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1esL Case 1 lnsLance lallure (klll 9 pmon pld)

SLarLlng Lhe workload on 8AC2
AfLer 3 mlnuLes klll 9 pld MCn process orarac as Cracle user
LxpecLed resulL
C8S noLlced lnsLance crash and one css MlssCounL hlgh
C8S performs reconflguraLlon by
erforms lnsLance recovery by 8AC1
Locks are noL released unLll 8econflg lnsLance recovery and flnlshed
AfLer a brlef freeze 8AC1 responds Lo Lhe querles
C8S 8AC2 lnsLance sLarLs agaln
ShorL freeze when Lhe lnsLance [olns Lhe clusLer
Servlces wlll be resLarLed
1esL Case 2 lallure lnsLance (shuLdown aborL)
SLarLlng Lhe workload on 8AC2
AfLer 3 mlnuLes shuLdown aborL on 8AC2
LxpecLed resulL
C8S noLlced lnsLance crash and one css MlssCounL hlgh
C8S performs reconflguraLlon by
erforms lnsLance recovery by 8AC1
AfLer a brlef freeze 8AC1 responds Lo Lhe querles
1esL Case 3 All lnsLance lallures (klll 9 pmon pld on boLh lnsLances)
SLarLlng Lhe workload on 8AC2
AfLer 3 mlnuLes klll 9 on pmon pld on 8AC2 and 8AC1
LxpecLed resulL
C8S sLarLs lnsLance 8AC2 8AC1 and agaln servlces are also re
uaLabases perform crash recovery by
1esL Case 4 LlsLener lallure (klll 9 llsLener)
SLarLlng Lhe workload on 8AC2
AfLer 3 mlnuLes klll 9 LlsLener pld on 8AC2
no lmpacL on connecLed daLabase sesslons
LlsLener resLarLed by C8S
Logged connecLlons remaln connecLed no new loglns posslble Lo reLurn Lo Lhe llsLener
ls avallable

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