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By Sender

Little Sunset
Little sunset On the palm of my hand Slowly unblooming like a flower Into faded colour Rays of light Leaping out into infinite darkness Warm and quiet Dying in the cradle of my hands Goodbye little sunset

Mapping Reality
The gaping hole In this perspective of existence Ignites a flame Inside my head Putting all the pieces together Just to watch them rearrange Forming a new blueprint A new dimension to fall through Both frustrating and beautiful I love to watch the way You change whats around me Until I doubt that It used to be any different Feeling frost and fire inside me Clashing with the outside world I taste what it is to be real And to live in the shadow As nothing at all Silent destruction Flows around me Giving birth to a new perception And the infinite others that are lost Though impossible To realize everything I know perfection is all it could be

Hand of God
Reaching out into cold and stillness Expanding into the mold Each wriggle of the finger A warm, gentle explosion Every shadow on the palm A cozy, lonesome void Dots on the dark Light years away that can be touched Reach out into the tips of the fingers Creation is the death of logic

When I see the moon at night Covered in craters I no longer feel alone And when I see it In a drop of water on the ground I feel there is a God

Eternal Degradation
The old sun fades out Into the blankets of space We witness a death That leaves behind a seed of rebirth Without our painful, fog coloured tears We would never appreciate The warmth and clarity Of the phoenix coloured sun That shines in it's place Slowly fading Into the blankets of space

Before there was time The universe began Before there was space The universe appeared Before there was consciousness There was a design Why did the universe create itself To look at itself? And before anyone noticed the universe Did it exist at all?

Found you... You were saying... Echoes...not around us... But within... The void...we create... Learn to...ignore... Detach...realize... We are what we see... Separate from isolation... Become...what you are... Always have been... With all...

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