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4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 1. What type of scenery do you like? 2. What is the most beautiful view you have ever seen? 3. Imagine you were speaking to a foreigner. How would you describe the main geographical features of your country? Do you prefer flat or mountainous landscapes? Whats the highest mountain youve ever climbed? Have you ever swum in a river, lake or reservoir? When was the last time? Some people say that cities on rivers are more attractive. Do you agree? When was the last time you went on an excursion to the mountains? Where did you go? Do you like walking in woods and forests? Why are cities located where they are? Does this have anything to do with geographical features? Do you like going to the beach? Have you got a favourite beach? Have you visited any of your countrys National Parks? If you live near the coast, would you miss the sea if you moved inland? If you live inland, would you prefer to live on the coast? Whats the most beautiful valley that you have ever visited? How clean is the countryside near where you live? Do most people take their rubbish home when they spend the day in the country?

14. 15.

16. Are people who live in the country different from people who live in the city? 17. Have you ever been to a desert? 18. How dangerous is it to walk in the mountains? What are the possible dangers? 19. Have you ever drunk water from a mountain stream? Is this safe? 20. What is rural tourism? Why has it become so popular?

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