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Waste cooking oil


Importing cars that use waste cooking oil as fuel:

In countries like the USA, United Kingdom, Australia and Malaysia,
there are cars that use waste cooking oil as fuel. Therefore, it will be a
good idea for Brunei to have it too as it helps to reduce problems
regarding waste cooking oil.

However, there are barriers that need to be overcome. Some of the

barriers are; the price of cars that runs on waste cooking oil might be
expensive than cars that runs on petrol or diesel only plus fixing an
extra tank specially for cooking oil waste will need an extra charge, the
mentality of the public about how powerful the waste cooking oil
compared to normal car fuel, scarcity of cooking oil waste and the cost
of car fuel is far more cheaper compared to cooking oil. These barriers
could be overcome if public is aware on how safe gas emitted from
cooking oil waste are.

Steps required:
1. Writing a draft of suggestion article for opinion page in Brunei
Times. The suggestion article will include reasons of why should
we recycle cooking oil waste, health effects of reusing used
cooking oil, what other countries has done with their cooking oil
waste, and why should Brunei introduce cars that uses cooking
oil waste as fuel.
2. Doing final draft of suggestion article before the end of the
semester break.
3. Emailing the suggestion article to the Brunei Times in first week
after semester break.

From these, we will be able to get some response from newspaper

readers. Instead of just the four of us suggesting car importers to
import cars that uses cooking oil waste as fuel, we can get the public
to work together in making our environment more sustainable.

Prepared by
Safura DSS Haji Lamit

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