The Origin of The Word Capital Is From The Latin

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`Humne maana ki dakkan mein hai bahut qadre sukhan,

Kaun jaaye Zauq par Dilli ki galiyan chhod kar

Mohammad lbrahlm Zauq
(We hear LhaL Lhere are greaL pleasures elsewhere Lhese days
8uL Zauq who could bear Lo leave behlnd Lhe alleyways of uelhl!)

Such ls Lhe senLlmenL aLLached Lo Lhls greaL clLy called uelhl klngs have coveLed her poeLs have wrlLLen of her and
people have celebraLed her 1he ueparLmenL of Ceography Mlranda Pouse conLlnues wlLh Lhe LradlLlon and
celebraLes uelhl's CenLennlal as Lhe naLlonal caplLal 1he word caplLal ln lLself ls suggesLlve of Lhe prlmacy and
lmporLance Pavlng had Lhe dlsLlncLlon of belng Lhe proud caplLal of lndla for a hundred years now ever slnce Lhe
uurbar moved from CalcuLLa ln uecember 1911 Lhls qulnLessenLlal clLy mlrrors Lhe growLh of lndla
AwalLlng your presence aL a paper presenLaLlon convenLlon explorlng Lhemes of economlc soclal culLural
demographlc and space dynamlcs accompanled wlLh a phoLo exhlblLlon
!!I.!'!` ! !!.I!`
'I!.`!. !!

Belhi 9-: Society, Cultuie anu Space
uaLe 14
november 2011
1lme ??
venue Semlnar Pall Mlranda Pouse

Comment |]my1]: Pow much needs Lo be
added abouL Lhe Lhemes?? 1he aper LlLles haven'L
come yeL
Comment |]my2]: ueLalls of Lhe papers and
snack/lunch Llmlngs Lo be lnserLed

"Delhi is the symbol of old India and new? Even the stones here whisper to our ears of the ages of long ago and the air we breathe
is full of the dust and fragrances of the past, as also of the fresh and piercing winds of the present" JLNehru

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