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W uescrlpLlon
Measles ls an acuLe hlghly communlcable vlral lllness caused by Lhe measles vlrus ln Lhe
genus Motbllllvltos of Lhe famlly lotomyxovltos
Measles ls characLerlzed by a prodrome of fever con[uncLlvlLls cough coryza and small
spoLs wlLh whlLe or blulsh whlLe cenLers on an eryLhemaLous base on Lhe buccal mucosa
known as kollk spoLs followed by maculopapular rash on Lhe Lhlrd Lo Lhe 7
beglnnlng on Lhe face Lhen becomlng generallzed
lL ls LransmlLLed Lhrough dlrecL conLacL wlLh nasal or hLroaL secreLlons of lnfecLed
persons or by arLlcles freshly solled wlLh nose and LhroaL secreLlons
1he lncubaLlon perlod range from 7 Lo 21 days from exposure Lo onseL of fever and
usually 14 days unLll rash appears

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