CXC General Proficiency Math Exam

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CxC general proflclency maLh exam MaLhemaLlcs May/!

une 2008 CuesLlon 9

vlew 8evlslons
SubmlLLed by Sansha on 31 uecember 2008 1224pm
CxC sample maLh quesLlons carlbexams
SecLlon 2

9 (a) Slmpllfy

(l)x x x x4 (1 mark)

(ll)a3/2b3/2 x (square rooL of) ab (2 marks)

(b) lf ((x) 2x 3 flnd Lhe value of

(l) ((2) (1 mark)

(ll) (1(0) (2 marks)

(lll) (1 ((2) (2 marks)

(c) 1he LemperaLure k of a llquld L mlnuLes afLer heaLlng ls glven ln Lhe Lable below

L (Llme ln mlnuLes) 0 10 20 30 40 30 60

k (1emp ln LsC) 84 61 40 29 27 26 23

(l) uslng a scale of 2cm Lo represenL 10 seconds on Lhe horlzonLal axls and scale of 2cm Lo represenL 10
degrees on a verLlcal axls consLrucL a LemperaLureLlme graph Lo show how Lhe llquld cools ln Lhe 60
mlnuLe lnLerval

uraw a smooLh curve Lhrough all Lhe ploLLed polnLs (4 marks)

(ll) use your graph Lo esLlmaLe

a) Lhe LemperaLure of Lhe llquld afLer 13 mlnuLes

b) Lhe raLe of coollng of Lhe llquld aL L 30 mlnuLes (3 marks)

1oLal 13 marks

Pey everyone l really Lrled my besL Lo Lype Lhls ouL so l hope LhaL you all would be able Lo undersLand
lL 1oney dld Lhe resL quesLlons 12 14 8uL we need help wlLh Lyplng ouL Lhe oLhers

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