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karlsse 8lenzl uy SanLos

JaL ls dleLlng?
pracLlce of lngesLlng food ln a regulaLed
faslon Lo acleve or malnLaln a
conLrolled welgL
Jy dleL?
1o meeL your nuLrlLlonal needs
1o prevenL and Lo LreaL dlsease
eg cancer and heart disease
1o manage your welgL
1o en[oy llfe
(unP1P? ul1 C1lCn)
1e emon ueLo uleL aka 1e 8eyonce uleL
ure waLer + lemon [ulce + cayenne pepper + maple
l /ived on woter coyenne pepper ond mop/e syrup for
14 doys lt wos touqh everyone wos eotinq ond l wos
dyinq" 8eyonce know/es
8eyonce knowles
ros and Cons
Cleanses Le body
8apld welgL loss
ess acne and beLLer skln
nuLrlLlonal ueflclencles
1ooL decay
1e Soup uleL
(P1P? ul1 C1lCn)
10- 15 pounds in 7 days
Based on fat-burning soup
Recipe: 6 onions, 2 green peppers, tomatoes, celery, cabbage,
chicken or beef broth cubes and seasonings.
ln addlLlon Lo Le soup
uay 1 ll frulLs oLer Lan bananas are allowed
uay 2 8aw or cooked vegeLables baked poLaLo wlL a small amounL of
buLLer sould be eaLen aL dlnner
uay 3 no baked poLaLo buL frulLs and vegeLables
uay 4 8ananas and sklm mllk
uay 3 up Lo sl LomaLoes and 10 Lo 20 ounces of beef
uay 6 no baked poLaLo buL oLer veggles and beef
uay 7 8rown rlce frulL [ulce (unsweeLened) and veggles
ros and Cons
ose welgL fasL
aL as muc of Le food llsLed ln Le program
1e soup's LasLe
Pow Lo coose Le besL dleL?
Choose a diet that will fit in with your
Consider your preference
5klpploq meols wlll belp me to
lose welqbt
Sklpplng meals welgL galn
uonL blnge or cras dleL
uon'L rely on a dleL alone
uonL be afrald Lo dleL lL may be ard buL lLs
deflnlLely worL lL

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