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About the Terminal Server Printer Driver Redirection Wizard The Terminal Server Printer Driver Redirection Wizard

will help you troubleshoot and replace print drivers that were unsuccessfully redirected. This tool automates the process found in the Microsoft Knowledge Base article KB239088 entitled Windows 2000 Terminal Services Server Logs Events 1111, 1105, and 1006. This tool will scan a servers System Event Log and detect all events with Event ID 1111 and Source TermServDevices. These events occur when a client machine has a printer driver that the Terminal Server does not recognize. The tool will then scan the servers registry for installed Version 3 MINI drivers, and prompt you to substitute an installed Version 3 MINI driver for each of the printers that failed printer redirection. Any changes will be written to a file named NTPrintSubs.inf. You may be asked to reboot the server if you make changes to this file. The NTPrintSubs.inf file is stored in the %systemroot%\SYSTEM32\TSPDRW directory on the server. System Requirements: Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1 or later Windows 2000 SP2 or later The ADMIN$ share must exist. (This is created by default.) The WMI subsystem on the machine must be started and functional.

Additional System Requirements for the target machine if running remotely: Remote Registry Service Server Service

This tool is provided as is with no warranty or support. Questions or comments can be sent to the following Microsoft newsgroup:

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