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alert: this is a g rated room intended for a general audience including minors.

offensive language is not p

alert: room is to practice english.please participate using mic. native speakers are urged to talk and stay l
onger to assist the;usa;canada and australian volunteers needed

margy07: hello english

m_lou1: englishhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
m_lou1: go vince
m-garmiynie: go on vince
m_lou1: i have to print something here
margy07: hi vince
m_lou1: lol
m_lou1: shhhhh
english-me: ciao margy: )
judith_64: phone, gtg and bbl, bye all
bella_lan: ciao?
margy07: yes vince
english-me: hello vince
m e hm e tcik: ciao means also hello i think
bella_lan: who from italy?
m e hm e tcik: ciao means also byebye
margy07: me bella, why??
bella_lan: ciaociao~!
bella_lan: haha
margy07: yes, it's informal
m_lou1: grrrrrrrrrr
english-me: and finally you're still alive mary ,lol
m_lou1: i have to print something here
margy07: really??
net_dream_walker: what is bad again, vince?
margy07: oh ok
bella_lan: sorry,i want to talk with italy person!
m_lou1: yes english
bella_lan: i want to learn it !~
bella_lan: i know this meaning
m_lou1: international quiz will start after 1 hour and 30 mins
margy07: italian person, bella........where are u from, bella?
bella_lan: im chinese
m e hm e tcik: lolol
bella_lan: im now italian person
alert: upgrade now -- get unlimited video all the time!
m-garmiynie: yes
margy07: u are speaking with one, now, bella, lol
jewel_88: hi everyone
margy07: masume??
margy07: welcome masume
jewel_88: hi mlou, ltns where have you been?
masume: hi all
jewel_88: hi margy
m-garmiynie: hi jewel
margy07: jewelllllllllllllllllllll
jewel_88: hi dom
masume: no thanks
jewel_88: hi masume garmiynie
m_lou1: i was in manila for 2 weeks, jewellllllllllll
masume: thanks mehmet
margy07: raise ur hand masume
m e hm e tcik: yvw masume
jewel_88: so cool mlou, you didnt bring me with you grr
bella_lan: margy07 add me ,plz
m_lou1: lol
m-garmiynie: hi 2
m_lou1: wait brb
nmhoanglong: hi
m_lou1: it's ciao
bella_lan: chinese word?
nmhoanglong: ciao
margy07: give me a minute, bella
nmhoanglong: or ni hao
m_lou1: net, it is ciao
espoir 12: bonjour room
m_lou1: hiiiiii espoir
bella_lan: its means hello or goodbye
nmhoanglong: hi espoir
sachin_87: chao ciao room im back
espoir 12: bonjour hamlet
m_lou1: it is ciao, net
sachin_87: namaste espoir
nmhoanglong: how are you ?
espoir 12: bonjour long
espoir 12: namaste sachin
sachin_87: hello diya
shou tewikhak: sure
m_lou1: thanks earth
margy07: bella, done!!
sachin_87: shukriya espoir
diya245: namaste shachin
m_lou1: brb
margy07: bonjour espoirina
margy07: lol
espoir 12: bonjour margy, cioa
dake_8686: 襦?犷?/p b>
jewel_88: bonjour espoir
sachin_87: diya i guess you are from india?
espoir 12: bonjour jewel
sachin_87: sake english only plz
sachin_87: jewel?
diya245: yes
sachin_87: hello jewel
sachin_87: nice to see you
earthmale: lol
jewel_88: hi sachin, do you have dementia lol
jewel_88: espoir, i dont see hamlet in room
shou tewikhak: can you repeat ? lol
nmhoanglong: no sound
shou tewikhak: yes
shou tewikhak: gv
momand27: 111111111
diya245: sachin where u from?
diya245: 111
sachin_87: lol, jewel
m-garmiynie: yes and no
sachin_87: im from pune diya
sachin_87: and you diya?
m-garmiynie: tiped
espoir 12: 2222
espoir 12: minus
espoir 12: sure
m-garmiynie: tipe it down
m_lou1: thanks espoir
earthmale: minus
jewel_88: jewel_88: espoir, i dont see hamlet in room
diya245: ohh u from pune good
m-garmiynie: hello
earthmale: yes
vince2008: hi espoir
shou tewikhak: lock mic on
margy07: m
espoir 12: hello vince
vince2008: hi
m-garmiynie: mental
margy07: mineral
momand27: hi every one
momand27: hi espoir
espoir 12: mineral
espoir 12: hi momand
margy07: i did it first!!! lol
nmhoanglong: i gotta go
nmhoanglong: bye the room
jewel_88: lol margy
sachin_87: bbl
espoir 12: glad
qasim_mansoora: hi hello to all new and old
margy07: lol espoir
espoir 12: lol
shou tewikhak: how?
m-garmiynie: 3 ?
shou tewikhak: h_ _
shou tewikhak: lol
margy07: me??
m-garmiynie: hen
margy07: lol
shou tewikhak: heg?
shou tewikhak: hag
m-garmiynie: heg
espoir 12: hag
speedyeri: hello room
shou tewikhak: : d
margy07: repeat plz
espoir 12: hallowen
margy07: halloween
shou tewikhak: halloween
espoir 12: halloween*
m-garmiynie: haloween
margy07: s
margy07: sequoia
margy07: lol
espoir 12: wd margy
shou tewikhak: lol
margy07: ty
shou tewikhak: d_ _ _ _ _ _
margy07: degree
vince2008: transcript
espoir 12: degree
m-garmiynie: degree
vince2008: diploma
speedyeri: diploma
margy07: diploma?
shou tewikhak: yes margy
speedyeri: fossil
espoir 12: again
margy07: yes again
margy07: ops
espoir 12: oh
shou tewikhak: f_ _ _ _
espoir 12: false
shou tewikhak: fake
shou tewikhak: false
m-garmiynie: folish
speedyeri: falsification
margy07: freek
margy07: lol
shou tewikhak: : d
speedyeri: forge
speedyeri: forged
espoir 12: ffraud
m-garmiynie: forge
espoir 12: fraud
espoir 12: lol
margy07: fraud
speedyeri: wd espoir
espoir 12: hi speedy
speedyeri: immerse
jewel_88: how many letters
m-garmiynie: imbarase
jewel_88: immense
margy07: repeat, plz
speedyeri: hi again espoir, margy and the rest

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