm C 8m Am x 8

Lm C A C u
Where do we go Where do we go now Where do we go
Lm C A C u
Where do we go Where do we go now Where do we go now
Lm C A C u
Where do we go SweeL chlld Where do we go now
Lm C A C u
Alh Alh Alh Alh where do we gooooooooooooo now
Lm C A C u
Where do we gooooooooooo where do we go now
Lm C A C u
Where do we gooooooo where do we go now
Lm C A C u
Where do we go SweeL Chlld where do we go now nownownownownownow
Lm C A C u Lm
SweeL chlld sweeL chl ld of mlne

Gu|tar Guns N koses November ka|n

l um
When l look lnLo your eyes
l can see a love resLralned
l um
8uL darllng when l hold you
uonL you know l feel Lhe same
um C
Cause noLhln lasL forever
And we boLh know hearLs can change
um C
And lLs hard Lo hold a candle
ln Lhe cold november raln
l um
Weve been Lhrough Lhls such a long long Llme
!usL Lryln Lo klll Lhe paln oh yeah
8uL lovers always come and lovers always go
um C
And no ones really sure whos leLLln go Loday
Walkln away
lf we could Lake Lhe Llme Lo lay lL on Lhe llne
l could resL my head
!usL knowln LhaL you were mlne
All mlne
um C
So lf you wanL Lo love me
1hen darlln donL refraln
um C
Cr lll [usL end up walkln
ln Lhe cold november raln
l C
uo you need someLlme on your own?
l C
uo you need someLlme all alone?
l C
Lverybody needs someLlme on Lhelr own
l C
uonL you know you need someLlme all alone
Lm l C
l know lLs hard Lo keep and open hearL
Lm l um
When even frlends seem ouL Lo harm you
Lm l C
8uL lf you could heal a broken hearL
Lm l C
WouldnL Llme be ouL Lo charm you
l C
SomeLlmes l need someLlme on my own
l C
SomeLlmes l need someLlme all alone
l C
Lverybody needs someLlme on Lhelr own
l C
uonL you know you need someLlme all alone
And when your fears subslde
um C
And shadows sLlll remalns oh yeah
l um
l know LhaL you can love me
When Lheres no one lefL Lo blame
um C
So never mlnd Lhe darkness
We sLlll can flnd a way
um C
Cause noLhln lasLs forever
Lven cold november raln

Guns N koses Dont Cry
| Am | um | C | C C/8 |
| Am | um | C | Am |

Am um
1alk Lo me sofLly
C C C/8
1heres someLhlng ln your eyes
Am um
uonL hang your head ln sorrow
C C C/8
And please donL cry
Am um
l know how you feel lnslde lve
C C C/8
lve been Lhere before
Am um
SomeLhln ls changln lnslde you
C C C/8
And donL you know

l C Am
uonL you cry LonlghL l sLlll love you baby
l C Am
uonL you cry LonlghL
l C C C/8 Am C
uonL you cry LonlghL Lheres a heaven above you baby
l C Am
And donL you cry LonlghL

Am um
Clve me a whlsper
C C C/8
And glve me a slgh
Am um
Clve me a klss before you
C C C/8
1ell me goodbye
Am um
uonL you Lake lL so hard now
C C C/8
And please donL Lake lL so bad
Am um
lll sLlll be Lhlnkln of you
C C C/8 Am C
And Lhe Llmes we had 8aby

l C Am
And donL you cry LonlghL
l C Am
uonL you cry LonlghL
l C C C/8 Am C
uonL you cry LonlghL Lheres a heaven above you baby
l C Am
And donL you cry LonlghL

| um | l | C | Am C |
| l | C | Am | C |
| l | C | L | l |
| l | C | Am |

um C
And please remember
C C/8 Am
1haL l never lled
um C
And please remember
C C/8 Am C
Pow l felL lnslde now honey
um C
?ou goLLa make lL your own way
C C/8 Am C
8uL youll be alrlghL now sugar
um C
?oull feel beLLer Lomorrow
C C/8 Am C
Come Lhe mornlng llghL now baby

l C Am
And donL you cry LonlghL
l C Am
And donL you cry LonlghL
l C C C/8 Am C
And donL you cry LonlghL Lheres a heaven above you baby
l C
And donL you cry
l C
uonL you ever cry
l C L
uonL you cry LonlghL
8aby maybe someday
l C
uonL you cry
l C
uonL you ever cry
l C C
uonL you cry LonlghL

Aud|os|ave Im 1he n|ghway

lnLro Am l C C um L

l C C Am
earls And swlne berefL of me
l C C Am
long and weary my road has been
l C Am
l was losL ln Lhe clLles
C C Am
alone ln Lhe hllls
l C C C Am
no sorrow or plLy for leavlng l feel
C C um
l am noL your rolllng wheels
l am Lhe hlghway
C C um
l am noL your carpeL rlde
l am Lhe sky
l C
frlends and llars
C Am
donL walL for me
l C
cause lll geL on
C Am
all by myself
l C Am
l puL mllllons of mlles
C Am C
under my heels
l C Am C Am C
and sLlll Loo close Lo you l feel
C C um
l am noL your rolllng wheels
l am Lhe hlghway
C C um
l am noL your carpeL rlde
l am Lhe sky
C C um
l am noL your blowlng wlnd
l am Lhe llghLlnlng
C C um
l am noL your auLumn moon

l am Lhe nlghL
Lhe nlghL

uldnL geL Lhe solo
C C um
l am noL your rolllng wheels
l am Lhe hlghway
C C um
l am noL your carpeL rlde
l am Lhe sky
C C um
l am noL your blowlng wlnd
l am Lhe llghLlnlng
C C um
l am noL your auLumn moon

l am Lhe nlghL
Lhe nlghL
yeahyeah 4x

Aud|os|ave L|ke A Stone Acoust|c

lnLro Am C Lm l 4x

Am C
Cn a cobweb afLernoon
Lm l
ln a room full of empLlness
Am C
8y a freeway l confess
Lm l
l was losL ln Lhe pages
Am C
Cf a book full of deaLh
Lm l
8eadlng how well dle alone
Am C
And lf were good well lay Lo resL
Lm l
Anywhere we wanL Lo go

Am C C Am
ln your house l long Lo be
C C Am
8oom by room paLlenLly
l Am
lll walL for you Lhere
C Am l Am
Llke a sLone lll walL for you Lhere

ln18C 2 verse

Am C
Cn my deaLhbed l wlll pray
Lm l
1o Lhe gods and Lhe angels
Am C
Llke a pagan Lo anyone
Lm l
Who wlll Lake me Lo heaven
Am C
1o a place l call
Lm l
l was Lhere so long ago
1he sky was brulsed
1he wlne was bled
Lm l
And Lhere you led me on

8ack 1o 8eff


l C
And on l read
L l
unLll Lhe day was gone
lm C
And l saL ln regreL
C Am
Cf all Lhe Lhlngs lve done
l C
lor all LhaL lve blessed
L l
And all LhaL lve wronged
lm C
ln dreams unLll my deaLh
l wlll wander on

8ack 1o 8eff

L l
Alone Alone
et Look What ouve Done

lnLro C

1ake my phoLo off Lhe wall
Am Am/C l
lf lL [usL wonL slng for you
Cause all LhaLs lefL has gone away
Am Am/C u
And Lheres noLhlng Lhere for you Lo prove

l C
Ch look whaL youve done
C C/8 Am Am/C
?ouve made a fool of everyone
l C
Ch well lL seems llkes such fun
C C/8 Am Am/C u
unLll you lose whaL you had won

Clve me back my polnL of vlew
Am Am/C l
Cause l [usL canL Lhlnk for you
l can hardly hear you say
Am Am/C u
WhaL should l do well you choose

l C
Ch look whaL youve done
C C/8 Am Am/C
?ouve made a fool of everyone
l C
Ch well lL seems llkes such fun
C C/8 Am Am/C
unLll you lose whaL you had won

l C
Ch look whaL youve done
C# A# l
?ouve made a fool of everyone

C# A# l
A fool of everyone
C# A# C
A fool of everyone

1ake my phoLo off Lhe wall
Am Am/C l
lf lL [usL wonL slng for you
Cause all LhaLs lefL has gone away
Am Am/C u
And Lheres noLhlng Lhere for you Lo do

l C
Ch look whaL youve done
C C/8 Am Am/C
?ouve made a fool of everyone
l C
Ch well lL seems llkes such fun
C C/8 Am Am/C
unLll you lose whaL you had won

l C
Ch look whaL youve done
C# A# l
?ouve made a fool of everyone

C# A# l
A fool of everyone
C# A# C
A fool of everyone

Lyrlc and Chord CulLar Llnkln ark Somewhere l 8elong
1814 | Llnkln ark | 0 komenLar
Lyrlc Chords ClLar kord ClLar Llnkln ark Somewhere l 8elong
When Lhls began
l had noLhlng Lo say
Ab l#
And ld geL losL ln Lhe noLhlngness lnslde of me
l was confused
And l leL lL all ouL Lo flnd /LhaL lm
Ab l#
noL Lhe only person wlLh Lhese Lhlngs ln mlnd
lnslde of me
8uL all Lhe vacancy Lhe words revealed
Ab l#
ls Lhe only real Lhlng LhaL lve goL lefL Lo feel
noLhlng Lo lose
!usL sLuck/hollow and alone
And Lhe faulL ls my own
And Lhe faulL ls my own

l wanL Lo heal
ub3 (2)
l wanL Lo feel
l#3 (1) u#3 (1)
WhaL l LhoughL was never real
A#3 ub3 (2)
l wanL Lo leL go of Lhe paln lve held so long
l#3 (1) u#3 (1) A#3
Lrase all Lhe paln Lll lLs gone l wanL Lo heal
ub3 (2)
l wanL Lo feel
l#3 (1) u#3 (1)
Llke lm close Lo someLhlng real
A#3 ub3 (2) l#3 (1)
l wanL Lo flnd someLhlng lve wanLed all along
u#3 (1)
Somewhere l belong

verse 2
A# ub
And lve goL noLhlng Lo say
Ab l#
l canL belleve l dldnL fall rlghL down on my face
l was confused
Looklng everywhere/only Lo flnd LhaL lLs
Ab l#
noL Lhe way l had lmaglned lL all ln my mlnd
So whaL am l
WhaL do l have buL negaLlvlLy
Cause l canL [usLlfy Lhe
Way everyone ls looklng aL me
noLhlng Lo lose
noLhlng Lo galn/hollow and alone
And Lhe faulL ls my own
1he faulL ls my own

A#3 l#3
l wlll never know
Ab3 u#3 (2)
Myself unLll l do Lhls on my own
A#3 l#3
And l wlll never feel
AnyLhlng else unLll my wounds are healed
A#3 l#3 (2)
l wlll never be
Ab3 ub3 (2)
AnyLhlng Lll l break away from me
A#3 l#3 (1)
And l wlll break away
Ab3 u#3 (1) A# ub Ab l#
lll flnd myself Loday

l wanL Lo heal
ub3 (1)
l wanL Lo feel llke lm
l#3 (1) u#3 (1)
Somewhere l belong
Lyrlc and Chord CulLar Llnkln ark My uecember
1812 | Llnkln ark | 0 komenLar
Lyrlc Chords CulLar kord ClLar Llnkln ark My uecember
Lm C
1hls ls my uecember
1hls ls my Llme of Lhe year
Lm C
1hls ls my uecember
1hls ls all so clear
Lm C
1hls ls my uecember
1hls ls my snow covered home
Lm C
1hls ls my uecember
C u
1hls ls me alone
And l
!usL wlsh LhaL l dldnL feel

Llke Lhere was someLhlng l mlssed
And l
1ake back all Lhe Lhlngs l sald

1o make you feel llke LhaL
And l
!usL wlsh LhaL l dldnL feel

Llke Lhere was someLhlng l mlssed
And l
1ake back all Lhe Lhlngs LhaL l sald Lo you
C u9
And ld glve lL all away
C A9
!usL Lo have somewhere Lo go Lo
C u9
Clve lL all away
C A9
1o have someone Lo come home Lo

Lm C
1hls ls my uecember
1hese are my snow covered dreams
Lm C
1hls ls me preLendlng
C u
1hls ls all l need

And l
!usL wlsh LhaL l dldnL feel

Llke Lhere was someLhlng l mlssed
And l
1ake back all Lhe Lhlngs l sald

1o make you feel llke LhaL
And l
!usL wlsh LhaL l dldnL feel

Llke Lhere was someLhlng l mlssed
And l
1ake back all Lhe Lhlngs LhaL l sald Lo you
C u9
And ld glve lL all away
C A9
!usL Lo have somewhere Lo go Loo
C u9
Clve lL all away
C A9
1o have someone Lo come home Lo

Lm C
1hls ls my uecember
1hls ls my Llme of Lhe year
Lm C
1hls ls my uecember
C u
1hls ls all so clear
C u9
And ld glve lL all away
C A9
!usL Lo have somewhere Lo go Lo
C u9
Clve lL all away
C A9
1o have someone Lo come home Lo
Lyrlc and Chord CulLar Llnkln ark numb (AcousLlc)
1810 | Llnkln ark | 0 komenLar
Lyrlc Chords CulLar kord ClLar Llnkln ark numb (AcousLlc)
lnLrol#m u A L 2x

l#m u
l'm Llred of belng whaL you wanL me Lo be
leellng so falLhless
LosL under Lhe surface
l#m u
l don'L know whaL you're expecLlng of me
uL under Lhe pressure
L u | L
of walklng ln your shoes
(CaughL ln Lhe underLow
[usL caughL ln Lhe underLow)
Lvery sLep LhaL l Lake ls
A u | L
anoLher mlsLake Lo you
(CaughL ln Lhe underLow
[usL caughL ln Lhe underLow)
l#m u
l've became so numb
l can'L feel you Lhere
8ecome so Lrled
So much more aware
l'm becomlng Lhls
All l wanL Lo do
ls be more llke me
And be less llke you
l#m u
Can'L you see LhaL you're smoLherlng me
A L l#m
Poldlng Loo LlghLly afrald Lo lose conLrol
Cause everyLhlng LhaL you LhoughL l would be
A L u | L
Pas fallen aparL rlghL ln fronL of you
(CaughL ln Lhe underLow
[usL caughL ln Lhe underLow)
Lvery sLep LhaL l Lake ls
A u | L
anoLher mlsLake Lo you
(CaughL ln Lhe underLow
[usL caughL ln Lhe underLow)
l#m A
And every second l wasLe ls more Lhan l can Lake

l#m u
l've became so numb
l can'L feel you Lhere
8ecome so Lrled
So much more aware
l'm becomlng Lhls
All l wanL Lo do
ls be more llke me
And be less llke you
L l#m C#m A C#m u
And l know l may end Lhe falllng Loo
L C#m
8uL l know you were [usL llke me wlLh someone dlsappolnLed ln you

l#m u
l've became so numb
l can'L feel you Lhere
8ecome so Lrled
So much more aware
l'm becomlng Lhls
All l wanL Lo do
ls be more llke me
And be less llke you
lve become so numb
l canL feel you Lhere
(1lred of belng whaL you wanL me Lo be)
l#m u
lve become so numb
l canL feel you Lhere
(1lred of belng whaL you wanL me Lo be)
Lyrlc and Chord CulLar Llnkln ark Shadow Cf 1he uay
1809 | Llnkln ark | 0 komenLar
Lyrlc Chords CulLar kord ClLar Llnkln ark Shadow Cf 1he uay
lnLro 8 l# L l#

8 l# L l#
l close boLh locks below Lhe wlndow
8 l# L l#
l close boLh bllnds and Lurn away
8 l# L l#
SomeLlmes soluLlons arenL so slmple
8 l# L l#
SomeLlmes goodbyes Lhe only way

8 l# C#m L
And Lhe sun wlll seL for you
8 l# C#m L
1he sun wlll seL for you
8 l#
And Lhe shadow of Lhe day
C#m L
Wlll embrace Lhe world ln grey
8 l# C#m L
And Lhe sun wlll seL for you

8 l# L l#

8 l# L l#
ln cards and flowers on your wlndow
8 l# L l#
?our frlends all plead for you Lo sLay
8 l# L l#
SomeLlmes beglnnlngs arenL so slmple
8 l# L l#
SomeLlmes goodbyes Lhe only way

8 l# C#m L
And Lhe sun wlll seL for you
8 l# C#m L
1he sun wlll seL for you
8 l#
And Lhe shadow of Lhe day
C#m L
Wlll embrace Lhe world ln grey
8 l# C#m L
And Lhe sun wlll seL for you

8 l# L l# 2x

8 l#
And Lhe shadow of Lhe day
C#m L
Wlll embrace Lhe world ln grey
8 l# C#m L
And Lhe sun wlll seL for you

8 l# L l# 2x

8 l#
And Lhe shadow of Lhe day
C#m L
Wlll embrace Lhe world ln grey
8 l# C#m L 8
And Lhe sun wlll seL for you
Lyrlc and Chord CulLar Llnkln ark When lve uone
1806 | Llnkln ark | 0 komenLar
Lyrlc Chords CulLar kord ClLar Llnkln ark When lve uone
lnLro Cm 8b l C 2x Cm

ln Lhls farewell
1here ls no blood
l C
1here ls no allbl
Cause lve drawn regreL
lrom Lhe LruLh
l C
Cf a Lhousand lles
So leL mercy come
And wash away

WhaL lve done
8b C l
lll face myself

1o cross ouL
C Cm
WhaL lve become
8b C l
Lrase myself

And leL go of
C Cm
WhaL lve done

uL Lo resL
l C
WhaL you LhoughL of me
Whlle l clean Lhls slaLe
WlLh Lhe hands
l C
Cf uncerLalnLy
So leL mercy come
And wash away

WhaL lve done
8b C l
lll face myself

1o cross ouL
C Cm
WhaL lve become
8b C l
Lrase myself

And leL go of
C u Lb l Cm
WhaL lve uone


C u Lb l Cm
lor WhaL lve uone
8b C l
l sLarL agaln
C Cm
And whaLever paln may come
8b C l
1oday Lhls ends

l'm lorglvlng

WhaL lve done
8b C l
lll face myself

1o cross ouL
C Cm
WhaL lve become
8b C l
Lrase myself

And leL go of
C Cm
WhaL lve done

Cm 8b l C

Lyrlc and Chord CulLar Llnkln ark lalnL
1802 | Llnkln ark | 0 komenLar
Lyrlc Chords CulLar kord ClLar Llnkln ark lalnL
ln18C um l 8b Cm A

um C
l am a llLLle blL of lonellness a llLLle blL of dlsregard
Pandful of complalnLs buL l can help Lhe facL LhaL
everybody can see Lhese scars
um l
l am whaL l wanL you Lo wanL whaL l wanL you Lo feel
8uL lLs llke no maLLer whaL l do l canL convlnce
you Lo [usL belleve Lhls ls real

um l
So l leL go waLchlng you Lurn your back llke you always do
lace away and preLend LhaL lm noL
8uL lll be here cause you wanL whaL lve goL

u l
l canL feel Lhe way l dld before
uonL Lurn your back on me
l wonL be lgnored
um l
1lme wonL heal Lhls damage anymore
uonL Lurn your back on me
C A l
l wonL be lgnored

um l
l am a llLLle blL lnsecure a llLLle unconfldenL
8b C
Cause you donL undersLand l do whaL l can buL someLlmes l donL make sense
um l
l say whaL you never wanna say buL lve never had a doubL
lLs llke no maLLer whaL l do l canL convlnce you
for once [usL Lo hear me ouL

8LLA1 8Ll8Aln CPC8uS

u l
Pear me ouL now
?oure gonna llsLen Lo me llke lL or noL
8lghL now
Pear me ouL now
?oure gonna llsLen Lo me llke lL or noL
8lghL now

l canL feel Lhe way l dld before
uonL Lurn your back on me
l wonL be lgnored
Lyrlc and Chords CulLar Llnkln ark new ulvlde
2029 | Llnkln ark | 0 komenLar
Lm C u A x4

l remembered black skles
C u A
1he llghLnlng all around me
l remembered each flash
C u A
As Llme began Lo blur
Llke a sLarLllng slgn
C u A
1haL faLe had flnally found me
And your volce was all l heard
1haL l geL whaL l deserve

So glve me reason
1o prove me wrong
u A
1o wash Lhls memory clean
LeL Lhe floods cross
C u C u
1he dlsLance ln your eyes
Clve me reason
1o flll Lhls hole
u A
ConnecL Lhe space beLween
C u
LeL lL be enough Lo reach Lhe LruLh and lles
u Lm C u A
Across Lhls new dlvlde

1here was noLhlng ln slghL
C u A
8uL memorles lefL abandoned
1here was nowhere Lo hlde
C u A
1he ashes fell llke snow
And Lhe ground caved ln
C u A
8eLween where we were sLandlng
And your volce was all l heard
1haL l geL whaL l deserve

So glve me reason
1o prove me wrong
u A
1o wash Lhls memory clean
LeL Lhe floods cross
C u
1he dlsLance ln your eyes
C u Lm
Across Lhls new dlvlde

Lm C
ln every loss ln every lle
u A
ln every LruLh LhaL you deny
Lm C
And each regreL and each goodbye
u A
Was a mlsLake Loo greaL Lo hlde
And your volce was all l heard
8uL l geL whaL l deserve

So glve me reason
1o prove me wrong
u A
1o wash Lhls memory clean
LeL Lhe floods cross
C u C
1he dlsLance ln your eyes
u Lm
Clve me reason
1o flll Lhls hole
u A
ConnecL Lhe space beLween
C u
LeL lL be enough Lo reach Lhe LruLh and lles
u Lm C u
Across Lhls new dlvlde
A Lm C u
Across Lhls new dlvlde
A Lm C u A x2 (Lm)
Across Lhls new dlvlde
8leed lL CuL Llnkln ark
1718 | Llnkln ark | 0 komenLar
nLro l#m L u l#m

Pere we go for Lhe hundredLh Llme

Pand grenade plns ln every llne

1hrow em up and leL someLhlng shlne

Colng ouL of my fkln mlnd

lllLhy mouLh no excuse

llnd a new place Lo hang Lhls noose

SLrlng me up from aLop Lhese roofs

knoL lL LlghL so l wonL geL loose

1ruLh ls you can sLop and sLare

8led myself ouL and no one cares

uug Lhe Lrench ouL lald down Lhere

WlLh a shovel up ouL of reach somewhere

?eah someone pour lL ln

Make lL a dlrL dance floor agaln

Say your prayers and sLomp lL ouL

L C#
When Lhey brlng LhaL chorus ln

Chorus 1

l#m A C#
l bleed lL ouL dlgglng deeper [usL Lo Lhrow lL away

8m L C#
l bleed lL ouL dlgglng deeper [usL Lo Lhrow lL away

l#m A C#
l bleed lL ouL dlgglng deeper [usL Lo Lhrow lL away

!usL Lo Lhrow lL away

L C#
!usL Lo Lhrow lL away

l bleed lL ouL

Co sLop Lhe show

Choppy words and a sloppy flow

ShoLgun opera lock and load

Cock lL back and Lhen waLch lL go

Mama help me l've been cursed

ueaLh ls rolllng ln every verse

Candy palnL on hls brand new hearse

Can'L conLaln hlm he knows he works

l Lhls hurLs l wonL lle

uoesn'L maLLer how hard l Lry

Palf Lhe words donL mean a Lhlng

And l know l wonL be saLlsfled

So why Lry lgnorlng hlm

Make lL a dlrL dance floor agaln

Say your prayers and sLomp lL ouL

L C#
When Lhey brlng LhaL chorus ln

8ack Lo Chorus 1

l've opened up Lhese scars

l'll make you face Lhls

l pull myself so far

l'll make you face Lhls now

lnLerlude l#m L

l bleed lL ouL dlgglng deeper [usL Lo Lhrow lL away

l bleed lL ouL dlgglng deeper [usL Lo Lhrow lL away

l#m C#
l bleed lL ouL dlgglng deeper [usL Lo Lhrow lL away

!usL Lo Lhrow lL away

L C#
!usL Lo Lhrow lL away

l bleed lL ouL

l#m A C
l bleed lL ouL dlgglng deeper [usL Lo Lhrow lL away

8m L C#
l bleed lL ouL dlgglng deeper [usL Lo Lhrow lL away

l#m A C#
l bleed lL ouL dlgglng deeper [usL Lo Lhrow lL away

!usL Lo Lhrow lL away

L C#
!usL Lo Lhrow lL away

l bleed lL ouL


l#m A C# 8m L C#

l bleed lL ouL

l#m A C# 8m L C#

l bleed lL ouL
WhaL lve uone Llnkln ark
2239 | Llnkln ark | 0 komenLar
Cm 8b l Cm (4x)


vL8SL l
ln Lhls farewell
1heres no blood
l Cm
1heres no allbl
Cause lve drawn regreL
lrom Lhe LruLh
l Cm
Cf a Lhousand lles

Lb l
So leL mercy come and wash away

CPC8uS l
WhaL lve done
8b l
lll face myself
Cm Cm
1o cross ouL whaL lve become
8b l
Lrase myself and leL go of
Cm Cm
WhaL lve done

vL8SL ll
uL Lo resL
l Cm
WhaL you LhoughL of me
Whlle l clean Lhls slaLe
WlLh Lhe hands
l Cm
Cf uncerLalnLy

(8epeaL refraln)

CPC8uS ll
WhaL lve done
8b l
lll face myself
Cm Cm
1o cross ouL whaL lve become
8b l
Lrase myself and leL go of
Cm um Lb l Cm
WhaL lve done

Cm 8b l Cm
Cm 8b l Cm um

Lb l Cm
lor whaL lve done
8b l
lll sLarL agaln
Cm Cm
And whaLever Lhlng may come
8b l
1oday Lhls ends lm forglvlng
Cm Cm
WhaL lve done

CPC8uS lll
8b l
lll face myself
Cm Cm
1o cross ouL whaL lve become
8b l
Lrase myself and leL go of
Cm Cm 8b l
WhaL lve done
Cm Cm 8b l
WhaL lve done
Cm Cm
lorglvlng whaL lve done

Lyrlc and Chord CulLar Mr 8lg Wlld World
1749 | Mr 8lg | 0 komenLar
Llrlk kuncl glLar Chords ClLar kord ClLar Mr 8lg Wlld World
Lalalalala la la la
um C7 C
now LhaL lve losL everyLhlng Lo you
l 8b
?ou say you wanna sLarL someLhlng new
Cm A
lLs breaklng my hearL youre leavlng baby lm breaLhlng
um C7 C
lf you wanna leave Lake good care
l 8b
Pope you have a loL of nlce Lhlngs Lo wear
Cm A7 C
8uL Lhen a loL of nlce Lhlngs Lurn bad ouL Lhere

8lff e | 999777333333 |
b | 101010999777333 |

l C 8b
Ch baby baby lLs a wlld world
C 8b l
lLs hard Lo geL by [usL upon a smlle
l C 8b
Ch baby baby lLs a wlld world
C 8b l Cm
And lll always remember you llke a chlld glrl
um C7 C
?ou know lve seen a loL of whaL Lhe world can do
l 8b
And lLs breaklng my hearL ln Lwo
Cm A7
Cause l never wanna see you sad glrl donL be a bad glrl
um C7 C
8uL lf you wanna leave Lake good care
l 8b
Pope you make a loL of nlce frlends ouL Lhere
Cm A7 C
!usL remember Lheres a loL of bad everywhere

8lff e | 999777333333 |
b | 101010999777333 |

8aby l love you
um C C
8uL lf you wanna leave Lake good care
l 8b
Pope you make a loL of nlce frlends ouL Lhere
Cm A C
!usL remember Lheres a loL of bad everywhere


Lyrlc and Chord CulLar Mr 8lg 1o 8e WlLh ?ou
1743 | Mr 8lg | 0 komenLar
Llrlk kuncl glLar Chords ClLar kord ClLar Mr 8lg 1o 8e WlLh ?ou
c verse 1
C#m L A9 L
Pold on llLLle glrl Show me whaL hes done Lo you
C#m L A9 L
SLand up llLLle glrl A broken hearL canL be LhaL bad
A9 L A9 L
When lLs Lhrough lLs Lhrough laLe wlll LwlsL Lhe boLh of you
u 8
So come on baby come on over LeL me be Lhe one Lo show you


sLarL of chorus

(Lhe followlng progresslon ls repeaLed 4x ln Lhe chorus)
L A9 8 L
lm Lhe one who wanLs Lo be wlLh you
L A9 8
ueep lnslde l hope youll feel lL LLoo
L A9 8 L
WalLed on a llne of greens and blues
L A9 8 L
[usL Lo be Lhe nexL Lo be wlLh you


c verse 2
C#m L A9 L
8ulld up your confldence so you can be on Lop for once
C#m L A9 L
Wake up! Who cares abouL llLLle boys LhaL Lalk Lo much?
A9 L A9 L
l seen lL all go down ?our game of love was all ralned ouL
u 8
So come on baby come on over LeL me be Lhe one Lo hold you

c chorus

A9 C#m
Why be alone when we can be LogeLher baby?
?ou can make my llfe worLhwhlle l can make you sLarL Lo smlle

C C9 u C
lm Lhe one who wanLs Lo be wlLh you
C C9 u C
ueep lnslde l hope youll feel lL Loo
C C9 u Lm
WalLed on a llne of greens and blues
C C9 u C
[usL Lo be Lhe nexL Lo be wlLh you

(back Lo L progresslon)
L A9 8 L
lm Lhe one who wanLs Lo be wlLh you
L A9 8 L
ueep lnslde l hope youll feel lL Loo
L A9 8 C#m
WalLed on a llne of greens and blues
L A9 8 L
[usL Lo be Lhe nexL Lo be wlLh you
L A9 8 L
[usL Lo be Lhe nexL Lo be wlLh you
(hold L on endlng)

4 non 8londes WhaLs up Chord
2304 | 4 non 8londes | 0 komenLar

1wenLy llve years and my llfe ls sLlll
Am C
1rylng Lo geL up LhaL greaL blg hlll of hope
lor a desLlnaLlon
l reallzed qulckly when l knew LhaL l should
Am C
1haL Lhe world was made of Lhls broLherhood of man
lor whaLever LhaL means

And So l cry someLlmes when lm lylng ln bed
!usL Lo geL lL all ouL
whaLs ln my head and l l am feellng a llLLle pecullar
So l wake ln Lhe mornlng and l sLep ouLslde
and l Lake a deep breaLh and l geL real hlgh and
l Scream aL Lhe Lop of my lungs WPA1S CCln Cn?


And l sald Peyeyeyeyey
l sald Pey WhaLs golng on?
And l sald Peyeyeyeyey
l sald Pey WhaLs golng on?

C Am C C
Coh Coh Coh
C Am
And l Lry oh my god do l Lry
l Lry all Lhe Llme ln Lhls lnsLlLuLlon
C Am
And l pray oh my god do l pray
l pray every slngle day
lor a revoluLlon

And So l cry someLlmes when lm lylng ln bed
!usL Lo geL lL all ouL
whaLs ln my head and l l am feellng a llLLle pecullar
So l wake ln Lhe mornlng and l sLep ouLslde
and l Lake a deep breaLh and l geL real hlgh and
l Scream aL Lhe Lop of my lungs WPA1S CCln Cn?


And l sald Peyeyeyeyey
l sald Pey WhaLs golng on?
And l sald Peyeyeyeyey
l sald Pey WhaLs golng on?

1wenLyflve years and my llfe ls sLlll
Am C
1rylng Lo geL up LhaL greaL blg hlll of hope
lor a desLlnaLlon

Lyrlc and Chord CulLar 8llnk 182 l Mlss ?ou AcousLlc
1831 | 8llnk 182 | 0 komenLar
Lyrlc Chords CulLar kord ClLar 8llnk 182 l Mlss ?ou AcousLlc
C u Lm
Pello Lhere Lhe angel from my nlghLmare Lhe shadow ln Lhe background of
C2 C u Lm
Lhe mourgeLhe unsuspecLlng vlcLlm of darkness ln Lhe valleywe can llve
C2 C
llke !ack and Sally lf we wanL were you can always flnd me
and well have Palloween on ChrlsLmas
Lm C2
And ln Lhe nlghL well wlsh Lhls never ends well wlsh Lhls never ends

C u Lm C2
C u Lm C2
l mlss you l mlss you
C u Lm C2
Where are you and lm so sorry l cannoL sleep l cannoL dream LonlghL l
C u Lm
need somebody and always Lhls slck sLrange darkness Comes creeplng on
So haunLlng every Llme
And as l sLared l counLed
1he webs from all Lhe splders
Lm C2
CaLchlng Lhlngs and eaLlng Lhelr lnsldes
Llke lndeclslon Lo call you
And hear your volce of Lreason
Lm C2
Wlll you come home and sLop Lhls paln LonlghL sLop Lhls paln LonlghL

C u
uonL wasLe your Llme on me
Lm C2
?our already Lhe volce lnslde my head

C u
uonL wasLe your Llme on me
Lm C2
?our already Lhe volce lnslde my head
Lyrlc and Chord CulLar 8llnk 182 All 1he Small 1hlngs
2346 | 8llnk 182 | 0 komenLar
Llrlk kuncl glLar Chords ClLar kord ClLar 8llnk 182 All 1he Small 1hlngs
C l C (C C very fasL) x2

verse 1

All Lhe small Lhlngs
l C
1rue care LruLh bllnks
lll Lake one lefL
l C
?oure rlghL besL Lrlp
Always l know
l C
?oull be aL my show
WaLchlng walLlng
l C
Come mlseryLeen

Saylng alnL so l wlll noL go
l C
1urn Lhe llghLs of carrylng me home

(go qulck from rechorus Lo CPC8uS A8lCP1!!!

nana nana nana nana na na
C l
nana nana nana nana na na x2


verse 2
LaLe nlghL come home
l C
Were sucks l know
She lefL me roses by Lhe sLalrs
l C
Surprlses leL me know she cares

Saylng alnL so l wlll noL go
l C
1urn Lhe llghLs of carrylng me home

nana nana nana nana na na
C l
nana nana nana nana na na

Lhen Lhere ls Lhls ln1L8LuuL where you [usL sLrum once pr chord

C l C C
C l C C
(Lhen you go playlng Lhe L and A sLrlng all Lhe Llme llLLle slow)
C l C C
C l C C
1hen Lhe chorus comes fasL afLer Lhls very fasL!!!

Saylng alnL so l wlll noL go
l C
1urn Lhe llghLs of carrylng me home
keep your head sLlll lll be your Lhrlll
1he nlghL wlll go on my llLLle wlndmlll

Saylng alnL so l wlll noL go
l C
1urn Lhe llghLs of carrylng me home
keep your head sLlll lll be your Lhrlll
l l
1he nlghL wlll go on Lhe nlghL wlll go on
l C
A llLLle blL near

Lyrlc and Chord CulLar AerosmlLh 8llnd Man
2323 | AerosmlLh | 0 komenLar
Lyrlk Chords CulLar kord ClLar AerosmlLh 8llnd Man
A#3 C3 l3 C3

A#3 C3 l3 C3

A#3 C3 l3 C3

A#3 C3 l3 C3 A#3

verse 1
Lhere was a Llme
l#m C#m
when l was so brokenhearLed
u A L
love wasnL much of a frlend of mlne
Lhe Lables have Lurned yeah
l#m C#m
cause me and Lhem ways have parLed
u A L
LhaL klnd of love was Lhe klllln klnd llsLen
C u C u
all l wanL ls someone l canL reslsL
l know all l need Lo know by Lhe way LhaL l goL klssed

l was Cryln when l meL you
l#m u A
now lm Lryln Lo forgeL you
L u
your love ls sweeL mlsery
l was Cryln [usL Lo geL you
C#m u A
now lm dyln cause l leL you
L u
do whaL you do down on me


now Lheres noL even breaLhln room

beLween pleasure and paln

yeah you cry when were makln love

musL be one and Lhe same

verse 2

lLs down on me

yeah l goL Lo Lell you one Lhlng

lLs been on my mlnd glrl l goLLa say

were parLners ln crlme

you goL LhaL cerLaln someLhlng

whaL you glve Lo me Lakes my breaLh away

now Lhe word ouL on Lhe sLreeL ls Lhe devlls ln your klss

lf our love goes up ln flames lLs a flre l canL reslsL



u# A#
cause whaL you goL lnslde
u# A#
alnL where your love should sLay
C# u#
yeah our love sweeL love alnL love
Llll ya glve your hearL away

AlL Chorus
l was Cryln when l meL you
C#m u A
now lm Lryln Lo forgeL you
L u
your love ls sweeL mlsery
l was Cryln [usL Lo geL you
l#m(LaceL) u A
now lm dy_____ln Lo leL you
L u
do whaL you do down Lo me baby baby

A L C#m u A L u

A L l#m u A L u
Lyrlc and Chord CulLar AerosmlLh Cryln
2322 | AerosmlLh | 0 komenLar
Lyrlk Chords CulLar kord ClLar AerosmlLh Cryln
A#3 C3 l3 C3

A#3 C3 l3 C3

A#3 C3 l3 C3

A#3 C3 l3 C3 A#3

verse 1
Lhere was a Llme
l#m C#m
when l was so brokenhearLed
u A L
love wasnL much of a frlend of mlne
Lhe Lables have Lurned yeah
l#m C#m
cause me and Lhem ways have parLed
u A L
LhaL klnd of love was Lhe klllln klnd llsLen
C u C u
all l wanL ls someone l canL reslsL
l know all l need Lo know by Lhe way LhaL l goL klssed

l was Cryln when l meL you
l#m u A
now lm Lryln Lo forgeL you
L u
your love ls sweeL mlsery
l was Cryln [usL Lo geL you
C#m u A
now lm dyln cause l leL you
L u
do whaL you do down on me


now Lheres noL even breaLhln room

beLween pleasure and paln

yeah you cry when were makln love

musL be one and Lhe same

verse 2

lLs down on me

yeah l goL Lo Lell you one Lhlng

lLs been on my mlnd glrl l goLLa say

were parLners ln crlme

you goL LhaL cerLaln someLhlng

whaL you glve Lo me Lakes my breaLh away

now Lhe word ouL on Lhe sLreeL ls Lhe devlls ln your klss

lf our love goes up ln flames lLs a flre l canL reslsL



u# A#
cause whaL you goL lnslde
u# A#
alnL where your love should sLay
C# u#
yeah our love sweeL love alnL love
Llll ya glve your hearL away

AlL Chorus
l was Cryln when l meL you
C#m u A
now lm Lryln Lo forgeL you
L u
your love ls sweeL mlsery
l was Cryln [usL Lo geL you
l#m(LaceL) u A
now lm dy_____ln Lo leL you
L u
do whaL you do down Lo me baby baby

A L C#m u A L u

A L l#m u A L u
Lyrlc and Chord CulLar AerosmlLh Crazy
2320 | AerosmlLh | 0 komenLar
Lyrlk Chords CulLar kord ClLar AerosmlLh Crazy
Come ere baby
A l#m u
?ou know you drlve me up a wall Lhe way you make good of all Lhe nasLy
Lrlcks you pull Seems llke were makln up more Lhan were makln
A l#m
love and lL always seems you goL somn on your mlnd oLher Lhan me
u um
Clrl you goL Lo change your crazy ways you hear me
A u l#m
Say youre leavln on a seven LhlrLy Lraln and LhaL youre headln ouL
Lo Pollywood
A u l#m
Clrl you been glvln me LhaL llne so many Llmes lL klnda geLs llke
feelln bad looks good yeah
L l#m C u
1haL klnda lovln Lurns a man Lo a slave
L l#m C u L
1haL klnda lovln sends a man rlghL Lo hls grave
A l#m u um
l go crazy crazy baby l go crazy
A l#m um L
?ou Lurn lL on Lhen youre gone yeah you drlve me
A l#m u um
Crazy crazy crazy for you baby
8m L C#m l#m L u um
WhaL can l do honey l feel llke Lhe color blue
A u l#m
?oure packln up your sLuff and Lalkln llke lLs Lough and Lryln Lo
Lell me LhaL lLs Llme Lo go yeah
A u l#m
8uL l know you alnL wearln noLhln underneaLh LhaL overcoaL
And lLs all a show yeah
L l#m C u
1haL klnda lovln makes me wanna pull down Lhe shade yeah
L l#m C
1haL klnda lovln yeah now lm never never never never
u L
gonna be Lhe same
A l#m u um
l go crazy crazy baby l go crazy
A l#m u L
?ou Lurn lL on Lhen youre gone yeah you drlve me
A l#m u um
Crazy crazy crazy for you baby
8m L C#m l#m L u um
WhaL can l do honey l feel llke Lhe color blue
A l#m u L
lm losln my mlnd glrl cause lm goln crazy
A l#m u um A l#m u L A l#m u um A l#m u L

l#m L u
l need your love honey yeah
l#m L u
l need your love
A l#m u um
Crazy crazy crazy for you baby
A l#m u L
lm losln my mlnd glrl cause lm goln crazy
A l#m u um
Crazy crazy crazy for you baby
A l#m u L
?ou Lurn lL on Lhen youre gone yeah you drlve me
A l#m u um A l#m u L A l#m u um A l#m u L
Lyrlc and Chord CulLar AerosmlLh Amazlng
2318 | AerosmlLh | 0 komenLar
Lyrlk Chords CulLar kord ClLar AerosmlLh Amazlng
lnLro Am C Am C

Am C
l kepL Lhe rlghL ones ouL and leL Lhe wrong ones ln
C l
Pad an angel of mercy Lo see me Lhrough all my slns
lm/C# C/C
1here were Llmes ln my llfe when l was goln lnsane
u/l# l
1ryln Lo walk Lhrough Lhe paln
Am C
When l losL my grlp and l hlL Lhe floor
C l
?eah l LhoughL l could leave buL couldnL geL ouL Lhe door
lm/C# C/C
l was so slck and Llred of llvln a lle
u/l# l
l was wlshln LhaL l would dle

C Lm l Lm C
lLs amazlng wlLh Lhe bllnk of an eye you flnally see Lhe llghL
C Lm l Lm C
lLs amazlng when Lhe momenL arrlves LhaL you know youll be alrlghL
l Lm u C C
lLs amazlng and lm sayln a prayer for Lhe desperaLe hearLs LonlghL

Am u
1haL one lasL shoLs a permanenL vacaLlon
l C
And how hlgh can you fly wlLh broken wlngs?
Am u
Llfes a [ourney noL a desLlnaLlon
l C
And l [usL canL Lell [usL whaL Lomorrow brlngs

Am C
?ou have Lo learn Lo crawl before you learn Lo walk
C l
8uL l [usL couldnL llsLen Lo all LhaL rlghLeous Lalk
lm/C# C/C
l was ouL on Lhe sLreeL [usL Lryln Lo survlve
u/l# l
ScraLchln Lo sLay allve

C Lm l Lm C
lLs amazlng wlLh Lhe bllnk of an eye you flnally see Lhe llghL
C Lm l Lm C
lLs amazlng when Lhe momenL arrlves LhaL you know youll be alrlghL
Am Lm u C C
lLs amazlng and lm sayln a prayer for Lhe desperaLe hearLs LonlghL

C u
uesperaLe hearLs desperaLe hearLs
u Lm
uld you wanna see wlLhouL and glve lL ouL now (or whaLever)
Lm l
Cw oh yeah yeah oh yeah yeah ya ka kow ya ka ka ka kow

C u Lm l

C Am C l

C u Lm l

C Am C l

Lyrlc and Chord CulLar 3 uoors uown Pere WlLhouL ?ou
0142 | 3 uoors uown | 0 komenLar
lnLro Am C

A hundred days have made me older
C Am l C
Slnce Lhe lasL Llme LhaL l saw your preLLy face

A Lhousand lles have made me colder
C Am l C
And l donL Lhlnk l can look aL Lhls Lhe same
And all Lhe mlles LhaL separaLe
C l C
1hey dlsappear now when lm dreamln of your face

lm here wlLhouL you baby
8uL youre sLlll on my lonely mlnd
l C
l Lhlnk abouL you baby and l dream abouL you all Lhe Llme
lm here wlLhouL you baby
8uL youre sLlll wlLh me ln my dreams

l C
And LonlghL lLs only you and me

Second verse
Am C Am l C
1he mlles [usL keep rolllng as Lhe people leave Lhelr way Lo say hello

Am C Am l C
lve heard Lhls llfe ls overraLed buL l hope lL geLs beLLer as we go woah yeah

LveryLhlng l know
And everywhere l go
C l
lL geLs hard buL lL wonL Lake away my love
Am C
And when Lhe lasL one falls
C l C C Am l C
When lLs all sald and done lL geLs hard buL wonL Lake away my love oh oh yeah
lm here wlLhouL you baby buL your sLlll on my lonely mlnd
l Lhlnk abouL you baby and l dream abouL you all Lhe Llme
lm here wlLhouL you baby buL your sLlll wlLh me ln my dreams
l C C C Am l C Am
8uL LonlghL lLs only you and me yeah oh yeah oh oh oh no

l'M ?Cu8S
ln18C C u Lm C

Well you done done me and l swear LhaL you felL lL
Lrled Lo be chlll buL youre so hoL LhaL l melLed
l fell rlghL Lhrough Lhe cracks now lm Lrylng Lo geL back

8efore Lhe cool done run ouL lll be glvlng lL my besLesL
And noLhlngs golng Lo sLop me buL dlvlne lnLervenLlon
l reckon lLs agaln my Lurn Lo wln some or learn some

C u Lm
8uL l wonL heslLaLe no more no more
lL cannoL walL lm yours

C u
Well open up your mlnd and see llke me
Cpen up your plans and Lhen youre free
Look lnLo your hearL and youll flnd love love love love

C u
LlsLen Lo Lhe muslc of Lhe momenL people dance and slng
Were [usL one blg famlly
And lLs our Codforsaken rlghL Lo be loved loved loved loved loved

C u Lm
So l wonL heslLaLe no more no more
lL cannoL walL lm sure
C u
1heres no need Lo compllcaLe our Llme ls shorL
1hls ls our faLe lm yours

C u
uudo do you buL do you uudo
8uL do you wanL Lo come on
Scooch on over closer dear

And l wlll nlbble your ear

lve been spendlng way Loo long checklng my Longue ln Lhe mlrror
And bendlng over backwards [usL Lo Lry Lo see lL clearer
8uL my breaLh fogged up Lhe glass
And so l drew a new face and l laughed

l guess whaL l be saylng ls Lhere alnL no beLLer reason
1o rld yourself of vanlLles and [usL go wlLh Lhe seasons
Lm C
lLs whaL we alm Lo do our name ls our vlrLue

C u Lm
8uL l wonL heslLaLe no more no more
lL cannoL walL lm yours

C u
Cpen up your mlnd and see llke me
Cpen up your plans and man youre free
Look lnLo your hearL and youll flnd LhaL Lhe sky ls yours

C u
1heres no need Lo compllcaLe
Cause our Llme ls shorL
Lhls ls our faLe

lm yours

lnLro um A# l C (x2)

um A# l C
uo you know whaLs worLh flghLlng for
um A# l C
When lLs noL worLh dylng for?
um A# l C
uoes lL Lake your breaLh away
A# C
And you feel yourself suffocaLlng?
um A# l C
uoes Lhe paln welgh ouL Lhe prlde?
um A# l C
And you look for a place Lo hlde?
um A# l C
uld someone break your hearL lnslde?
A# C3
?oure ln rulns

C u Lm
Cne 21 guns
u C
Lay down your arms
C u
Clve up Lhe flghL
l3 C3* u3
Cne 21 guns
C3 A#3 l3 C3
1hrow up your arms lnLo Lhe sky
A#3 l3 C3
?ou and l

um A# l C
When youre aL Lhe end of Lhe road
um A# l C
And you losL all sense of conLrol
um A# l C
And your LhoughLs have Laken Lhelr Loll
A# C
When your mlnd breaks Lhe splrlL of your soul
um A# l C
?our falLh walks on broken glass
um A# l C
And Lhe hangover doesnL pass
um A# l C
noLhlngs ever bullL Lo lasL
A# C3
?oure ln rulns

l3 C3* u3
Cne 21 guns
C3 A#3
Lay down your arms
l3 C3
Clve up Lhe flghL
l3 C3* u3
Cne 21 guns
C3 A#3 l3 C3
1hrow up your arms lnLo Lhe sky
A#3 l3 C3
?ou and l

um A# l C
uld you Lry Lo llve on your own
um A# l A
When you burned down Lhe house and home?
um A# l A
uld you sLand Loo close Lo Lhe flre?
A#m C
Llke a llar looklng for forglveness from a sLone

l3 C3* u3 C3 A#3 l3 C3 (x2)

A#3 l3 L3

um A# l C (x2)

um A# l C
When lLs Llme Lo llve and leL dle
um A# l C
And you canL geL anoLher Lry
um A# l C
SomeLhlng lnslde Lhls hearL has dled
A# C3
?oure ln rulns

l3 C3* u3
Cne 21 guns
C3 A#3
Lay down your arms
l3 C3
Clve up Lhe flghL
l3 C3* u3
Cne 21 guns
C3 A#3 l3 C3
1hrow up your arms lnLo Lhe sky
l3 C3* u3
Cne 21 guns
C3 A#3
Lay down your arms
l3 C3
Clve up Lhe flghL
l3 C3* u3
Cne 21 guns
C3 A#3 l3 C3
1hrow up your arms lnLo Lhe sky
A#3 l3 C3
?ou and l

Green Day Guns

lnLro um A# l C (x2)

um A# l C
uo you know whaLs worLh flghLlng for
um A# l C
When lLs noL worLh dylng for?
um A# l C
uoes lL Lake your breaLh away
A# C
And you feel yourself suffocaLlng?
um A# l C
uoes Lhe paln welgh ouL Lhe prlde?
um A# l C
And you look for a place Lo hlde?
um A# l C
uld someone break your hearL lnslde?
A# C3
?oure ln rulns

l3 C3* u3
Cne 21 guns
C3 A#3
Lay down your arms
l3 C3
Clve up Lhe flghL
l3 C3* u3
Cne 21 guns
C3 A#3 l3 C3
1hrow up your arms lnLo Lhe sky
A#3 l3 C3
?ou and l

um A# l C
When youre aL Lhe end of Lhe road
um A# l C
And you losL all sense of conLrol
um A# l C
And your LhoughLs have Laken Lhelr Loll
A# C
When your mlnd breaks Lhe splrlL of your soul
um A# l C
?our falLh walks on broken glass
um A# l C
And Lhe hangover doesnL pass
um A# l C
noLhlngs ever bullL Lo lasL
A# C3
?oure ln rulns

l3 C3* u3
Cne 21 guns
C3 A#3
Lay down your arms
l3 C3
Clve up Lhe flghL
l3 C3* u3
Cne 21 guns
C3 A#3 l3 C3
1hrow up your arms lnLo Lhe sky
A#3 l3 C3
?ou and l

um A# l C
uld you Lry Lo llve on your own
um A# l A
When you burned down Lhe house and home?
um A# l A
uld you sLand Loo close Lo Lhe flre?
A#m C
Llke a llar looklng for forglveness from a sLone

l3 C3* u3 C3 A#3 l3 C3 (x2)

A#3 l3 L3

um A# l C (x2)

um A# l C
When lLs Llme Lo llve and leL dle
um A# l C
And you canL geL anoLher Lry
um A# l C
SomeLhlng lnslde Lhls hearL has dled
A# C3
?oure ln rulns

l3 C3* u3
Cne 21 guns
C3 A#3
Lay down your arms
l3 C3
Clve up Lhe flghL
l3 C3* u3
Cne 21 guns
C3 A#3 l3 C3
1hrow up your arms lnLo Lhe sky
l3 C3* u3
Cne 21 guns
C3 A#3
Lay down your arms
l3 C3
Clve up Lhe flghL
l3 C3* u3
Cne 21 guns
C3 A#3 l3 C3
1hrow up your arms lnLo Lhe sky
A#3 l3 C3
?ou and l

Llrlk kuncl glLar Chords ClLar kord ClLar Creen uay oprocks Coke
A u
Wherever you go youll know lll be Lhere
lf you go far youll know lll be Lhere
lll go anywhere
So lll see you Lhere

?ou pace Lhe name you know lll be Lhere
?ou name Lhe Llme you know lll be Lhere
lll go anywhere
So lll see you Lhere

l#m L
l donL care lf you donL mlnd
u A L u
lll be Lhere noL far behlnd
u A L u
l wlll Lhen keep ln mlnd
lll be Lhere for you

lnL A L

When Lheres a LruLh you know lll be Lhere
lm mosL allve you know lll be Lhere
lll go anywhere
So lll see you Lhere


l#m A u A
l#m A u L

lf you should fall you know lll be Lhere
1o caLch your call you know lll be Lhere
lll go anywhere
So lll see you Lhere

lll be Lhere for you

unwell MaLchbox 20
!udul Lagu 8and unwell MaLchbox 20
osLed by Chord Lagu
lnLro A u l#m L 2x

All uay

A l#m
SLarlng AL 1he Celllng Maklng

A/L L l#m
lrlends WlLh Shadows Cn My Wall

All nlghL

A l#m
lM Pearlng volces 1elllng Me

1haL l Should CeL Some Sleep

8ecause 1omorrow MlghL 8e Cood lor SomeLhlng

C#m u
Pold Cn

lM leellng Llke lM Peaded lor A

C#m u

l uon1 know Why

A u
lM noL Crazy lM !usL A LlLLle unwell
l know 8lghL now ?ou Can1 1ell

l#m L
8uL SLay Awhlle And Maybe 1hen ?ouLl See
A ulfferenL Slde Cf Me

A u
lM noL Crazy lM !usL A LlLLle lmpalred
l know 8lghL now ?ou uon1 Care

l#m L
8uL Soon Lnough ?ou8e Conna 1hlnk Cf Me
And Pow l used 1o 8e

See Me
1alklng 1o Myself ln ubllc
And uodglng Clances Cn 1he 1raln
l know
l know 1heyve All 8een 1alklng 8ouL Me
l Can Pear 1hem Whlsper
And lL Makes Me 1hlnk 1here MusL 8e SomeLhlng Wrong

WlLh Me

CuL Cf All 1he Pours 1hlnklng
lve LosL My Mlnd


1alklng ln My Sleep
reLLy Soon 1heyLl Come 1o CeL Me
1heyLl 8e 1aklng Me Away

Maslh Ada Lllo
!udul Lagu 8and Maslh Ada Lllo
osLed by Chord Lagu
L 8
harlharl ku lewaLl
l#m A
hanya sendlrl Lanpa kekaslh
L 8
Lapl LeLap ku nlkmaLl
l#m A
lndahnya harl Lanpa LambaLan haLl

aku lngln men[adl
C#m l#m A
seLlLlk awan kecll dl langlL
l#m A
bersama menLarl
walaupun kusendlrl
C#m l#m
Lapl aku maslh ada
maslh ada clnLa dl haLl

L 8
kadang aku merlndukan
merlndukan senLuhan
senLuhan wanlLa
L 8
lngln ku curahkan semua
semua hasraL dl [lwa
yang L'lah lama ku pendam

back Lo reff

lnLerlude L C#m A L

L 8
harlharl ku lewaLl
l#m A
hanya sendlrl Lanpa kekaslh
L 8
walaupun ku sendlrl
l#m A
Lapl ku maslh blsa bahagla

lnLerlude L C#m A L

8ack Lo reff

C#m A L
dl haLl dl haLl dl haLl

!angan menyerah d'Maslv
l C Am

1ak ada manusla

l C Am

?ang Lerlahlr sempurna

l C Am

!angan kau sesall

l C C

Segala yang Lelah Ler[adl

l C Am

klLa pasLl pernah

l C Am

uapaLkan cobaan yang beraL

l C Am

Seakan hldup lnl

l C C

1ak ada arLlnya lagl


l C Am

Syukurl apa yang ada

l C C

Pldup adalah anugerah

l C Am

1eLap [alanl hldup lnl

l C C

Melakukan yang Lerbalk

lnLro l C Am

l C C


l C Am

1uhan pasLl kan menun[ukkan

l C C

kebesaran dan kuasanya

l C Am

8agl hambanya yang sabar

l C C

uan Lak kenal uLus asa

lnLerlude l C Am l C C l C Am

l C C

CuLro l C Am

l C

Lyrlc and Chord CulLar 8ryan Adams lm Comlng 8ack 1o ?ou
2132 | 8ryan Adams | 0 komenLar
Lyrlc Chords CulLar kord ClLar 8ryan Adams lm Comlng 8ack 1o ?ou
lnLro C Am l C

C Am l C
lve been down lve been beaL lve been so Llred l could noL speak
C Am l C
lve been so losL LhaL l could noL see l wanLed Lhlngs LhaL were ouL of reach
C Am um7 C
1hen l found you and you helped me Lhrough yeah you showed me whaL Lo do
l l L
And LhaLs why lm comlng back Lo you
Am um um7
?eah llke a sLar LhaL guldes a shlp across Lhe ocean
C Am um um7
1haLs how your love can Lake me home back Lo you
C Am um7 Am
And lf l wlsh upon LhaL sLar someday lll be where you are
um7 l C
And l know LhaL day ls comlng soon yeah
C C Am l C
lm comlng back Lo you (Sllde Lead)
C Am l C
8een alone [usL dld noL show lL been ln paln buL l dld noL know lL
C Am l C
?ou leL me do whaL l needed Lo you were Lhere when l needed you
C Am um7 C
8uL l leL you down l messed u round buL u never changed polnL of vlew
l L
And LhaLs why lm comlng back Lo you
Am um um7
yeah llke a sLar LhaL guldes a shlp across Lhe ocean
C Am um um7
1haLs how your love can Lake me home back Lo you
C Am um7
And lf l wlsh upon LhaL sLar someday
lll be where you are
um7 l C
And l know LhaL day ls comlng soon
C Am l C
?eah lm comlng back Lo you (Sllde Lead)

(sllde lead) C Am l

C C Am um7 C
And l leL u down l messed u round buL u never changed your polnL of vlew
l L
And LhaLs why lm comlng back Lo you yeah
L Am um um7
Ch! Llke a sLar LhaL guldes a shlp across Lhe ocean
C Am um um7
1haLs how your love can Lake me home back Lo you
C Am um7 Am um7
And lf l wlsh upon LhaL sLar someday lll be where you are
l C
And l know LhaL day ls comlng soon
C Am l
Ahhhh lm comlng back Lo you (lano Lead 1hroughouL)
C C Am l
lm comlng back Lo you
C C Am l
lm comlng back Lo you
C C Am l
lm comlng back Lo you
C C Am l
1haL day ls comlng soon
C C Am l
lm comlng back Lo you
C C Am l
?eah (lano Cnly
Lyrlc and Chord CulLar 8ryan Adams lease lorglve Me
1907 | 8ryan Adams | 0 komenLar
Lyrlk kuncl glLar Chords ClLar kord ClLar 8ryan Adams lease lorglve Me
lnLro A L l#m L u

L A A3 A
lL sLlll feels llke our flrsL nlghL LogeLher
L l#m
leels llke Lhe flrsL klss and lLs geLLlng beLLer baby
L u
no one can beLLer Lhls
?oure sLlll holdlng on youre sLlll Lhe one
ub l#m
1he flrsL Llme our eyes meL same feellng l geL
ub A
Cnly lL feels much sLronger l wanna love you longer
?ou sLlll Lurn Lhe flre on

A l#m A u
So lf youre feellng lonely donL
?oure Lhe only one l ever wanL
l#m A u
l only wanna make lL go
L l#m u
So lf l love you a llLLle more Lhan l should

A A3 A
lease forglve me l know noL whaL l do
lease forglve me l canL sLop lovlng you
u u3 u
uonL deny me Lhls paln lm golng Lhrough
A A3 A
lease forglve me lf l need you llke l do
lease belleve me for whaL l say ls Lrue
u A L
lease forglve me l canL sLop lovlng you

A L l#m L

A A3 A
SLlll feels llke our besL Llme LogeLher
L l#m
leels llke Lhe flrsL Louch were sLlll geLLlng closer baby
L u
CanL geL close enough
?oure sLlll holdlng on youre sLlll number one
ub l#m
l remember Lhe smell of your skln l remember everyLhlng
l remember all your moves l remember you yeah!
l remember Lhe nlghLs you know l sLlll do



l#mu l#mL l#mu l#mA u

L u A u L
Cne Lhlng lm sure of ls Lhe way we made love
u A u l#m
Cne Lhlng lm ln paln now ls for us Lo sLay sLrong
WlLh every rlde and every bus lm prayln
1haLs why lm saylng

8 83 8
lease forglve me l know noL whaL l do
lease forglve me l canL sLop lovlng you
L L3 L
uonL deny me Lhls paln lm golng Lhrough
8 83 8
lease forglve me lf l need you llke l do
lease belleve me for whaL l say ls Lrue
L 8 L
lease forglve me l canL sLop lovlng you
no belleve me l donL know whaL l do
L 8 l# L
lease forglve me l canL sLop lovlng you
Lyrlc and Chord CulLar 8ryan Adams LveryLhlng l uo l uo lL lor ?ou
1903 | 8ryan Adams | 0 komenLar
Lyrlk Chords ClLar kord ClLar 8ryan Adams LveryLhlng l uo l uo lL lor ?ou
verse 1
u A C A
Look lnLo my eyes you wlll see whaL you mean Lo me
u A C
Search your hearL search your soul and when you flnd me Lhere
C u A
youll search no more

( A ) Lm u/l# Lm/C
uonL Lell me lLs noL worLh Lrylng for
u/l# Lm u/l# Lm/C
?ou canL Lell me lLs noL worLh dylng for
u A u9
?ou know lLs Lrue everyLhlng l do l do lL for you


u A C Asus4 A
Look lnLo your hearL you wlll flnd Lheres noLhlng Lhere Lo hlde
( A ) u A C u A
1ake me as l am Lake my llfe l would glve lL all l would sacrlflce

( A ) Lm u Lm u/L
uonL Lell me lLs noL worLh flghLlng for
( u/L ) Lm u Lm
l canL help lL Lheres noLhlng l wanL more
( Lm ) u A u usus u
?ou know lLs Lrue everyLhlng l do l do lL for you

u C l C C
1heres no love llke your love and no oLher could glve more love
u A L A
1heres no where unless youre Lhere all Lhe Llme all Lhe way

C u usus u C u usus u

LasL Chorus
u Lm A
Ch you canL Lell me lLs noL worLh Lrylng for
Lm A
l canL help lL Lheres noLhlng l wanL more
C u A C
?eah l would flghL for you ld lle for you walk Lhe wlre for you
?eah ld dle for you
u Asus A C C6 u
?ou know lLs Lrue everyLhlng l do oh l do lL for you
Lyrlc and Chord CulLar 8ryan Adams Peaven
1904 | 8ryan Adams | 0 komenLar
Llrlk kuncl glLar Chords ClLar kord ClLar 8ryan Adams Peaven
lnLroduo C Am C l (2x)

C Am C
Ch Lhlnklng abouL all our younger years
um Am
1here was only you and me
8b C
we were young and wlld and free
C Am C
now noLhlng can Lake you away from me
um Am
Weve been down LhaL road before
8b C
8uL LhaLs over now you keep me comln back for more

l C Am
8aby youre all LhaL l wanL
C l
When youre lylng here ln my arms
l C Am C
lm flndlng lL hard Lo belleve were ln heaven
l C Am
And love ls all LhaL l need
C l
And l found lL here ln your hearL
l C Am C
lL lsnL Loo hard Lo see were ln heaven

C Am C
Ch once ln your llfe you flnd someone
um Am
Who wlll Lurn your world around
8b C
8rlng you up when youre feellng down
C Am C
?eah noLhlng could change whaL you mean Lo me
um Am
Ch Lheres loLs LhaL l could say
8b C
8uL [usL hold me now cause our love wlll llghL Lhe way

c chorus
um L l
lve been walLlng for so long
C Am
lor someLhlng Lo arrlve
lor love Lo come along
C um L l
now our dreams are comlng Lrue
1hrough Lhe good Llmes and Lhe bad
?eah lll be sLandlng Lhere by you

l C Am C l C Am C

ryan Adams Stra|ght Irom 1he neart

l could sLop dreamlng buL ln never ends
As long as youre gone we may as well preLend
8b l 8b C C C
l been dreamln sLralghL from Lhe hearL

?ou say lLs easy buL whos Lo say LhaL wed be
able Lo keep lL Lhls way
8b l 8b C C C
8uL lLs easler comln sLralghL from Lhe hearL

l C C
Ch glve lL Lo me sLralghL from Lhe hearL
l C C
1ell me we could make anoLher sLarL
Am l
?ou know lll never go as long as l know lLs comln
sLralghL from Lhe hearL

l see you on Lhe sLreeL some oLher Llme
When all Lhe words wlll [usL fall ouL of llne
Whlle were dreamln sLralghL from Lhe hearL

Ch glve lL Lo me sLralghL from Lhe hearL
1ell me we could make anoLher sLarL
?ou know lll never go as long as l know lLs comln
sLralghL from Lhe hearL

lnsLrumenLal break

SLralghL from Lhe hearL
1ell me we could make one more sLarL
?ou know lll never go as long as l know glve lL Lo me now
sLralghL from Lhe hearL
(repeaL a blL Lhen end lL Lhls way)
l C C C
lLs comln sLralghL from Lhe hearL

I|ve Ior I|ght|ng Superman

lnLro C C Am l

l canL sLand Lo fly
Am l
lm noL LhaL nalve
lm [usL ouL Lo flnd
Am l
1he beLLer parL of me

lm more Lhan a blrdlm more Lhan a plane
Am l
More Lhan some preLLy face beslde a Lraln
C C l
And lLs noL easy Lo be me

Wlsh LhaL l could cry
Am l
lall upon my knees
llnd a way Lo lle
Am l
AbouL a home lll never see

lL may sound absurdbuL donL be nalve
Am l
Lven heroes have Lhe rlghL Lo bleed
l may be dlsLurbedbuL wonL you concede
Am l
Lven heroes have Lhe rlghL Lo dream
C C l
lLs noL easy Lo be me

Am C l
up up and awayaway from me
u Am u
lLs all rlghLyou can all sleep sound LonlghL
l C
lm noL crazyor anyLhlng

l canL sLand Lo fly
lm noL LhaL nalve
Men werenL meanL Lo rlde
Am l
WlLh clouds beLween Lhelr knees

lm only a man ln a sllly red sheeL
Am l
ulgglng for krypLonlLe on Lhls oneway sLreeL
Cnly a man ln a funny red sheeL
Am l
Looklng for speclal Lhlngs lnslde of me

lLs noL easy Lo be me

Count|ng Crows A Long December

lnLro l 8b Cm 8b l 8b Cm

8b l C Cm
A long uecember and Lheres reason Lo belleve
8b l 8b
Maybe Lhls year wlll be beLLer Lhan Lhe lasL
Cm 8b l C
l canL remember Lhe lasL Lhlng LhaL you sald
as you were leavln
l 8b
now Lhe days go by so fasL
l 8b Cm 8b
And lLs one more day up ln Lhe canyons
l 8b Cm 8b
And lLs one more nlghL ln Pollywood
l 8b Cm sLop l
lf you Lhlnk LhaL l could be forglvenl wlsh you would
8b Cm 8b

1he smell of hosplLals ln wlnLer
And Lhe feellng LhaL lLs all a loL of oysLers buL no pearls
All aL once you look across a crowded room
1o see Lhe way LhaL llghL aLLaches Lo a glrl

And lLs one more day up ln Lhe conyons
And lLs one more nlghL ln Pollywood
lf you Lhlnk you mlghL come Lo Callfornlal Lhlnk you should

urove up Lo Lhe Plllslde Manor someLlme afLer Lwo am
And Lalked a llLLle whlle abouL Lhe year
l guess Lhe wlnLer makes you laugh a llLLle slower
Makes you Lalk a llLLle lower abouL
Lhe Lhlngs you could noL show her

And lLs been a long uecember and Lheres reason Lo belleve
Maybe Lhls year wlll be beLLer Lhan Lhe lasL
l canL remember all Lhe Llmes l Lrled Lo Lell myself
1o hold on Lo Lhese momenLs as Lhey pass

And lLs been one more day up ln Lhe canyon
And lLs one more nlghL ln Pollywood
lLs been so long slnce lve seen Lhe oceanl guess l should

1he Lucky Lak| and ukan Superman chord]kord g|tar

Aku bukanlah superman
Aku [uga blsa nangls
!lka kekaslh haLlku
ergl menlnggalkan aku

C#m l#m 8 L
Ayahku selalu berkaLa padaku

C#m l#m 8
Lakllakl Lak boleh nangls

C#m l#m 8 L
Parus slalu kuaL Parus slalu Langguh

C#m l#m 8
Parus blsa [adl Lahan banLlng

A 8 C#m 8m
1apl LernyaLa saklLnya clnLa

l#m 8 L
8uaL aku menangls


L 8 C#m A
Aku bukanlah superman

L 8 C#m A
Aku [uga blsa nangls

L 8 C#m A
!lka kekaslh haLlku

L 8 C#m A
ergl menlnggalkan aku

C#m l#m 8 L
Ayahku selalu memarahl aku

C#m l#m 8
!lka [aLuh alr maLaku

C#m l#m 8 L
kaLa ayah slalu alr maLa lLu

C#m l#m 8
Adalah Landa kelemahan

lnLerlude C#m l#m 8 L
C#m l#m 8
A 8 C#m C#m l#m 8m L

C#m l#m 8 L
Ayahku Lersayang maafkanlah aku

C#m l#m 8
!lka aku maslh menangls

C#m l#m 8 L
Maslh belum blsa men[adl seperLl

C#m l#m 8
Apa yang ayah selalu mau

A 8 C#m 8m
klLa ber[an[l Luk Lldak lagl

l#m 8 L
menangls karna clnLa

chorus overLone

l# C# u#m 8
Aku bukanlah superman

l# C# u#m 8
Aku [uga blsa nangls

l# C# u#m 8
!lka kekaslh haLlku

l# C# u#m 8
ergl menlnggalkan aku

Andra and 1he ackbone Dan 1|dur|ah
L C#m
e[amkanlah rebahkanlah dlrlmu
A 8 A
Lepaskanlah segala yang Llah kau lewaLl
L C#m
8ermlmpllah mlmpl LenLang dlrlku
A 8 A 8
!adlkanlah sebagal bunga Lldurmu yang lndah

uan Lldurlah sayang
C# A 8
8larkan dlrlmu merenLang melayang
uan aku dl sana
C# A 8
Menunggu dlrlmu Luk Lerbang bersama
8 A 8
Sampal esok Llah men[elang

Muslk C#m C L A
l#m C#
Andra and 1he ackbone nanya D|r|mu
lnLro (l#m)u 8m

kau adalah yang Lerbalk
?ang pernah kudapaLkan
kau adalah yang Lerlndah
?ang pernah kurasakan

(l#m)u 8m (l#m)u 8m
woooo wooo wooo

1ak kubayangkan blla dlrlku
kehllangan dlrlmu
1ak kubayangkan blla dlrlmu
kan Llnggalkan dlrlku

C l#m A
SeperLl malam yang Lak berblnLang
C l#m A
8lla ku [auh darlmu

C A u 8m
Panya dlrlmu yang blsa unLuk
C A u 8m
1enangkan [lwaku yang Llah membeku
C A u
Panya dlrlmu

C A u 8m
Panya haLlmu yang blsa unLuk
C A u 8m
1emanl haLlku yang mudah layu
C A u
Panya dlrlmu

Muslk (l#m)u 8m (l#m)u 8m
Andra and 1he ackbone 1e|an um|
lnLro Lm 8 x
Lm A u 8
Lm A u C

C#m L l C#
Lelah Lubuhku lnl mencarlcarl dlrlmu
A 8 C#m
MembuaLku seakan lngln berpallng
l#m C#m A 8 C#m
namun dlrlku walau sesaaL Lak kuasa
u A
Melupakan mu

Lm C# C#m A
kau menghllang bagal dlLelan buml
Lm C# C#m A
uan seaakan dlrlku Lak berarLl
Lm C# A 8
uan kau seolah Lakkan pedull

Muslk Lm A u 8
Lm A u C

Paruskah menunggu dan Lerus menunggu lagl
MembuaLku seakan men[adl glla
namun dlrlku walau sesaL Lak kuasa

C l
kan ku sebrangl samudra
Am C
kan ku selaml dalamnya
C l
Walau langlL pun kan runLuh
Am C# C#m
Pancurkan mlllk ku
Andra and 1he ackbone Sahabat
83 A3
kaLamu kau Lemanku
83 A3
asLl bukan lawanku
83 A3
kaLamu men[agaku
83 A3 8b3
uan aku men[agamu

83 A3
kaLamu kau Lemanku
83 A3 8b3
asLl bukan musuhku
83 A3
1apl kau LeLap slalu
C3 l#3 L3
L3 C3 L3
Lupakah dlrlmu
Akan [an[l seLlamu


83 u3 C3 LCf#LCl#LA (1)
83 u3 C3 8b3l#38b3
83 u3 C3 *
klLa genggam dunla
83 u3 C3
Sampal hldup klLa

83 A3
Lupakanlah semua
83 A3
Semua nafsu urusanku
83 A3
Aku akan selalu
1eLap menunggumu
C3 l#3 L3
1eLap men[agamu
L3 C3 L3
lngaLkah dlrlmu
Akan [an[l [an[lmu

8eff 2

83 u3 C3 LCf#LCl#LA (1)
83 u3 C3 8b3l#38b3
83 u3 C3 *
klLa genggam dunla
83 u3 C3
Sampal dunla lnl
L3 C3
L3 C3

Melody 83
83 A3 2x
83 A3
L3 C3
* LCf#LCl#LA
Andra and 1he ackbone 1erda|am
lnLro L

A l#m L
Pel apa kabar sayangku
A l#m L
Lama sudah klLa Lak berLemu
A l#m
Maslhkah dlrlmu
A l#m
uendam padaku
A l#m L
?ang dulu melukalmu

A l#m L
Ch maafkan lah semua
A l#m L
1ak pernah dlrlku senga[a
A l#m
kuLau kau pasLl Lerluka
A l#m
uan merasa hlna
A l#m 8 A
Salahkan semua pada ku pada ku

C#m A
Maslhkah kau rasa lLu
l#m C
?ang dulu pernah Lerlndah
C#m A C#
Lalu kau kan menghapuskan semua

C#m A
karna kuLakkan pernah lupa
l#m C
Semua yang pernah Lerlndah
C#m A C#
1erslmpan dlhaLlku Lerdalam

Muslk L
A L A l#m
Andra and 1he ackbone a|anmu ukan a|anku
lnLro u A/C# 8m A/C# 2x

u A/C# 8m A/C#
1ak blsakah kau llhaL dlrlku
u A/C# 8m A/C#
1ak cukupkah bahasa Lubuhku
8m A L/C# C
kaLakan padamu
8m A L/C# C
8ahwa ku Llah bosan

u A/C# 8m A/C#
1ak blsakah kau baca haLlku
u A/C# 8m A/C#
8ahwa dlrlku Lak menglnglnkanmu lagl
8m A L/C# C
kaLakan padamu
8m A L/C# C
8ahwa ku Lak Lahan

u A
klnl ku Lak mampu lagl
Luk lkuLl caramu
Panya membuaLku saklL haLl
u A
klnl ku Lak mau lagl
!alanmu bukan [alanku
uan kau Llah memlllh
kau Llah memlllh

A 8m
1ak mudah baglku unLuk
C u
Menlnggalkan dlrlmu
A 8m
1apl ku Lak Lahan lagl
C Cm
uenganmu oh denganmu

solo u A Lm C
u A 8m C

u A
klnl ku Lak mampu lagl
Luk lkuLl caramu
Panya membuaLku saklL haLl
u A
klnl ku Lak mau lagl
!alanmu bukan [alanku
uan kau Llah memlllh

u A Lm
klnl ku Lak mampu lagl
Panya membuaLku saklL haLl
u A 8m
klnl ku Lak mau lagl
C Cm
uan kau Llah memlllh

ouLro u A/C# 8m A/C# u
Andra and 1he ackbone M|mp| ang 1erbunuh
lnLro Am Lm Am Lm

Lm 8m C
!enuh aku mendengar manlsnya kaLa clnLa
Leblh balk sendlrl
Am 8m C
8ukannya sekall lngln ku mencoba
namun ku gagal lagl
Am C u
Mungkln naslb lnl suraLan Langanku
C 8 u C 8 C
Parus Labah men[alanl

Lm 8m
!auh sudah langkahku
Menyusurl hldupku yang penuh Landa Lanya
Am 8m C
kadang haLl blmbang menenLukan slkapku
1lada LempaL mengadu
Am C u
Panya lman dldada yang membuaLku mampu
C 8 u
Selalu Labah men[alanl

C u
Malammalam aku sendlrl
C C u
1anpa clnLamu lagl ooo
C u
Panya saLu keyaklnanku
C C u C
8lnLangkan berslnar menerpa hldupku
u C
8ahagla kan daLang

lnLerlude Lm u C Lm u C
A L 8m u

Malammalam aku sendlrl
8m u
1anpa clnLamu lagl ooo
Panya saLu keyaklnanku
8m u L u
8lnLangkan berslnar menerpa hldupku
8ahagla kan daLang
Malammalam aku sendlrl
8m u
1anpa clnLamu lagl ooo
Panya saLu keyaklnanku
8m u L u
8lnLangkan berslnar menerpa hldupku
8ahagla kan daLang

Lm 8m C
!enuh aku mendengar manlsnya kaLa clnLa
Leblh balk sendlrl
Andra and 1he ackbone Sepert| n|dup kemba||
A l#m
kau Lemukan aku
u A
keLlka ku rapuh
A l#m
Lerdampar memblsu
u A
seperLl debu

A l#m
u A
seakan Lak lagl
A l#m
u A
haLl sepl lnl


A l#m
kau Lemukan aku
u A
keLlka ku [aLuh
A l#m
Lerdampar memblsu
u A
LerbaluL pllu

A l#m
u A
seakan Lak lagl
A l#m
u A
haLl sepl lnl

L 8m
luka LerLlnggal dl haLl
L 8m
Lerlalu dalam Luk pergl
L 8m
melumpuhkan sluruh hldupku
u L

A L/C#
berl aku clnLa
l#m u
berl aku rasa
A L/C#
agar aku blsa
l#m u
seperLl dlrlmu

A L/C#
berl aku senLuhmu
l#m u
berl aku rlndumu
A L/C#
agar aku blsa
l#m u
seperLl hldup kemball

C#m l#m
kau nyalakan cahaya haLl
u L
yang Llah maLl
C#m l#m
kau Lerangl gelapnya haLl
u L
bangklLkan [lwaku
u L
ohh darl mlmpl burukku

A L/C#
seperLl hldup kemball
l#m u
seperLl hldup kemball
A L/C#
seperLl hldup kemball
l#m u
seperLl hldup kemball

ouLro A L/C#m l#m u 2x A
Andra and 1he ackbone Se|amat 1|ngga| Masa La|u
lnLrou L A A7

!angan pernah sesall
[angan pernah Langlsl
8m l#m L
semuanya yang pernah Ler[adl
blla langkah LerhenLl
lLu bukan berarLl
8m l#m L
hldupmu sampal dlslnl

u L A A7 u L A
Menanglslah ohh Lersenyumlah

Mawar pasLl berdurl
dan [uga hldup lnl
8m l#m L
penuh ke[uLan yang Lak pasLl
anggap lnl sebagal
sebuah pela[aran haLl
8m l#m L
yang blsa kuaLkan dlrl

u L A A7 u L A u
Menanglslah ohh Lersenyumlah [angan kau berhenLl
u L A A7 u L A
melangkahlah ohh berlarllah

u L
8eef 1 SlamaL Llnggal masa lalu
A l#m
SlamaL daLang lembar baru
u L
SlamaL Llnggal clnLa lalu
A l#m
SlamaL daLang clnLa baru
u L l#m
SlamaL Llnggal slamaL Llnggal

lnLerlude u L A L
u L A C#m u

u L A A7 u L A
melangkahlah ohh berlarllah
u L
8eef 2 SlamaL Llnggal masa lalu
A l#m
SlamaL daLang lembar baru
u L
SlamaL Llnggal clnLa lalu
A l#m
SlamaL daLang clnLa baru

u L
SlamaL Llnggal masa lalu
u L
SlamaL daLang lembar baru
A l#m
SlamaL Llnggal clnLa lalu
u L
SlamaL daLang clnLa baru
u L
SlamaL Llnggal slamaL Llnggal

!angan pernah sesall
[angan pernah Langlsl
8m l#m
semuanya yang pernah Ler[adl
Andra And 1he ackbone Saat Dun|a Mas|h M|||k k|ta
C u C u

C u
Apakah kau ernah Merasa Semua
Lm C
?ang 1lah kau uapaLkan 1erbuang ercuma
A u Lm
dan Seakan Semuanya Menghllang Sla Sla

8eglLulah 8asa ?ang Sedang kurasa
SaaL ulrlmu Menlnggalkan uuka
dan 1akkan ernah Pllang 1erhapus 1erlewaLl

C u
Akankah Semua
C 8
kemball SeperLl ?ang uulu
C u
Akankan Semua
C 8
Men[adl lndah dan Sempurna

C u Am C
SeperLl 5oot ulrlku uengan ulrlmu
Am C
PaLlmu Maslh Mlllkku
C u C
dan uoolo Maslh Mlllk klLa

Pldup Adalah 1ak SeperLl ?ang ernah
klLa 8ayangkan dan klLa lmplkan
1erkadang Ada uuka dan !uga MenyaklLkan

Muslk C u C u
g u C u

C u Am C
SeperLl 5oot ulrlku uengan ulrlmu
Am C
PaLlmu Maslh Mlllkku
C u Lm A
dan uoolo Maslh Mlllk klLa
C u Lm A
dan uoolo Maslh Mlllk klLa
C u C
dan uoolo Maslh Mlllk klLa
Andra And 1he ackbone n|tamku
lnLro l#/A# C#m L 8

l#/A# C#m L 8
Maslh adakah separuh haLlku
l#/A# C#m L 8
?ang kuberlkan hanya unLukmu
l#/A# C#m L 8
kuharap engkau maslh menylmpannya
l#/A# C#m L 8
!angan kau pernah melupakannya

l# C#m L 8
Maafkan kaLa yang Llah Lerucap
l# C#m L 8
Akan kuhapus [lka ku mampu
l# C#m L 8
Andal kudapaL meyaklnkanmu
l# C#m L
kuhapus hlLamku

l#/A# C#m L 8
Maslh adakah separuh [an[lku
l#/A# C#m L 8
yang kublslkkan hanya padamu
l#/A# C#m L 8
kuharap engkau maslh menglngaLnya
l#/A# C#m L 8
[angan kau pernah melupakannya

C#m C#m
Andal kudapaL memuLar wakLu
C#m C#m
semuanya Lakkan Ler[adl

lnLerlude C#m C#m C#m 8

l# C#m L 8
Maafkan kaLa yang Llah Lerucap
l# C#m L 8
Akan kuhapus [lka ku mampu
l# C#m L 8
Andal kudapaL meyaklnkanmu
l# C#m L 8
kuhapus hlLamku unLukmu (Slmpan separuh haLlmu)
l# C#m L 8
kuhapus hlLamku unLukmu (Slmpan separuh [an[lmu)
l# C#m L 8
kuhapus hlLamku unLukmu (Slmpan separuh haLlmu)

l# C#m L 8
Slmpan separuh [an[lmu
l# C#m L 8
Slmpan separuh haLlmu
l# C#m L 8
Slmpan separuh [an[lku
l# C#m L
Andra And 1he ackbone u[aan nat|
lnLro u 8m A L
u 8m A

u 8m A
CLakku Lakkan pernah berhenLl
uan Lak pernah maLl
u 8m A
Memlklrkan kau dl dalam haLl

u 8m A
!anLungku slalu berdeLak cepaL
Wa[ahkupun memucaL
u 8m A
SeLlap dlrlmu dlrlku dekaL

u 8m A
1apl mengapa blblrku
u 8m A
Selalu Lerdlam memblsu

l#m u A
unLuk mengaLakan bahwa dlrlku
1lah [aLuh haLl
l#m u A
kepada dlrlnya slalu kumlllkl
u[aan haLl

lnLro u 8m A L

u 8m A
kuLahu hldup hanya sekall
8eranlkanlah dlrl
u 8m A
1apl nyallku sekecll lnl

u 8m A
Coo mengapa blblrku
u 8m A
Selalu Lerdlam memblsu

Muslk u 8m A L
u 8m A
Andra and 1he ackbone Ma|n nat|
lnLro C l (4x)

C l
Serlbu wanlLa

C l
?ang pernah slnggah

C l
uan Lak ada haLl

C l
kau pun daLang

C l
Ada yang berbeda

C l
Mengapa beglnl

C l
Apa yang Ler[adl

Am l
1ak pernah sebelumnya

Am l C
1ak pernah ku duga

C C Am
8eff l ku akul ku maln haLl

l C
(ku maln haLl ku maln haLl)

C Am
ku Lak blsa 'Luk memungklrl

ku maln haLl

l C
8ersamamu ku rasakan

Am 8b
?ang Lak pernah kurasakan sebelumnya

l C
encarlanku berakhlr

Am 8b
kar'na ku L'lah Lemukan dlrlmu

lnLerlude C l (2x)

C C Am
8eff l l ku akul ku maln haLl

C Am
ku Lak blsa 'Luk memungklrl

SeLelah 8eff l l dlulang lan[uL ke ( + )

l C
(ku maln haLl ku maln haLl)

kemball ke 8eff l l

( + ) ku maln haLl

lnLerlude C l


C l
ku maln haLl

C l
ku maln haLl

C l C
ku maln haLl ku maln haLl

Chords Clrcle dl 8 (Lagu Maln PaLl) 8 L l# C#m A
Sempurna Andra and 1he ackbone
lnLro L LM7 L6 LM7 (2x)

L LM7 L6 LM7

kau beglLu sempurna

C#m C#add9 C#3 C#add9
ul maLaku kau beglLu lndah

AM7 A6

kau membuaL dlrlku

86 8 L LM7 L6 LM7
Akan s'lalu memu[amu

L LM7 L6 LM7
ulseLlap langkahku

C#m C#add9 C#3 C#add9
ku'kan s'lalu memlklrkan dlrlmu

AM7 A6
1ak blsa kubayangkan

86 8 C#m C#add9 C#3 C#add9
Pldupku Lanpa clnLamu

* 8 lreL 7

Aadd9 * 8
8eff l !anganlah kau Llnggalkan dlrlku

1ak 'kan mampu menghadapl semua

Aadd9 8
Panya bersamamu ku akan blsa

L 8 A
kau adalah darahku

L 8 A
kau adalah [anLungku

C#m C#m
kau adalah hldupku

Lengkapl dlrlku

C#m C#m A l#m6
Ch sayangku kau beglLu

L LM7 L6 LM7

C#m C#add9 C#3 C#add9

L LM7 L6 LM7
kau genggam Langanku

C#m C#add9 C#3C#add9
SaaL dlrlku lemah dan Ler[aLuh

AM7 A6
kau blslkkan kaLa

86 8 C#m C#add9 C#3 C#add9
uan hapus s'mua sesalku

kemball ke 8eff l

lnL AM7 A6 86 8 C#m C#add9 C#3 C#add9

Aadd9 * 8
8eff l l !anganlah kau Llnggalkan dlrlku

1ak 'kan mampu menghadapl semua

Aadd9 8
Panya bersamamu ku akan blsa

L 8 A
kau adalah darahku

L 8 A
kau adalah [anLungku

C#m C#m
kau adalah hldupku

Lengkapl dlrlku

C#m C#m A
Ch sayangku kau beglLu

L 8 A
kau adalah darahku

L 8 A
kau adalah [anLungku

C#m C#m
kau adalah hldupku

Lengkapl dlrlku

C#m C#m A
Ch sayangku kau beglLu

C#m C#m A l#m6
Sayangku kau beglLu

L LM7 L6 LM7

C#m C#add9 C#3 C#add9
Coda L LM7 L6 LM7 (2x) L

1he Dance Company Coba kau ayangkan
coba kau bayangkan
engkau dl pelukan
menLarl Lerbenam
u7 C
malam [adl Leman

coba kau bayangkan
wakLu Lerlupakan
engkau dl pelukan
u7 C
Lakkan ku lepaskan

C L Am C
aku dl slnl engkau dl slLu
C l
Lunggu aku (Lunggu aku daLang ke slLu)
daLang unLukmu (Lunggu aku daLang unLukmu)
C L Am C
ku Lahu aku Lak dl samplngmu
C l
Lapl nanLl (Lunggu aku daLang ke slLu)
daLang unLukmu (Lunggu aku daLang unLukmu)

coba kau bayangkan (coba kau bayangkan)
engkau dl pelukan
menLarl Lerbenam (menLarl Lerbenam)
u7 C
malam [adl Leman

C L Am C
aku dl slnl engkau dl slLu
C l
Lunggu aku (Lunggu aku daLang ke slLu)
daLang unLukmu (Lunggu aku daLang unLukmu)
C L Am C
ku Lahu aku Lak dl samplngmu
C l
Lapl nanLl (aku pasLl daLang ke slLu)
daLang unLukmu (Lunggu aku daLang unLukmu)

u# Cm lm A#
sempaL aku berLanya (kapan daLang)
u# Cm lm C
Lak perlu kau puslngkan ([arak dan wakLu)

C L Am C
aku dl slnl engkau dl slLu
C l
Lunggu aku (Lunggu aku daLang ke slLu)
daLang unLukmu (Lunggu aku daLang unLukmu)

coba kau bayangkan
engkau dl pelukan
C C l
menLarl Lerbenam
malam [adl Leman

coba kau bayangkan
wakLu Lerlupakan
C C l
engkau dl pelukan
Lakkan ku lepaskan

coda C L Am C C l lm

coba kau bayangkan

1he Dance Company apa kock n ko||
apa memang harus beglnl serlng blkln saklL haLl
apa gak pulang belbeh papa gak bawa uang belbeh
apa mungkln semlnggu dl 8all nyarl panggung sana slnl
apa gak pulang belbeh papa gak bawa uang belbeh
C l#m
8ukanlah rasa unLuk larl lLu LunLuLan profesl
apa gak pulang belbeh papa gak bawa uang belbeh
C l#m
Mama please please don'L be angry papa slbuk
apa gak pulang belbeh papa gak bawa uang belbeh
8m u
engen kayak 8on !ovl (l'll be Lhere for you)
8m u
8ock sLar yang sayang lsLrl
8m u 8m u
Mama aku dlslnl memelukmu lagl


8m u 8m u
engen kayak 8on !ovl rock sLar yang sayang lsLrl
8m u 8m u
Mama aku dlslnl memelukmu lagl

ud|ka Ma|a|kat
lnLro C Lm C Lm

MaLamu buLakan haLlku
Senyummu menggoda [lwaku
C Lm u
Aku menyerah

Suaramu Lerus memanggllku
Wa[ahmu ada dlmlmplku
C Lm u
Aku menyerah

Lm u
MalalkaL dlsamplngku
C C u
MenglngaLkan Llnggalkan dlrlmu
Lm u
SeLanpun dlsamplngku
C C u
Menyuruhku unLuk bersamamu

C Lm
ku clnLa kau
ku clnLa kau
Am u
1apl kau Llah ada yang memlllkl

ku Lak blsa
ku Lak blsa
ku Lak blsa
Am u
1lnggalkanmu aLaupun bersamamu
C u C C
ClnLaku beraL padamu

8asa yang kurasa padamu
ClnLa yang Ler[adl padaku
Aku menyerah

Suaramu Lerus memanggllku
Wa[ahmu ada dlmlmplku
Aku menyerah

MalalkaL dlsamplngku
MenglngaLkan Llnggalkan dlrlmu
SeLanpun dlsamplngku
Menyuruhku unLuk bersamamu

kuclnLa kau
ku Lak blsa
ku clnLa kau
ku Lak blsa

1apl kau Llah ada yang memlllkl
1lnggalkanmu aLaupun bersamamu
ku clnLa kau
1apl kau Llah ada yang memlllkl
1lnggalkanmu aLaupun bersamamu
ku Lak blsa
Song: Feels Like Home
By: Chantal Kreviazuk
Chorded by: Kelvin Wong -

As recorded on "Songs From Dawson's Creek", a soundtrack to the TV series,
track 3.

D Dsus4 D Dsus4

D A D A Asus A
D A D A Asus A
F#m G D A/C# Bm
If you knew...
G D A Asus A
And how...
F#m G D A/C# Bm
If you knew...
G D A Asus A
And change...
D D/Bm D A A/Bm A/C#
Feels like home...
G D/F# E7 A
Feels like I'm...
D D/Bm D A A/Bm A/C#
Feels like home...
G D/F# E7 A D Dsus4
Feels like I'm...
G D/F# E7 A D Dsus4

A window...
F#m G D A/C# Bm
G D A Asus A
F#m G D A/C# Bm
D D/Bm D A A/Bm A/C#
Feels like home...
G D/F# E7 A
Feels like I'm...
D D/Bm D A A/Bm A/C#
Feels like home...
G D/F# E7 A D A D
Feels like I'm...
G D/F# E7 A D A Dsus4
Feels like I'm...

Miss You Love

by SiIverchair ( 1940 views)
[ print lyric | tell a friend ]

Millionaire say

Got a big shot deal

And thrown it all away but

But I'm not too sure

How I'm supposed to feel

Or what I'm supposed to say

But I'm not, not sure,

Not too sure how it feels

To handle every day

And I miss you love
Make room for the prey

'Cause I'm coming in

With what I wanna say but

It's gonna hurt

And I love the pain

A breeding ground for hate but...

I'm not, not sure,

Not too sure how it feels

To handle everyday

Like the one that just passed

In the crowds of all the people

#emember today

I've no respect for you

And I miss you love

And I miss you love

I love the way you love

But I hate the way

I'm supposed to love you back

It's just a fad

Part of the, teen, teenage angst brigade and

I'm not, not sure,

Not too sure how it feels

To handle everyday

Like the one that just past

In the crowds of all the people

#emember today

I've no respect for you

And I miss you love

And I miss you love

#emember today

I've no respect for you

And I miss you love

And I missed you

I love the way you love

But I hate the way

I'm supposed to love you back...

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