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~Three apples have changed the world.

One seduced Eve,

The second awakened Newton,
The third one was in the hands of jobs.
On twitter and facebook
Cn (how to ||ve your) ||fe our time is limited, so don`t waste it
living someone else`s life . Stay hungry. Stay foolish.
Stanford commencement speech.
Cn s|mp||c|ty ~That`s been one of my mantras - focus and
simplicity. Simple can be harder than complex. usiness
week 1998
Cn progress ~Things don`t have to change the world to be
important. ired 1996
Cn what peop|e (rea||y) want ~ou can`t just ask the customers
what they want and then try to give that to them. y the time
you get it built, they`ll want something new. nc Magazine
teven au| teve Iobs
(Iebruary 24 19SS Cctober S
ne was an Amer|can |nventor and
ne was cofounder cha|rman and
ch|ef execut|ve off|cer of App|e Inc
ne a|so was cofounder and
prev|ous|y served as ch|ef execut|ve
of |xar An|mat|on tud|os
ne became a member of the board
of d|rectors of the Wa|t D|sney
Company |n 2006 fo||ow|ng the
acqu|s|t|on of |xar by D|sney
8orn ln San lranclsco on lebruary 24 1933
Lo !oanne Carole Schleble and Abdul faLLah
!ohn !andall
A week afLer he was born he was puL up
for adopLlon by hls moLher Pe was
adopLed by aul and Clara !obs of
MounLaln vlew SanLa Clara CounLy
1hey gave hlm Lhe name SLeven aul
Pe dld hls schoollng from Los AlLos clLy
and laLer dropped ouL from hls college
SLudled LasLern mysLlclsm
Pe aLLended CuperLlno Mlddle School and PomesLead Plgh School
boLh ln CuperLlno Callfornla
Pe aLLended afLer school lecLures aL Lhe PewleLLackard Company
where he was laLer hlred Pe worked Lhere wlLh SLeve Woznlak as a
summer employee
AfLer hlgh school he aLLended 8eed College ln orLland Cregon for
one semesLer and Lhen dropped ouL
1wo years laLer ln 1974 he sLarLed golng Lo meeLlngs for Lhe
Pomebrew CompuLer Club" wlLh SLeve Woznlak ln Callfornla
!obs Look a [ob aL ALarl a popular vldeo game company as a
Lechnlclan hoplng Lo save enough money for a splrlLual reLreaL Lo
Pe came back from Lhe Lrlp head shaved wearlng LradlLlonal lndlan
cloLhlng and ready Lo go back Lo ALarl Pe was glven Lhe [ob of
creaLlng Lhe clrculL board for Lhe game 8reakouL" and $100 for
each chlp he could reduce Pe gave Lhe [ob Lo Woznlak who creaLed
a deslgn so LlghL Lhe assembly llne couldn'L do lL and reduced Lhe
deslgn by 30 chlps
teve marr|ed Laurene owe||
on March 18 1991 and had 3
ch||dren2 daughters and 1
In 2004 Iobs announced that
he had a tumor |n h|s
pancreas It was a |ess
threaten|ng type of pancreat|c
cancer however and on Iu|y
31 he had surgery to remove
the tumor ne d|d not need
further chemotherapy or
rad|at|on therapy
nad |nterest |n e|ectron|cs
teve was hardware expert and had a v|s|on
for a persona| computer that was affordab|e
and easy to use
Iob's goa| was to change the wor|d w|th h|s
ne was a|so very demand|ng of h|s
teve cocky att|tude and |ack of
management sk|||s made [obs a threat to
app|e's success
teve [obs was overconf|dent and d|d not
see gates and M|crosoft as a ser|ous threat
to app|e
#Man |s the creator of change |n th|s wor|d
As such he shou|d be above systems and
tructures and not subord|nate to them"
#App|e |s comm|tted to br|ng|ng the best persona|
comput|ng exper|ences to students educators creat|ve
profess|ona|s and consumers around the wor|d through |ts
|nnovat|ve hardware software and |nternet offer|ngs"
The word used most about Steve Jobs is JISION
Steve Jobs has a vision that the Apple
computer is an extension of what people do. He
wants every kid in school to have access to one.`
In many ways Steve Jobs devices help me
be me, and they help you be you.
AfLer !obs saw a compuLer Woznlak had
deslgned he dec|ded to turn |t |nto a bus|ness
Cn Apr|| 11976 the App|e Computer Co was
Iormed 1he|r f|rst C the App|e I so|d for
566666 and was re|eased |n 1976
1he App|e II wh|ch was re|eased the next
year was a huge success
In May of 1980 they re|eased the App|e III
1he|r App|e III computer had a|ready bombed
on the marketp|ace It wasn't as popu|ar but
that same year App|e became a pub||c|y
traded corporat|on great|y expand|ng Iob's
8uL Apple's success was LhreaLened as
lndusLry glanL l8M was plannlng Lo enLer
Lhe personal compuLer markeL ln 1981
Apple had Lo flghL back or Lhey would go
ouL of buslness ln a couple of years'
1hey focused all Lhelr energy on a
pro[ecL headed by SLeve !obs Llsa
1he Llsa compuLer was a breakLhrough
because lL used a graphlcal user
lnLerface lnsLead of a commandllne
1hls Lechnology llke many oLhers LhaL
would revoluLlonlze compuLlng was
lnvenLed aL xerox A8C buL Apple was
Lhe flrsL company Lo brlng lL Lo markeL
teve Iobs was the founder and
|nsp|rat|on for the App|e Company but
he was s|ow|y pushed out for#aggress|ve
and underhanded tact|cs"
Lmp|oyees sa|d he had a temper and
was usua||y stubborn
After an |nterna| power strugg|e he
was eventua||y k|cked off the board of
Iobs protested and res|gned even
though he stayed the cha|rmen for
some t|me ne was so upset he so|d a||
but one of h|s App|e shares
Dur|ng th|s t|me Iobs bought what
became #|xar" from Lucasf||m for 5S
It was actua||y |n that second ha|f of 198S that he was
|ntroduced to a sma|| team of br||||ant computer graph|cs
experts that George Lucas was try|ng to se||
1hey a|| shared a common dream of mak|ng an|mated mov|es
w|th computers teve was |nterested and he eventuo//y
bouqht the compony for 510 mi//ion in 198 incorporotinq it os
ne a|so started the computer company #-ek1 Computer"
1hough |t never went very ma|nstream due to h|gh costs |t
was respons|b|e for many |mportant |nnovat|ons |nc|ud|ng
#-ek1Ma||" Iobs' ema|| program that supported embedded
graph|cs and sounds and the or|g|na| Wor|d W|de Web system
Apple boughL nex1 ln 1996
brlnglng !obs back Lo Apple
When Lhe CLC ln 1997 Cll
Amello was Lhrown ouL !obs
Look hls place
1o show how proflLable he could
make Apple agaln he released a
number of new lLems llke Lhe
newLon Cyberdog and
1he comlng years broughL many
new producLs lncludlng Mac
CSx ln 2001 Lhe lMac Lhe lod
lMovle (1999) l1unes (2001)
luvu (2001) lhoLo (2002) lCal
and lSync (2002) Carage 8and
(2004) and flnally lWeb (2006)
SLeve ls ln Lhe Culnness 8ook of World
8ecords as Lhe LowesL ald Chlef
LxecuLlve Cfflcer" wlLh a salary of [usL $1
Powever glfLs llke a $46 mllllon [eL and [usL
under 30 mllllon shares of resLrlcLed sLock
make hlm very well off Lo say Lhe leasL
lxar whlch !obs boughL ln 1986 has been
responslble for fllms such as 1oy SLory"
llndlng nemo" and 1he lncredlbles"
8elaLlons wlLh ulsney were geLLlng Lough
Lhough and !obs announced LhaL Lhey
would flnd a new parLner ln 2004 8uL
when Llsner was replaced by 8ob lger ln
2003 he lmproved relaLlons and ulsney
boughL lxar for $74 bllllon
1hls made SLeve !obs Lhe largesL slngle
shareholder of Lhe WalL ulsney Company
wlLh 7 of Lhe sLock
1he App|e II
Mac C k
Mac8ook A|r
App tore
l am deeply saddened Lo learn of Lhe demlse of
SLeve !obs Pe was a Lruly lnnovaLlve man"
rlme MlnlsLer
SLeve was among Lhe greaLesL of Amerlcan
lnnovaLors 1he world has losL a vlslonary"
uS resldenL
SLeve !obs was slmply Lhe greaLesL CLC of hls
news Corp CLC
8uL81 Mu8uCCP
Pls unLlmely deaLh ls a huge loss Lo us all 1he
world has losL a greaL buslness leader and a
greaL vlslonary"
1aLa Croup chalrman
8A1An 1A1A
lormer Apple CLC SLeve !obs has dled buL hls flngerprlnLs wlll
llkely be seen ln producLs for years Lo come 1he ually Mall reporLs
LhaL !obs lefL behlnd plans for aL leasL four generaLlons worLh of
lads lhones lods and Mac8ooks
ln order Lo proLecL Lhe fuLure of Lhe company he cofounded ln
1976 !obs spenL a year preparlng plans for four more cycles of
Lhese gadgeLs Lhe ually Mall sald
uesplLe hls decllnlng healLh !obs also foughL for Lhe approval of
Lhe plans for Apples new masslve spaceshlpllke headquarLers ln
CuperLlno ln !une !obs appeared before Lhe CuperLlno ClLy
Councll Lo ouLllne plans for Lhe 31 mllllon square fooL clrcular
sLrucLure LhaL wlll house 12000 Apple employee
!obs successor 1lm Cook on 1uesday announced Apples flfLh
generaLlon smarLphone Lhe lhone 4S
#emembering that `ll be dead soon is the
most important tool `ve ever encountered to
help me make the big choices in life. ecause
almost everything - all external expectations,
all pride, all fear of embarrassment or failure
- these things just fall away in the face of
death, leaving only what is truly important.
#emembering that you are going to die is the
best way know to avoid the trap of thinking
you have something to lose.

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