Business Writing Portfolio

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8uslness WrlLlng orLfollo CuLllne and consLrucL Lhree messages ln Lhe formaL LhaL ls approprlaLe for

Lhelr audlences

1 8uslness WrlLlng orLfollo

- Suppose you are parL of Lhe followlng scenarlo

o ?ou are a publlc relaLlons manager who musL presenL lnformaLlon regardlng changes ln reLall sLore
operaLlons Lo Lhree seLs of sLakeholders of a reLall cloLhlng chaln 1he sLakeholders are sLore managers
employees reLall cusLomers and Lhe publlc ?ou musL explaln ad[usLmenLs LhaL allow employees Lo
come Lo work on fewer days a week ln an efforL Lo combaL rlslng gas prlces and save money on sLore

o SLores wlll close on Sundays Cn Monday Lhrough SaLurday sLores wlll open an hour laLer and close an
hour earller lullLlme employees lncludlng managers wlll work four 10hour days a week arLLlme
employees wlll consolldaLe Lhelr hours ln 1 2 or 3day workweeks dependlng on how many hours
Lhey are scheduled Lo work no sLores are closlng buL no new sLores are openlng

o Whlle consLrucLlng your messages deLermlne Lhe characLerlsLlcs of your audlence and conslder Lhe
approprlaLe communlcaLlon Lype and sLyle for each audlence

- CompleLe arL l 8uslness WrlLlng SLeps CuLllne Lhe sLeps you musL Lake ln drafLlng Lhe Lhree buslness
communlcaLlons 1hls documenL can Lake Lhe form of a llsL a flowcharL or a Web dlagram

- CompleLe arL ll orLfollo WrlLe Lhree messages by uslng Lhe message formaL llsLed for each
audlence Lxplaln Lhe changes ln Lhe reLall sLore operaLlons 1he Lhree messages conLaln poLenLlally
negaLlve lnformaLlon address Lhe lnformaLlon presenLed ln Lhe scenarlo so your audlence mlghL
percelve lL ln a poslLlve way

udlences Message lormaLs

SLore managers buslness leLLer
SLore employees buslness memo
8eLall cusLomers and Lhe publlc n emall message

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