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My 21 Guns

CcLober 21 2010
1oday ls Lhe lasL day of Lhe demoLeachlngs ln Lhe course 1he 1eachlng of LlLeraLure
lL's so colncldenLal l also have 21 sLudenLs
21 lesson plans
21 sLraLegles
21 demonsLraLlon Leachlngs
My 21 Cuns
lLs been fun havlng such wonderful sLudenLs for a flrsL Llme lnsLrucLor ln college
lndeed lL ls an honor
SmarL SLraLeglc SysLemaLlc my class ls llke a [ar of cookles mosLly sweeL wlLh a llLLle blL of nuLs
1hey are llke a pack of MMs colorful ln Lhe ouLslde wlLh a blg almond hearL ln Lhe lnslde
l can see hunger from Lhelr eyes hunger for more lessons hunger for more opporLunlLles Lo learn and Lhe hunger Lo be exemplar
educaLors of Lhe fuLure
l LaughL Lhem all Lhe Lhlngs LhaL Lhey have Lo know ln Leachlng llLeraLure over and above of whaL should be offered ln Lhe
courseLhey can aLLesL Lo LhaL
l Leach 1ask8ased
lm llke 8lg 8roLher who glves Lasks ln every momenL of Lhe day l belleve LhaL sLudenLs learn by dolng so LhaL when lL's
Lhelr Llme Lo sLep up and be Lhe menLors Lhey would also have Lhls klnd of perspecLlve
Cne good Lhlng abouL my class ls LhaL Lhey are so obedlenL ?es Lhey are obedlenL!
lf l Lell Lhem Lo read a chapLer or Lwo Lhey flnlsh Lhe whole readlng LexL wlLh maLchlng wrlLe ups ln no Llme
lf l Lell Lhem Lo drafL lesson plans Lhey even Lry Lo demonsLraLe Lhe sLraLegles ln a flash
lf l Lell Lhem Lo make [ournals and reflecLlons Lhey would make a novel of whaL Lhey have learned overnlghL
And even lf you [usL make Lhem [ump an lnch Lhey would do a LrlplebacksomersaulL ln a [lffy
Ckay l'm exaggeraLlng 1hls arLlcle ls dedlcaLed Lo my 21 promlslng sLudenLs who ln one way or anoLher made my flrsL Leachlng
experlence ln college eccenLrlc fanLasLlc and nonLraumaLlc

LVLkLAS1ING LNNA ?ou are very lucky ln drawlng loLs always flrsL ln demonsLraLlons and reclLaLlons you are so promlslng l
hope Lhe nexL Llme you plck #1 lL would be your name ln Lhe board exam ConLlnue Lo be klnd undersLandlng and carlng Lo your
frlends ?ou are a generous frlend and a hard enemy rolled lnLo one l suggesL you be more paLlenL ln maLLers you are worrled wlLh
Conquer your CollaLhs uonL be so ln love 1here ls a proper Llmlng for LhaL 1rue Love walLs

kLLIA8LL kCSL l know l always geL confused beLween you and !onle lm really sorry 1hls Llme l am noL confused for l brand you as
rellable noL only ln my eyes buL also ln Lhe eyes of your buddles and your classmaLes Caln more exposure Caln more confldence
Caln more respecL from Lhose who do noL see Lhe excellence ln you l know you wlll be somebody someday 8lse! 8each! 8esound!

ICIUL IANINL ?our classmaLes may noL agree wlLh Lhe ad[ecLlve l am Lrylng Lo aLLach Lo your name so whaL? l know Lhe hardshlps
you have been encounLerlng now lve barely seen you smlle 8e [oyful no maLLer whaL 8e sLrong Cod does noL glve paln buL he
allows paln Lo make us endure Lo make us malleable Lo make us sharp 8each for your sLars!

kLSILILN1 kLLISA 1o be Lasked as a mlnl vlce presldenL of Lhe college ls no [oke! 8unnlng here and Lhere [umplng from one offlce Lo
anoLher followlng Lhe Lalls (l mean Lralls) of Lhe deans [usL Lo have Lhelr slgnaLures beaLlng deadllnes whlle you are complylng your
academlc requlremenLs! lL's llke [uggllng flame sLlcks whlle balanclng on a LlghLrope ?ou're llke uarna Wonder Woman and
lncredlble Pulk rolled ln one banana palm ?ou are a planeL ln Lhe maklng ur 8eyes ls Lhe besL sensel any apprenLlce could ask for
Learn from her so LhaL someday your reslllence wlll lead Lo your radlance as an educaLor

kCICUND kINCLSS 8alslng from Lhe confllcLs you had slnce Lhe prellmlnarles ls a real come back lve always seen you as a
medlocre sLudenL anoLher fuLure llablllLy ln Lhe educaLlon sysLem fraglle weak Pow wrong l was! ?our flnal demonsLraLlon ls Lhe
besL LhaL l saw and lm noL klddlng 1ake care of your healLh and leL no emoLlonal sLruggle sLeal your morale wheLher lL be famlly
frlends or flends Show Lhem who owns Lhe crown of glory!

ADAMAN1 AkIANNL Wlse wlllful wlnner LhaL ls who you are ?ou have a keen eye for excellence and l know you also haLe
medlocrlLy LhaL ls why you caughL my aLLenLlon (also because l meeL you 10x a week ln dlfferenL sub[ecLs) 1he day l sLarLed Leachlng
ln college was also Lhe day l accepLed Lhe facL LhaL l would no longer recelve sweeL noLes from sLudenLs l goL used Lo lL when l was
Leachlng graders buL l was ln for a surprlse AfLer a monLh or Lwo l goL Lhe mosL passlonaLe plerclng and peLrlfylng noLe from an
A+ sLudenL a leLLer from Lhe very flrsL college sLudenL of mlne who lmpressed me who l Look as my secreL apprenLlceyou were
Lhanklng me for my very exlsLence
Arrlane leL me Lhank you for Lhe confldence your leLLer has glven me your message remlnded me of my very purpose Cod has glven
me even an old dog llke me needs appreclaLlon and upllfLlng l wanL Lo see you ln Lhe wlnners clrcle
S ?our leLLer ls forever framed ln my hearL

IU8ILAN1 ILSSA !essa ls a born llsLener l Lhlnk she belleves LhaL Cod gave us Lwo ears and one mouLh Lo llsLen more and Lalk less
lor me she ls Lhe mosL aLLenLlve gal ln class (and mosL charmlng) she may noL be as flashy as her classmaLes buL her keenness Lo
deLalls and her preparedness wlll surpass all challenges Lhe classroom wlll offer lf l were Lo glve her an award lL would be 1he Larly
8lrd CaLches Lhe Worm Award She ls always Lhe flrsL one Lo submlL reflecLlve [ournals lesson plans and any oLher requlremenLs l
pose Lo Lhe class 8e smarLer be Lougher Always call on Lo Cod for Pe wlll make you [ubllanL ln Lhe paLh you dearly wanL Lo Lake
Lhe paLh of Leachlng

LUCk LUCnLLLL lndeed you are lucky! ?ou are lucky wlLh all Lhe people around you your famlly and your frlends lL ls Lrue LhaL llfe
ls all abouL connecLlons Lhe more people you know and knows you Lhe more successful you become WanL a llLLle advlce? keep
your frlends close and your enemy closer And one more Lhlng don'L overly depend on your frlends Lhe greaLesL ally LhaL you have
ls Cod and yourself Sharpen up Lhose skllls and you're on Lhe road Lo success

InCNIL 1nL NIGn1INGALL Lncore! Lncore! ?ou are Lhe flrsL person LhaL comes ln Lo my mlnd whenever l hear '21 Cuns' belng
played your rendlLlon durlng Lhe 1eachers' uay CelebraLlon ls Lhe besL LhaL l have heard Muslc ls your advanLage lL's your passlon
your core glfL Lnrlch your LalenL lL can be your maln arsenal ln you Leachlng career uellverlng your lessons uslng your slnglng
prowess wlll puL you on Lop of your class
S Why don'L you make songs for classroom use and Lhen sell lL? l'd be Lhe flrsL one Lo buy

kLNALN 1nL ULLN sweeL and slmple LhaL ls how l see you ?our hlghness do noL be overshadowed by oLhers' performances
leL Lhem noL scare you off or puL you down Cueens are made of sLerner sLuff! Work double Llme on your academlc klngdom 8ulld
your forLress of skllls and LalenLs LhaL wlll defend you from lnvaders who make you lose your confldence 1he queen chess plece ls
Lhe mosL powerful plece on Lhe board game and LhaL ls whaL you are you are powerful beyond measure 8e brave be sLrong and
show who ls ln command Lhose are whaL real queens are made of

LAS1ING LAUkICL havlng a clrcle of frlends deflnes who you are lrlendly fabulous feroclous you are well loved and respecLed by
your crew As one of Lhe eldesL among your bunch l lmplore LhaL you be Lhe plllar someone who supporLs someone who respecLs
sLudenLs and Leachers allke someone who leads by example and someone who glves selfless servlce Laurlce conLlnue Lo excel ln
your academlcs you wlll be a greaL Leacher uream Lhe dream of your soul Lnvlslon your fuLure as a success Learn from your pasL
hurLs and uLlllze your fears so LhaL lL becomes your sLrengLh PumlllLy ls sLlll Lhe besL vlrLue

LMLkGING LkICA 'ulplomaL of Lhe class' every Llme l see you comlng near me l know Lhere ls a bargalnlng LhaL ls golng Lo happen
So whaL do l do? l brace myself l don'L wanL Lo end up agreelng agaln and agaln wlLh your requesLs l admlre your courage Lo
bargaln wlLh your professors and mosL especlally Lhe way you convlnce me l'm noL usually persuaded by my sLudenLs buL you
always have LhaL Louch of dolng LhaL ?ou are a leader ln your own rlghL ?ou are a spark ln your crew ?ou have a brlghL fuLure
ahead of you keep lL up 8u! (l don'L know Lhe spelllng) keep lL up!

MLkk MALLN Anyone who doesn'L look up Lo herself looses confldence lf nobody belleves ln you who wlll? l know you can
surpass your prevlous performances 8elleve ln yourself because l belleve LhaL you are a magnlflcenL Leacher lL runs ln your blood
llnd a beLLer moLlvaLlon and unleash Lhe excellence ln you 8e whaL you wanL Lo be Learn someLhlng new every day SLay happy
lL's Lhe fasL Lrack L success

NCVICL NCLMI as my squlre l enLrusL Lo you my favorlLe leLLer " quoLaLlon roper plannlng prevenLs poor performance" 1hls
ls my own llfe prlnclple and l hand lL over Lo you 1hls ls my secreL Lo success l wanL lL Lo be yours l wanL Lo see you become an
exemplar Leacher who wlll also enLrusL Lhls Lo her sLudenLs Make a dlfference make a move and make lL happen 8uL above all
prayer and perseverance glves you resulL 8ecelve! 8lse! 8ush!

MAkVLLCUS MCNI1C SLarLlng roughly durlng Lhe semesLer worrled me ?ou have Lhe wonderful aLLlLude Lo be Lrylng your besL
buL l know Lhere are clrcumsLances LhaL you cannoL cope up and l undersLand Crganlze yourself plan prepare and persevere
8emember lL wasn'L ralnlng when noah bullL Lhe arch

II11Lk ILNNIILk Acknowledglng your weaknesses ls a greaL slgn of Lrue sLrengLh admlLLlng LhaL you are noL as sparklng as your
classmaLes ls pure humlllLy LhaL ls noL always Lhe case! Cod has glven all of us a core glfL you have your own uevelop your core
glfL of Leachlng excellence ls a musL! ?ou have an lnner sLrengLh oLhers don'L have ConLlnue Lo be helpful servlce ls Lhe Lrue splrlL
of educaLlon ?ou are a Leacher and you can surpass whaLever challenges Lhe classroom wlll Lhrow up

IAUN1 ILNNLLN Corgeous glamorous gllmmerlng superflclally you l hope l should have seen Lhe lnner beauLy LhaL you
posses l know you wlll be an excellenL Leacher keep your passlons for Leachlng burnlng uon'L leL any emoLlonal dllemma exhausL
you Love yourself beLLer Lhan you love oLhers

ILDI IULIUS Lvery Llme you approach me holdlng a plece of paper l have Lhls sLrange feellng LhaL lL's anoLher docLor's cerLlflcaLe
provlng LhaL you are cleared from a blologlcal malfuncLlon saylng LhaL you're secured and free from a vlrus or bacLerla borne from
SaLurn klddlng aslde you are ready for your professlonal career ?ou are sLrong compeLlLlve adapLlve and eager Lo learn more
Co! May Lhe force be wlLh you!

ILkCING L1Lk Pandsome hunky hardhlLLlng never geL Llred of explorlng new Lhlngs and learnlng from experlences Lhose are
real characLerlsLlc real Leachers should possess ?ou have Lhe Lendency Lo over analyze Lhlngs and ldeas focus eLer lCCuS! 8e
more senslLlve wlLh Lhe people around you 1he apple of your eye would always be Lhere buL maklng someone or someLhlng your
everyLhlng Lo Lhe exLenL of neglecLlng yourself ln Lhe process ls deflnlLely a wrong Lhlng ?ou can never glve whaL you do noL have
WanL Lo glve love? Love yourself flrsL And when you love never expecL someLhlng ln reLurn CoL lL? l know you do!

nLkCIC nA2LLLNL 8rave bold bombasLlc l know you have recovered from Lhe wrong cholces declslons and acLlons you have
made ln Lhe pasL and l am preLLy sure you have learned a loL 8lghL? lL's a badge of courage LhaL you should be proud of noL Lhe
falllng and falllng buL Lhe rlslng and upsurge from Lhe fall ?ou are an excellenL Leacher you Lruly are! ?ou have proven lL so many
Llmes and l saluLe you

1kLMLNDCUS 1kISn2A lndusLrlous lnLelllgenL and lmpresslve LhaL's you ?ou are Lhe one l admlre mosL because of your
eagerness Lo do everyLhlng and learn from whaL you are dolng 1he CreaL SplrlL of volunLeerlsm ls wlLhln you never leL lL fade
never leL lL fllcker ?ou always vle Lo succeed l see myself ln you so eager Lo do everyLhlng Parness your crafL mold lL Lo
perfecLlon envlslon your success llve your dreams plck all Lhe dalsles you wanL Lo plck conLlnue Lo overdo your LhoughLs and learn
from your mlsLakes always fall forward and never never never qulL

AfLer all LhaL ls sald and done exLendlng your graLlLude Lo me for whaL l embarked Lo you ls really an honor
l cannoL help myself buL Lo Lhank you more
?ou have made Lhe flrsL semesLer of my college Leachlng a wonderful unforgeLLable experlence
l am lndeed overwhelmed wlLh respecL you have glven me
l am over[oyed
8uL amldsL of Lhls
l do noL wanL Lo be repald ln one form or anoLher ?ou do noL owe me anyLhlng
8uL you owe everyLhlng Lo Lhe sLudenLs you wlll be educaLlng ln Lhe fuLure

l have always dreamed Lo be an educaLor of fuLure educaLors
l do noL wanL Lo be llke a ur 8lyo whose name ls named afLer a planeL raLher l wanL Lo be a maker of hundreds or
Lhousands of ur 8lyos who wlll become shlmmerlng consLellaLlons who wlll radlaLe Lhelr llghLs for Lhe fuLure Lo come

1o Cod be Lhe glory Always!
l surrender all of you Lo Cod

l pray LhaL you be whaL you are oughL Lo be
A responslble Leacher
educaLed and dedlcaLed
passlonaLe and compasslonaLe
nurLurlng and endurlng
lor l have done my share of moldlng you uLlllze your wonderful mlnds and your creaLlve hands use your free wlll
Whenever you're down and Lroubled and you need a helplng hand our prlnclpal ls [usL rlghL Lhere beyond Lhe clouds
ready Lo help us 8each ouL

uo you know whaLs worLh flghLlng for?
When lLs noL worLh dylng for?
uoes lL Lake your breaLh away
And you feel yourself suffocaLlng?

uoes Lhe paln welgh ouL Lhe prlde?
And you look for a place Lo hlde?
uld someone break your hearL lnslde?
?oure ln rulns

Cne 21 guns
Lay down your arms glve up Lhe flghL
Cne 21 guns
1hrow up your arms lnLo Lhe sky you and l

When youre aL Lhe end of Lhe road
And you losL all sense of conLrol
And your LhoughLs have Laken Lhelr Loll
When your mlnd breaks Lhe splrlL of your soul

?our falLh walks on broken glass
And Lhe hangover doesnL pass
noLhlngs ever bullL Lo lasL
?oure ln rulns

Cne 21 guns
Lay down your arms glve up Lhe flghL
Cne 21 guns
1hrow up your arms lnLo Lhe sky you and l

uld you Lry Lo llve on your own
When you burned down Lhe house and home?
uld you sLand Loo close Lo Lhe flre
Llke a llar looklng for forglveness from a sLone?

When lLs Llme Lo llve and leL dle
And you canL geL anoLher Lry
SomeLhlng lnslde Lhls hearL has dled
?oure ln rulns

Cne 21 guns
Lay down your arms glve up Lhe flghL
Cne 21 guns
1hrow up your arms lnLo Lhe sky

Cne 21 guns
Lay down your arms glve up Lhe flghL
Cne 21 guns
1hrow up your arms lnLo Lhe sky you and l

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