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Yat Sen Secondary School Basic Technology Practical Task 2 OHS Sign Board

Brandon Yee 3B

In this project, I will be preparing a Cost List and a Cutting List for my Practical, a Sign Board for the OHS. The following project will have different dimensional lengths for each piece used, and other things.

Problem Statement
The school OHS committee have had difficulties trying to make students and teachers be aware of hazardous areas within the school building and compound to solve this problem we will design and make sign boards for the OHS committee to put up in these hazardous areas. The project will also give us more practical in using general wood working tools and move over, we will able to develop enterprise skills through the project work and identify types of cost incurred the project contraction.

Design Brief
To design and construct a 30X40 signboard that has stands so that it can be propped up anywhere within the school premises.


Cutting List Project No: _____________ Project: ___________ Mem ber Materi No Finish al . ed off sizes Total length

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Costing List Mem Materi ber al 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 No. Off Unit Total Cost Cost

In this project I have learnt how to use different wood working tools and their uses and how to create my own Cutting and Costing List in this Practical .

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