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External/Internal Factors Paper University of Phoenix Management Theory, Practice, and Application MGT 330 Walter Goodwyn, MBA 3 May, 2010

EXTERNAL/INTERNAL FACTORS PAPER External/Internal Factors Paper Management carries the opportunity to lead the organizations they work for to the goals

upper management has presented. Organizations invest heavily in management and the planning stages of how to achieve the goals upper management desires. The management function, planning, is a monumental responsible and is often tested throughout the growing stages of organizations. Maintaining the organizations focus and ensuring the work is completed effectively are generally the main responsibilities of management (McNamara, 1999). These responsibilities are tested and strained as situations arise that may impact the organizations health and public opinion. Ultimately, the legal, ethical, and corporate social responsibility that is often tested during the planning stages of management is an indicator of the responsibility each manager has pledged to the public and to the organization. Each person may be challenged with numerous decisions daily. How the person chooses to react to these decisions adds or subtracts to the ethical character of the person (Business for Social Responsibility, 2005). CB Richard Ellis situation, each day it is each employees responsibility to carry the highest level of ethics set forth by management and understood by the customer. Ethical performances at CBRE have a big impact on each employee. It helps the employee lead one another and creates the organization as a whole. CBRE has developed a solid reputation of always putting the customer first. The foundation of this reputation was built on maintaining a high level of ethics throughout each of the facilities. With hundreds of buildings being managed each day, ensuring the ethical integrity of each sample is required for the best results. It is managements responsibility to manage the property; each task is completed with the highest level of ethical integrity. It is managements ethical responsibility to maintain the highest level of integrity of the results these trained


professionals are producing. These ethical results are the lifeline of CBRE and most importantly their customers. Diversity In order for CB Richard Ellis to continue with their vision of dedication, hiring of new employees is highly monitored in selecting strong leaders, responsible individuals, and goal oriented workers. CB Richard Ellis looks for individuals that are eager to learn and work in an environment of different fields of work. In addition, CB Richard Ellis is more focused on the diversity of the company. CB Richard Ellis is a large organization surrounded with a numerous age range, race, religion, traditions, and beliefs. Diversity is a big subject within the company, but it certainly is not an issue. CB Richard Ellis practices on diversity strategies in which it develops an approach for supporting the needs of the highly diverse workforce. Strategies focus on recruitment, orientation, mentoring awareness, celebration, problem solving, and community outreach. These strategies are targeted to create a workplace that encourages every employee to reach his or her full potential. Individual behavior is the nature of a persons personality. A persons behavior is due to the things you say and do. However, while at work, you have to shift and control yourself in a professional manner. Although you may control your behavior there are times when your behavior can get out of control regardless of where you are. For example, you can behave as a mature adult while at work, but when you leave for the day and join your friends to watch a football game, your behavior automatically shifts into an outraged fan due to all the excitement. Not all behaviors remain the same throughout the day. It changes from time to time, when you are around certain crowds of people or the places you are at. Wherever you may be, whether if it

EXTERNAL/INTERNAL FACTORS PAPER is at home, work, school, diversity and demographic characteristics always exist, which alters a persons behavior. Values and attitudes are very important to the daily obstacles that he or she faces every day, especially while being at work for 8 hours a day. Learning other cultures and traditions is

the foundation of how you see the world, each other, and yourself. As an individual, you acquire how people live their lives. CB Richard Ellis have employed over thousands of people coming from different parts of the world with backgrounds that are not too familiar with others. For instance, religious or cultural backgrounds have huge differences from each other. Religion can be a very sensitive subject to talk about with another person for the reason that each person has their own beliefs and why they value it. Values and attitudes affect daily interaction of individuals, which you have to help yourself understand your own self first in order to understand those around you. CB Richard Ellis takes the extra step to teach their employees what diversity means and why it is very important to keep up with the standards. Leading the employees with strict diversity standards can help control abrupt behaviors and maintain a well organized working environment.

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