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1he Diersity Family

By Sofie E. Dalton

My parents hated the ne family the moment they set eyes on them.
Maybe it as because they parked halfay in their drieay, halfay in the
road. Or maybe it as because they put eird statues in their front yard like
there ere goblins, trolls or simply splotches of mud, probably both. Eana said
they ere cra-y at first, so did Catherine but that as before e met the
First let me introduce myself. My name is Hannah Airfield and am
nine. hae three sisters, Eana ho's fifteen, Catherine ho's fie, and Mary
Kate ho's one. Ve all lie ith our parents in Aleandria \irginia in a ton
house. Our address is ,,,6 !. Doran Block if you eer ant to isit us. Ve said
our goodbyes to a family called the Sormans, but then, something happened.
Vhen the Sormans left ,,,, !. Doran Block, a ne family moed in.
1hey ere the Hoffman's. 1he Hoffman's ere a eird family ho did eird
things. You already kno some of those things. 1hey also listened to cra-y
Spanish music really loud and mom can't stand it. 1he mom of that family
likes to sing opera music really loud (and don't tell her, but she's horrible at it)
hich droe dad cra-y.
My family neer did that kind of stuff, eer! 1hat family has kids
though. But mom forbids us to eer go oer there. Ve broke that rule the day it
as put out.
can't stand that lady singing opera!! cried dad. t as 1hursday the
day the rule as put out. 1he hole family as sitting in our hite tiled
kitchen at the light bron table. kno, said mom they are one cra-y

family. Kids, remember the no going oer to the cra-y family's house rule,
said dad. Ve kno, e kno, moaned Eana. Eana this is serious said
mom in her serious oice, that family, they are such bad nes, and you kno
it! spooned around in my cereal bol. Ea, Anna, Cat, said Mary Kate out
of nohere. 1hat as the ay she said are names.
Dad, started, yes honey are you sure it's necessary that you
ordered the ne protectie fence to keep out the neighbors? asked. Oh
Hannah, 'm positie e should hae ordered that fence though think the
electric one ould hae been better. Ve ant to hurt people? asked
Catherine. !o honey said mom giing dad her stop talking no look.
Vell don't care about all this ne family business said Eana, can
e go to get tacos to night? asked Eana. !o, e are haing chicken breasts
said mom, and you should care about this ne family business. 1aco said
Mary Kate. See Mary Kate ants a taco too, said Eana. ant a taco,
said. So do said Catherine. See, see cried Eana. Ve might get tacos
tomorro, said mom. 'm done, said Eana suddenly come on Hannah,
come on Catherine, said Eana dragging us out of our seats.
Lm OK, said. Vhere are e going? asked Catherine. Lpstairs,
said Eana. Eana hat's going on? asked. You'll find out soon enough,
said Eana dragging Catherine and upstairs. Soon e ere in Eana's
bedroom. Eana, hat are e doing? asked Catherine. Sit said Eana and
Catherine and sat don on Eana's bed.
Vhat started. Shush, said Eana. Listen, guys, Eana started
this ne family business is out of control for mom and dad, right. Right e
said. So e need to do something to make mom and dad not think about this
ne family stuff so hae a plan to make this happen. Vait, Eana, said
Catherine, yes, ill this be breaking the number one rule about not going to
the ne people's house? Yes said Eana, but it ill be orth it she said
seeing our shocked faces.
OK, so hat's the plan? asked. 1he plan is in a fe minutes e are
going to go to the ne family's house and spy on them. But started

Catherine. !o buts, said Eana, so then e'll see stuff about the ne family
and see if they are that eird. Vhat, tried to say but as cut off by
Eana again. And then if e still think they are eird e can try to talk to
them or just make up some cra-y lie to mom and dad, any questions.
raised my hand. Yeah said Eana looking at me. Vhat if e get
caught? 1hen e get caught, said Eana. Catherine himpered. But e
on't, she added. !o, started Eana rubbing her hands together, let's get
kne Eana's plan asn't going to ork. But did she listen to me?
!ope! 1hough hae to admit, her coer story e ere going to isit our
neighbors the Koppca's in ,,, as an OK coer story for her.
Anyay, e ere getting ready to go. as earing a blue shirt that said
Duke on it (FY my dad ent to Duke) and seat pants that said ]ustice on
them (that's a store shop at) and old sneakers. Eana told us to dress
comfortable. Catherine as earing a shirt ith daisies on it and jean shorts
ith her eeryday sandals. Last but not least, Eana as earing clothes
similar to mine. She as earing a Duke shirt, Duke shorts and old sneakers.
1hen ent donstairs to meet up ith Catherine and Eana. 1hey
ere both ready though Catherine looked a little bit scared, but otherise, they
ere ready. OK, said Eana let's do this. 1hen e all started alking
toards the front door. Mom, e're going! called Eana. OK honey, and
remember to atch your sisters, and be polite, oh and no going into the ne
people's. OK, OK, said Eana cutting her off as e alked out the door.
Once e ere all outside Eana said, OK girls, let's go. 1hen e all
started alking toards the ne family's house. t asn't really that far of a
alk though. Once e ere right near the ne family's house, heard kids
laughing. Eana pressed her ear to their gate then said they're in their back
yard. Cee, hat a surprise, said sarcastically. Eana gae me a strict look.

OK, you guys kno hat e're supposed to do, right, said Eana.
Right! cried Catherine. Vait, Eana, said, yes, are you sure it's safe for
us to be giing each other boosts to the top of the fence? !o, said Eana,
think it's 8 percent safe. Can e go up the fence no? asked Catherine.
Yep, said Eana, let's go!
So Eana gae Catherine a boost up, then she gae me a boost up hich
asn't as scary as imagined. 1hen Eana had to jump up to the fence then
had to help her by giing her a helpful pull up. Soon e ere all looking into
the ne family's backyard.
n their backyard there ere four children playing. 1hey all had dark
bron hair that as almost black and there ere three boys and one girl all
running around laughing. 1here as a tree house in their backyard.
1hey seem like normal kids to me, said. Shush, said Eana. looked
back at those kids and ondered ho my parents thought the kids ere like
their parents. 1hen sa a girl ho looked my age in that family and a little
boy ho looked like he as Catherine's age and a boy ho looked like he as
Eana's age and then a boy ho looked like he as tele or thirteen.
Bad things started happening immediately. 1he fence e ere on started
creaking. Eana, hat's happening? asked Catherine in a orried oice. 1oo
much eight on the fence said Eana, Hannah get off. !o, said you're
the heaiest, you should get off. 1his is no time to argue, Eana started but
she didn't get to finish for the fence gae a loud creak the fell almost all the ay
oer. Catherine screamed and the ne family's kids turned to face us.
Lh oh, said Eana. Vho are you? snarled the oldest boy. Your
neighbors, said. And hat gies you the right to spy on us snarled another
Vell er um, you see, stuttered Eana. Vhat my sister means to say is
your parents are driing are parents cra-y and e'e came to ask them to stop,

said gathering up as much courage as could. All can say is hat said is
better than anything Eana could think of, it as the truth.
You dare challenge our parents! said the oldest child getting in our
faces. Ve should call the cops, cried the youngest one jumping up and
though hat he said didn't sound the least bit threatening.
Quiet Samuel, barked the oldest. !o he said alking around us
shall call the cops or let you go? Call the cops, call the cops, call the cops,
chanted the to other boys. 1he girl said nothing.
Lh Mei, hello, start chanting, said the oldest boy. don't ant to
chant Derek said the girl named Mei. Vhat! cried the boy named Derek.
1hese people seem nice, and mom and dad hae been a little cra-y, said Mei.
Lh, Mei, said Derek shaking his head, so much you haen't learned. Mei
gae a little huff.
!o, back to you three, said Derek rubbing his hands together.
Derek, called a omen's oice it's time for lunch, bring your siblings ith
you. OK mom, ait one minute, said Derek.
Speaking of lunch as pretty hungry, hy didn't Eana bring snacks?
Let's call the police, right here right no, said one of the boys. Patience
Oen, said Derek. You guys, said gathering up my courage e don't
mean any harm, please let us go and e'll neer do it again. Ha, you'll neer
do it again een if e do call the cops, said Derek.
gae a huff. didn't like this guy. Catherine as himpering like cra-y,
(she as close to tears) and for a fe seconds had forgot she as een there.
Please, let us go, begged Eana, please. Huh, not a chance, said
Derek. Let them go, said Mei firmly. Vhat started Derek. 1hey're not
orth it.
Derek, bring your siblings to lunch, no! cried the omen's oice.
OK mom!! Derek bit his lip. OK fine, but you're lucky e're letting you

go, and don't mess around ith us anymore, and you oe us a ne fence, let's
go guys then they alked aay.
Mei gae me a sympathetic glance and mouthed thank you. She gae
me a smile then left. Ve are neer coming back here, said Eana quickly. Oh
but 'd be back. liked Mei, and didn't think she as like her family.
Catherine as crying hen e got into our house. 1o make matters
orse, apparently our parents called the Koppca's to ask if eerything as OK
ith us and they said e eren't there.
1hen our dad got a phone called and screamed. Honey, honey a neighbor
sa our kids on the ne family's fence. 1hen it as pure chaos. Mom screamed
as ell and grabbed Catherine. Do you kno ho different they are from us,
ho could you..
Eerybody stop! cried dad. Eana, am disappointed in you, said dad
you are the oldest and should be taking care of your sisters alays.
Catherine hen your sisters say something you kno is rong just say no,
OK, said, mom. OK, said Catherine.
Hannah! said dad. Yes gulped. You kno right from rong, don't
do eerything Eana says. But it as my choice, stammered. And you
kne that choice as rong, dad said.
You to are both grounded for one eek, said mom. Vhat, cried.
think e need to talk about this, said Eana. don't ant to hear it, said
mom, you to disobeyed your parents and that is not good.
Suddenly Mary Kate started crying hich meant she oke up from her
nap. Mom sighed then turned around to go upstairs.
Dad looked at us sternly. Dad listen don't think the ne family's kids
are like the parents, said Eana if e could just introduce ourseles, 'm
sure.. !ice try kiddo but you're neer going back there again.

1hen mom came donstairs ith Mary Kate in here arms ho as

saying goo goo ga ga. Hi Mary Kate, said holding her little hand. Hi
Anna, said Mary Kate. Cet aay from her , said mom don't ant you to
spread bad influence. Ho could do that just touching her? asked
Eery one, it's cool don time, go to your rooms, said dad. But
started Eana no! yelled dad.
So started alking upstairs to my room hich shared ith Catherine.
used to share a room ith Eana but that didn't ork out. Vhen got to my
room sat don on my bed hich as on my side of the room.
My bed as a tin si-ed bed ith a blue quilt my grandma seed for me
hen as little. My shared room as painted light green. sighed looking
around at my desk here did my homeork during the school year, my
calendar and all my books.
Hannah, sniffed Catherine. Yah, said, hy ere those kids
mean? don't kno, but it's cool don time, don't talk. Catherine gae a
little sigh then laid don on her bed facing the ceiling.
had a lot on my mind. For starters, kne this girl Mei as nice and e
could be friends. Second kne that the kids of the ne family ere not like
the parents. 1hird thought that better start going oer there more often,
sisters or no sisters.
1hen dad's oice rang through my head yoo are ever go|g oa:l |aere
aga|. ould hae to be pretty sneaky to do hat anted to do. 1hen
remembered as grounded!!
Call me cra-y, but couldn't ait a day much less a eek. had to come
up ith a really good plan. So that is hat did.
Our family ate dinner in silence hich is really odd for my family.
didn't ant to make an akard moment by talking so as quiet too. Een
Mary Kate as quiet. Mom and dad ere looking a little upset about hat e

did but they ere also ere probably upset that they got into a big fight ith
Eana about the ne family. 1ypical for Eana she kept screaming S1OP
Finally mom broke the silence. Ve all make mistakes, but e must deal
properly ith our mistakes, fighting is not a proper ay. Ve all stared at her
for a hile. am sorry girls, Eana, Hannah, and Catherine ell more Eana
and Hannah, you are only grounded for fie days mostly because you disobeyed
us. Your father and are both sorry.
Silence struck the kitchen. 'm sorry for going to the ne family's
house, said Catherine. 'm sorry for going along ith a lie, said as quietly
as Catherine said her apology. 'm sorry for lying, said Eana. 'm sorry for
yelling, said dad. 'm sorry for being kind of cra-y, said mom. Sorry, said
Mary Kate. 1hen the hole family looked at each other smiling.
1hen asked the first question that ould make my plan happen: mom,
tomorro can take out the trash instead of Eana, she can do dishes? 1hat
depends on Eana. Eana can ? Sure don't care.
Yes! thought the first part of my plan is complete. !o ould just
hae to ait for tomorro. So did.
1he net day oke up to a cool bree-e bloing through my indo.
My eyes immediately fle open. looked around my room. Catherine as still
asleep on her side of the room. quietly got out of bed and tiptoed donstairs.
Once donstairs looked at the clock, it said ,:oa (early for me.)
Once donstairs started making a bol of Mini Vheat cereal. After
as done ith my breakfast, Catherine came don. So made her a bol of
Frosted Flakes cereal.
A fe minutes later mom came donstairs earing her usual morning
outfit, hich as a fu--y pink robe ith fu--y turquoise slippers and last but
not least she yaned eery morning. She did it this morning.

Hi girls ho are you doing this morning? Fine, thanks mom said.
Doing good, said Catherine. Vell that's good, said mom ith a smile.
Hey mom remember 'm taking out the garbage today instead of
Eana. OK honey, said mom. as secretly glad that mom had seemed to
forget about the eents of yesterday.
Vhile mom made herself breakfast, ent oer the eents of my plan
hich ere quite simple. ould take out the garbage then sneak oer to the
ne family's house to talk ith Mei.
admit, it's a pretty simple plan, but it's a good one. 1hough hope
don't run into Mr. Derek, or any of those mean boys.
1hen all the sudden the doorbell rang. Vho could be here at this time in
the morning? asked mom. She ent to the door and folloed her. Mom
opened the door to find a tired looking deliering man in a gray uniform that
said LP on it. 1he man had dark hair and a hat that said LP too.
Deliery for Peter Airfield, said the deliery man in a gruff oice. Oh,
that ould be my husband, said mom. Vhat did e get? asked Catherine
ho had popped up behind me. Oh, just some protectie fence, said the
deliery man in his tired oice.
Right, said mom soooo just sign here ma'am, said the deliery
person. So mom signed. As atched her felt a bad feeling cla at my
stomach, kne hat mom as doing as rong.
Vhy are e getting that?, asked Catherine. Clearly she as asking
mom but the deliery man ansered Because you ordered it, he said, and then
he shut the door, alked back to his truck, then droe aay.
Vell that as odd said. 1hat man as rude, said mom ith her
hands on her hips. 1hen e reali-ed that e had a big heay bo outside that
as too heay for us to moe.
don't like that big fence, said mom. So she ent upstairs to get dad to
moe it. Catherine paused then said like the girl Mei in the ne family.

So do , said. 1hen quickly said Catherine let me go and turn a sho on

for you. So turned on her faorite sho Vord Cirl then ent to look at the
clock and smiled. t as ,:a,, hich meant that soon it ould be 8:oo and
could take the trash out.
Mom and dad came don soon to take the fence into the backyard. Dad
as earing a blue shirt that said Duke Football on it (obiously) plus blue and
red checkered shorts.
OK, here is this bo of mine, said dad rubbing his hands together.
Dearie don't think eneed that fence, can you return it? asked mom.
think e need it, said dad. 1hen he ent outside to get the bo. Mom sighed
then folloed.
All the sudden Mary Kate started crying so ent upstairs to get her.
Vhen got in her room she as rolling around crying. So picked her up and
cradled her. Shh shh shh, said holding her. took her donstairs to get her
some breakfast.
1ime must fly hen you're feeding a baby because soon looked at the
clock and it said 8:oo.
quickly got up, carried Mary Kate to her play pen hich as in the 1\
room here Catherine's eyes ere glued to the 1\. Stay, said, and then
ran to take out the garbage but then paused. Mom and dad ere out there, hat
if they sa me. kne better be patient een though anted to go so bad,
ould hae a better chance if aited for them to come inside.
1o pass time ent to go play ith Mary Kate in her play pen but it still
seemed to take FORE\ER for mom and dad to get back inside.
Finally, they came in. Mom as yelling about ho the directions for the
fence ere SO hard to read and ho dad shouldn't hae ordered this fence.
Mom, 'm going to take out the trash. OK, but be careful. as glad
mom didn't mention anything about the ne family, (though no they eren't
that ne anymore).

Anyay alked to the kitchen to get the trash because kne that
ould really hae to take out the trash. 1hen ith a bag in my hand alked
outside to feel a cool bree-e blo in my face. 1hen continued toard our trash
bucket. dumped the trash in the bucket then continued toards Mei's house.
Soon as standing in their front yard. looked up at many indos
ondering hich one as the indo to either Mei's room or her shared room.
1hen took a deep breath and alked up to their house and rang the bell.
just stood there for a hile tapping my foot until someone opened the
door. closed my eyes and held my breath as Mei. 1hank goodness
thought to myself.
Lh hi Mei, 'm Hannah Airfield, lie net door, sorry about yesterday
but ould like to talk to you. So ould , said Mei. breathed a sigh of
relief. Mei opened the door and alked outside.
OK, started oh and again 'm ery sorry about yesterday's.... Oh
don't een orry about, said Mei. 'm sorry about my brothers especially
Derek. Don't orry about, said repeating her kind ords.
So listen, thought e could be friends said, you kno since e lie
net door to each other. as thinking the same thing, said Mei, hat are
you like?
So told Mei about myself and my sisters. Mei as a great listener and
liked her een more no. 1hen she told me about herself and found out Mei
as a ery interesting person.
found out ho her family had moed here from !ashille 1ennessee
because of her father's job and ho her mother and father liked doing cra-y
things and her mother thought she had a natural talent at opera so she took
lessons from a really mean teacher. also found out Mei liked to se and knit
and she liked to take long alks in parks nearby.

Vo, cool, said. 1hen got to the bad stuff. Mei, my parents don't
like your family no offence but thought e could think of a ay to make my
parents like yours. Same, said Mei my parents don't like yours either.
1hey don't, said surprised. Mei shook her head. Ve need to come
up ith a plan.
OK so maybe e could get them to go to the same place? asked. Mei
said that ould ork. Creat so... Here, said Mei handing me a brochure.
Vhat's this, asked. t's a restaurant that happens to be at a great resort.
Cool, said liking ho Mei alays had so much confidence in her oice.
So you just tell your parents that there is a great resort that has a
restaurant and they should go to it, the address is on the back. flipped the
brochure and sure enough it had the address. Corps Resort a6nd street
Charlottesille \irginia. t's in Charlottesille, said surprised. Yep, said
looked from the brochure to Mei then finally said 'll do it. Creat,
said Mei ith a smile, call me to confirm. But don't kno your phone
number, cried out. t's ,o,-8,,-8,,, can you remember that. !o, said.
OK then, said Mei, maybe you should just look up the name Hoffman in the
phone book. could do that, said. Cood, hope 'll see you soon, said
Mei. Me to, bye, bye. 1hen Mei alked aay, ith me thinking e had a
Vhen got back home the first thing mom said as hy did it take you
so long to take out the trash. Vell said that the one of the heels as stuck
but fied it, an OK ecuse. But hat ent rong as simply, Eana knos
hen een the best liar lies.
Vhen got back to our room Eana alked in. Vhat did you do? she
asked. !othing, said but kne there as no chance of me outitting her
so said the truth. ent to the ne family's house and talked ith Mei, she's

super nice and e hae a plan to get our family's to like each other. OK 'm
in, hat do hae to do? asked Eana.
Vait, really? thought you might tell mom and dad. !ope, said
Eana. OK ell don't really kno Mei's plan as e tell our families to go
to the same resort, here. handed Eana the brochure.
She read through it then said not bad, that girl must hae good taste to
ork up a plan like that. nodded she's really nice. She also said to look up
the name Hoffman in the phone book. OK let's do it, said Eana.
So e ent donstairs and got the phone book. Eana looked up
Hoffman and then said kno their number, let's call them. So e did.
taped my foot aiting for someone to pick up. 1hen had a scary
thought that someone else in Mei's family might anser the phone.
All the sudden a oice ansered and it sounded like a man's oice.
gulped. Hoffman's residence, said the man. Lh hi can please speak to
Mei. !ope, she's taking a shoer, said the man and by the ay, ho is
gae Eana a trouble, trouble look then said 'm a neighborhood friend
of Mei's. Oh, OK, ell 'm Mei's dad and you can call me Mr. ]erry.
Creat, said Mei, so can you just call me back hen Mei gets out of the
shoer. !o can do, need your name.
!o sa ho these parents ere annoying. 'm Hannah, said.
Last name, said the man. really as starting to get annoyed right no.
Airfield, said.
OK, so hat are you going to talk about? asked Mr. ]erry. as getting
so annoyed just said, you kno hat, my mom needs to use the phone right
no. OK, bye, bye. 1hen hung up. as proud said the truth, until the
last part.

Vo, sounds like that guy as pretty annoying, said Eana. Yah,
said, Mei's in the shoer. kno, said Eana brought the upstairs phone
donstairs and listened to you guys.
Vhile as cross at Eana for eaesdropping decided to let it pass.
as going to make this ork hich meant e had ork to do.
See mom, it's a great resort, and really cheap. t as Sunday morning
and Eana and ere in mom and dad's room telling them about the resort.
Vell it does look nice, said mom (ho as in her bed). Yes, said dad
it looks ama-ing. So can e go? asked Eana hopefully.
Mmm, maybe, e hae a lot of acations coming up. But come on
mom, said pleadingly. 1his might be your only chance, said Eana.
Vell, started mom looking at dad, guess e could squee-e it in.
Yes, said me and Eana simultaneously.
But e only stay for one day, said mom. nodded, and then the phone
rang. ran to get the phone then clicked the speak button.
Hello, said. Hi, said a oice and then reali-ed it as Mei speaking.
Mei, cried. Hi Hannah, said Mei. Before could say anything Mei said
sorry about my dad.
!o problem, said though did think it as a problem. Vhat did
your parents say? Yes, said, hat about yours? Yes, cried Mei. Cool,
so ill you be there on August r,
. Yah, said, See you there. 1hen
hung up feeling ecited.
All right kids, buckle up, said dad. t as August r,
and e ere
getting in the car since soon e ould be driing to Charlottesille to get to the
resort. Mei's family had left yesterday so that asn't a problem.

Right no it as rr:,o am and Mary Kate had already fallen asleep

because the thunder storm had kept her up last night. Eana as helping load
bags into the car and Catherine as in the car listening to the radio in the back
seat. Since our car is a minian, usually sit in the ery back ith Catherine
and Eana sits ith Mary Kate in the middle of the car.
climbed in the back and buckled my seatbelt as Eana climbed in the car
dad started the engine and closed the doors. You ecited? asked Catherine.
Of course! she cried, this is my first time at a real resort. You mean your
friend Annie's birthday party at Play House Disney Resort didn't count?
Catherine nodded, it asn't real. sighed then mom turned on my faorite
song Mine by 1aylor Sift. sang along.
Disaster alays happens hen the Airfields are in a car for too long.
Mary Kate oke up and started crying so loud Eana said a bad ord. Mom
started yelling and then Catherine had to go to the bathroom hen e ere on
the highay.
Vhen e got off the highay e had to stop at McDonalds so Catherine
could go to the bathroom. Across the street as a Subay shop and Eana and
loed that place so e told mom that e anted to go there and she ouldn't
let us. 1rust me, Subay is aesome.
By the time e ere back on the road it as ra:,o and most of us ere
sleeping. oke up to soft music. Rise and shine said mom. groaned and
rubbed my eyes.
Vhat, hat happened? asked. You and your sisters fell asleep and it
turns out e are only tenty minutes aay. Creat, said ith a sigh. must
hae been really tired because then fell back asleep.
oke up again hen heard oices and found that ere parked in front
of large hotel that as blue and reflecting in the sun. Ve're here! cried
Catherine then turned and sa eery one getting out of the car.
So did the logical thing, got out of the car. 1his part of ton as
pretty busy car ise but the street here e had parked as practically empty.

hoped my parents didn't see Mei's car anyhere. Hopefully her family parked
in the garage.
t had been pretty hot today but felt a cool bree-e greet me. thought
as going to like this place for real. Come on don't ant to be late, cried
Catherine pulling mom's hand. n a minute, e're not going to miss
anything. A bell man came immediately to get our bags. So e just folloed
the bell man into the hotel.
Mom ent oer to the front desk to check us in. Hello, hat do you
need? asked the lady at the front desk. Her name tag said Ms. O'Conner on it.
She looked like she as in her mid-thirties ith bron hair in a short pony tail.
Lh hi, e ould like to stay for a day, said mom. 1hen fro-e, e
hadn't made a reseration. !ame, said Ms. O'Conner. Airfield, but e
didn't. You're on the list, said Ms. O'Conner. Really, said mom, really,
said Ms. O'Conner.
ondered ho Mei did that. Ms. O'Conner gae us our room keys.
Room ,r,, she said. 1hank you, said mom and then e started to alk
toards the eleator.
Mary Kate as still asleep but hen e got on the eleator she oke up.
!o of course she started crying and since e ere net to an elderly couple,
mom tried to quiet her don.
By the time e ere in our hotel room she had stopped crying. Vo,
said mom. And o it as.
Our hotel room had pink carpeting and a grand tile bathroom. t also had
a 1\ and a pink couch and pink chairs and a black futon. 1hen leading upstairs
there as one big room then a hallay that led to more rooms.
1he grand room don stairs is hat eeryone anted but mom and dad
claimed it because they said it as a king si-e bed and they ere sleeping
together but think they just anted the biggest bed.

Lucky for us, no one had to share a room ecept mom dad and Mary Kate
(all because she's little). slept in nice room ith a queens bed and a purple
comforter A!D my on bathroom ith a great shoer.
ondered if it as Mei ho did all this. couldn't beliee hat as
seeing as true. Ve had a great room!
Hannah darling, come help unpack, called mom from donstairs.
Coming! replied then ent back donstairs.
Mom as giing me bags and... bags. Vait, mom hat's going on are
e spending more than one night? Mom nodded, surprise!! gasped along
ith Eana and Catherine, ho as also there. talked to the lady before e
left and got us a room for to nights, though didn't kno it ould be this
nice. Eery one cheered.
!o, unpack quickly so e can go to the game room, said mom.
Eeryone nodded then e rushed to unpack. By the time as done eeryone
else as and it as time to go to the game room.
As e ere alking outside reali-ed something. Mei, Eana and had
absolutely no idea hat e ere going to do. Ve didn't hae a plan or
Vhat had done? So e ere going to hae fun, but e still ouldn't
sole the problem e needed to sole. looked at Eana but she as staring at
something. looked at hat she as looking at and sa hat she meant. 1here
in front of her coming out of the eleator as a boy, a cute boy about siteen
ith blond hair, ha-el eyes and a nice tan. Eana had a crush. Be right back,
called Eana alking aay toards the boy. sa her start talking to him.
sighed then kept alking.
hoped this boy ouldn't make Eana unfocused ith our plan. 1he
game room as to stories don. Eana didn't follo us because of that boy.
1hen mom said kno that lady's oice. ondered hat she as talking
about but then sa the orst possibility. Mei as standing net to a tall lady

in eird clothes ho must be her mom. 1he to ere entering the simming
Mei sa me and mouthed the ord separate. nodded then sprang into
action. Mom, oer there, pointed to the entrance of the game room. Oh
good, come on Hannah, Catherine, let's play before Mary Kate has to take her
1he game room as aful. t as so childish ith Dora pu--les and
Barnie slides. 1here ere no ideo games at all!! Catherine loed it, so did
Mary Kate. hated it. Vho oer fie ould like this? Sadly had to sit there
for tenty minutes atching them play. as relieed hen mom said it as
time to go. kne needed to find Mei, so quickly came up ith a plan.
Hey mom, 'm going to the bathroom, 'll meet you in our room later. OK
honey but hurry back. nodded then alked aay.
Of course didn't hae to go to the bathroom, but did need to find Mei.
After mom turned the corner, ent to the simming pool. 1hough kne
Mei might not be there it as the last place sa her. opened the simming
pool door. Kids ere going don slides, playing in floats, and eating popsicles.
looked around and didn't see Mei, but sa the last person anted to see.
Her brother Derek as there ith the other brother Oen. f they sa me it
ould ruin eerything. quickly left the pool. 1hen had another idea. ent
to the front desk and Ms. O'Conner as still there.
Ecuse me, but do you kno here the Hoffman's are staying? asked.
Room aro, said. 1hank you, said, Any time said Ms. O'Conner.
kne needed to be careful so just Mei could see me. 1he parents didn't
kno me but the boys did. 'd hae to be super careful. Vhen the eleator
stopped got off and ent to aro. took a deep breath ith my heart pounding,
and then knocked on the door. t took a hile but then Derek opened the door.
Vhat are you doing here?

fro-e, Derek kept looking at me. err, um, rong place, and then ran
don the hall. Vhen stopped as out of breath. Vhat as going to do?
needed to get back to mom no or she'd start to orry. But also needed to
find Mei, guess that ould hae to ait.
got to the eleator pressed up then finally made my ay to our room.
knocked. Vhy there you are, must hae been a line at the bathroom, said
mom. nodded, ery. Be quiet hen you come in, Mary Kate is sleeping,
and Eana is still ith that boy, said mom. nodded then quietly entered the
Catherine as doing a pu--le of a puppy on the floor near the baby
monitor. 1hen it came to me, kne ho could help me find Mei. Mom, can
go look for Eana? asked. Vhy sure honey but don't leae the building, oh
and hile you're at it, see if your dad's still in the ]acu--i, said mom. OK,
and then left.
First ent to the ]acu--i, dad asn't there but Eana as ith that boy
she'd been ith. Eana, she turned, hat 'm kind of busy. need your
help finding Mei. Eana rolled her eyes. Vhat is she talking about? asked
the boy. !othing, she's my sister, the boy nodded.
Eana turned to me. 'm busy find her yourself, kno you can do it.
But, go! as upset, but left anyay. ent to the eleator to go back
upstairs hen ran into somebody. Vatch here you're going! yelled but
then sa ho it as. Mei, 'e been looking for you.
Let me guess, you ant to kno the plan. nodded, came to find
you so e could make a plan, said Mei. OK, then hy don't e all meet at
Crunchies Crunch Bar don near the ater park, suggested.
Vell, started Mei, 'll tell my mom and dad to come and meet you,
they don't kno ho you are. Same ith my parents, said. 1hen Mei
loered her oice. Listen, my eirdo aunt died in a plane crash, and her
funeral is in Mississippi.

OK, said not getting hat she as saying. t's tomorro at eleen
am and our plane leaes at 8:oo pm tonight. Oh, said. So e need to do
this tonight, said Mei. Vell, OK, e can totally pull that off. glanced at
my atch. t's almost ,:oo no, so e hae about fie hours to figure
something out. Cool, meet me at ,:,o at the bar, said Mei. OK, see you
there. 1hen left to go back to our room and just tell my mom that couldn't
find my dad.
1hat's hen bumped into my dad going to the eleator. Hey seetie,
hat ya doing? !ot much, said, mom sent me to find you. Oh ell
that's great, said dad, let's go upstairs no, your mom's probably aiting.
So folloed him all the ay up to our room. Mom as feeding Mary Kate
hen came in and Catherine as eating pancakes. Oh hey honey, hi
Hannah, said mom. 1he food here is aesome! eclaimed Catherine
shoing some pancakes don her throat. Anna, said Mary Kate aing her
little fists in the air. So clearly they ere happy, as not, instead as full of
orry. oo|J |a|s |a worl, waere |s Evaa, waa| |s go|g |o aae, J|J we :oe
aere jor o|a|g?
t as almost ,:oo, told mom and dad anted them to meet my friend
and her parents. !ot knoing hat they ere doing (thankfully) they agreed
to come. Mei had told me to meet her at Crunchies Crunch Bar ith my
parents hich as about to do.
1hat as hen mom said Hannah, it's almost three, let's go meet your
friend at the Munchy Bar. Crunchie Bar, said annoyed. Vhateer, let's
sighed then alked to mom just as dad alked through the door.
Alright let's go to the Munchies Bar. Did you get that from mom? asked.
!o, said dad confused but then mom quickly said out e go, Hannah get
Mary Kate ill you.

So, e ent, me ith Mary Kate in my arms, mom holding Catherine's

hand, and dad histling a song from his faorite musical. Ve alked all the
ay don the resort, my arms getting tired from holding Mary Kate. Vhen
are e going to be there? asked Catherine. Mom looked at me, uh, soon,
replied. 1hat's hen a Crunchies Crunch bar sign shoed up.
1here, said pointing at the sign, my friends oer there. So e ent
to the bar, sa Mei talking to her mom. 1hen Catherine sa her and gae me
the hat did you do look. put my finger to my lips hoping it ould make her
stay quiet.
cleared my throat and said mom, dad, this is Mei Hoffman and her
parents. Hi, ]erry Hoffman, ho you doing, said Mei's dad shaking my
parent's hands. !ice to meet you, 'm Peter Airfield, Hannah's dad and this is
my ife !ancy. t's a pleasure to meet you, said mom. And 'm Maria
Alintoa, Mei's mother.
Lots of hands ere shook but then trouble came along. So, here do you
all lie? asked Maria. Oh e lie in Aleandria, !orth Doran Block,
ansered mom. So do e, said ]erry. Fear bubbled inside but then someone
said no e don't.
turned around and it as Derek ith his brothers behind him. Ve lie
on !orth Horan Block, different place. Veird, said Maria, ell e just
moed in from 1ennessee, so e probably made some mistakes.
Oh and by the ay these are our son's, Derek, Oen, and Samuel, said
]erry. Speaking of hich these are my daughters Catherine and Mary Kate,
said dad. Hi, said Mary Kate. Ve hae an older daughter Eana but she's
busy right no, said mom.
A conersation broke out in hich things seemed to go really ell. Mom
and Maria talked about shoes they like, dad and ]erry talked about different
poer tools. Mei gae me a look that said things are going ell hen Eana
alked toard us and must hae not seen the adults because she said hat are
you doing ith the ne family?

Mom and dad heard that. Maria and ]erry heard that. Eyes idened and
mouths fell open and then there as fighting, there as yelling, and then mom
and dad turned to me, anger in their faces. Mei's parents turned to her anger in
their faces.
1hat's hen broke in and said S1OP! Silence echoed around. Mom,
dad, the people you just liked so much are the ne family. But, said mom.
!o, said, and, Mei and ant you to get along because you are all going
1hen Mei stepped up net to me. Ve anted to be friends, she started,
but it as hard since our parents ho didn't een kno each other, hated each
other. nodded be friends, then paused, for the greater good.
Looks ere echanged, and then, to my delight smiles ere echanged.
Mei and looked at each other ith looks of triumphant on our faces. !o,
said dad let's hae some fun at the resort.
Yells of happiness ere spread around and then Eana said can Brian
come? Vho's Brian? asked eeryone at once.

t as March siteenth, a cold and indy day at !orth Doran Block. t
as to eeks after my ne best friend, ell not so ne anymore, Hannah's
tenth birthday. My name is Mei Hoffman. Around here, things are different
no. First of all, Eana's ne boyfriend Brian comes by often. For Catherine,
kindergarten's been a success. Plus, Mary Kate's gone from running, to
And Hannah and are proud to say our plan orked. Eana anted us to
gie her credit for it, but she helped by accident. Our parents aren't fighting

]ust then, the phone rang. ran to get it. Hello, Mei it's Hannah, 'm
atching iCarly, ant to come? smiled, 'd be glad to. 1hen put don the
phone and ran net door.

(Finished October aorr, ro years old)

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