Alt Ed Test

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1) What do you ca|| the act|v|t|es used |n the A|ternat|ve Learn|ng System wh|ch promote

pos|t|ve commun|tybu||d|ng?

a) ConfllcL8esoluLlon AcLlvlLles
b) Soclal8elaLlon LnhancemenL AcLlvlLles
c) CommunlLy 8ulldlng AcLlvlLles
d) Confldence8ulldlng AcLlvlLles

) What do you ca|| the Conf||ctkeso|ut|on act|v|ty where|n the student can on a card |n |arge
|etters one word that descr|bes how he or she |s fee||ng at present?
a) WhaL would you do?"
b) leellngs Check ln"
c) uLLlng up a llghL"
d) When l'm ln confllcL"

) 1h|s |s an act|v|ty where|n students are g|ven opportun|ty to descr|be a t|me they fe|t they
were be|ng taken advantage of and stood up for themse|ves
a) Anger 8all1oss"
b) leellngs Check ln"
c) SLandlng up"
d) none of Lhe above"

) 1hese are act|v|t|es des|gn tSo he|p peop|e who are suffer|ng from extreme shyness and
a) ConfllcL8esoluLlon AcLlvlLles
b) Soclal8elaLlon LnhancemenL AcLlvlLles
c) CommunlLy 8ulldlng AcLlvlLles
d) Confldence8ulldlng AcLlvlLles

S) What do you ca|| the act|v|ty wh|ch |s one way to bu||d conf|dence wh|ch encourages a person
to confront h|s]her fear and exp|ore |t through wr|t|ng
a) llx Lhe hyslcal"
b) SLarL a !ournal"
c) no harm 1rylng
d) none of Lhe above
Answer key

1) A
2) 8
3) C
4) u
3) 8

Prepored by koymond 6 Mendoto
42 85 5ocio/ 5cience

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