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REMEMBRANCE SUNDAY Recent media reports suggest that the symbol of the poppy as an act of remembrance for those

who have died in conflict is either outdated, not in line with policy or simply akin to glamourising murder. To me wearing a poppy is not just an act of remembrance; it is a sign of freedom. My Grandmother never spoke about the war losing her brother in a Japanese prisoner-ofwar camp on the 18th August 1943 was too much to bear. He fought for freedom against oppression; he fought for justice and effective social responsibility but he died as a captive in a land that was not his own. My Great-Uncle, and thousands of men and women like him died so that I might express an opinion without fear; they died so that you might openly disagree with me. He did not die to see people turn against each other; he did not die to enable greed, terror and prejudice to dominate this country; he did not die to see injustice for the vulnerable and religious intolerance and, in my opinion, he did not die to be forgotten. Despite all that we perceive to be wrong with Great Britain, this is still a beautiful country with amazing people and, when it comes to it, a country worth fighting for. And when that time comes, as one day it might, I promise to stand up and be counted. To those who have served and died in the name of our country and freedom, and to those who continue to serve, I promise that I will not forget you. To the families of those who have served and continue to serve, I promise that I will not forget you. To the Royal British Legion and the unsung heroes of the many organisations dedicated to the welfare of service men and women, I promise that, where possible, I will support you. If you choose not to wear a poppy or to recognise Armistice Day, or Remembrance Sunday, that is your right but for the sake of one day a year, I will wear my poppy as someone died for that right and to them I say thank you.

In memory of Corporal Charles Edward Healam 523049 Royal Air Force

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