Greek Deities and Monsters Odyssey Intro

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Creek uelLles and MonsLers

ldenLlflcaLlon AcLlvlLy
lnLroducLlon Lo @
l am a god
Look aL whaL l am
WWho am l?
WWhaL am l Lhe god of?
# 1
l am a goddess
l have much power
WWho am l?
WWhaL am l Lhe goddess
# 2
Look closely aL Lhe
wlnged creaLures
Who are Lhey?
WhaL do Lhey do?
# 3
l am a goddess
Look closely aL whaL l am
carrylng on my back
WWho am l?
WWhaL am l Lhe goddess of?
# 4
l am a god
Look closely aL whaL l am
wearlng and carrylng
WWho am l?
WWhaL am l Lhe god of?
# 3
l am a goddess
WWho am l?
WWhaL am l Lhe goddess of?
# 6
l am a god
WWho am l?
WWhaL am l Lhe god of?
# 7
l am a goddess
WWho am l?
WWhaL am l Lhe goddess of?
# 8
l am a god
Look closely aL whaL l am
WWho am l?
WWhaL am l Lhe god of?
# 9
l am a god
Look closely aL my
WWho am l?
WWhaL am l Lhe god of?
# 10
l am a god
WWho am l?
WWhaL am l Lhe god of?
# 11
l am a god
WWho am l?
WWhaL am l Lhe
god of?
# 12
l am a monsLer
WWho am l?
# 13
l am oseldon
l am ruler of Lhe sea
My symbols are Lhe
LrldenL waves ocean
l am Pera
l am queen of Lhe
My symbols are Lhe
peacock and a crown
We are Lhe Slrens
We are halfwomen
and halfblrd
creaLures who lure
sallors Lo Lhelr deaLh
wlLh our beauLlful
l am ArLemls
l am goddess of Lhe
hunL and moon
My symbols are Lhe
moon bow and
arrows and Lhe sLag
l am PephaesLus
l am Lhe blacksmlLh of
Lhe gods and Lhe only
lame god
My symbols are Lhe
anvll forge and flre
l am AphrodlLe
l am goddess of love
and beauLy
My symbols are Lhe
seashell doves
hearLs and flowers
l am Ares
l am god of war
My symbols are Lhe
spear and a helmeL
and shleld
l am ALhena
l am goddess of
wlsdom [usLlce and
My symbols are Lhe
owl and Lhe aegls (llke
a shleld)
l am Apollo
l am god of muslc (prlnclpally
Lhe lyre) and also of prophecy
colonlzaLlon medlclne archery (buL
noL for war or hunLlng) poeLry
dance lnLellecLual lnqulry and Lhe
proLecLor of herds and flocks
l am also a god of llghL
My symbols are llghL bow
and arrow lyre sun
l am Permes
l am mosLly known for belng Lhe
messenger of Lhe gods
Powever l am Lhe god of shepherds
land Lravel merchanLs welghLs and
measures oraLory llLeraLure aLhleLlcs
and Lhleves and known for my cunnlng
and shrewd behavlor
My symbols are Wlnged haL and
sandals and Lhe sLaff
l am Pades
l am Lhe ruler of Lhe
underworld and god of
Lhe dead
My symbols are Lhe
scepLer Cerberus (3
headed dog) and my
crown (LhaL can make
me lnvlslble)
l am Zeus
l am klng of Lhe gods
Lherefore rullng boLh
man and gods
My symbols are
llghLnlng bolL eagle
l am a Cyclops
l am of Lhe second
generaLlon of Cyclops
and belong Lo a band
of lawless shepherds
321 LxlL Sllp
W Cn a b|ank sheet of paper (you can sp||t a
p|ece w|th a partner) respond to the
ldenLlfy 3 gods/monsLers and Lhelr
ldenLlfy 2 Lhlngs you learned abouL Lhe
1ro[an War
Make 1 predlcLlon for Lhe sLory @

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