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A Co||ect|on of 1ongue 1w|sters

eLer lper plcked a peck of plckled pepper

uld eLer lper plck a peck of plckled pepper?
lf eLer lper plcked a peck of plckled pepper
Wheres Lhe peck of plckled pepper eLer lper plcked?
She sells seashells on Lhe seashore
Swan swam over Lhe pond
Swlm swan swlm!
Swan swam back agaln
Well swum swan!
1he blg bug blL Lhe llLLle beeLle buL Lhe llLLle beeLle blL Lhe blg bug back
Pow much wood would a woodchuck chuck lf a woodchuck could chuck wood
l scream you scream we all scream for lce cream
1 |g b|ack bear A blg black bug blL Lhe blg black bear buL Lhe blg black bear blL Lhe blg black bug
back!Down|oad th|s mp3 1] mp3 2
2 c|am cream can Pow can a clam cram ln a clean cream can?Down|oad th|s mp3
3 Iour fur|ous fr|ends our furlous frlends foughL for Lhe phoneDown|oad th|s mp3
4 Green g|ass g|obes reen glass globes glow greenlyDown|oad th|s mp3
3 Ice cream l scream you scream we all scream for lce cream!Down|oad th|s mp3
6 Sandw|ch sane w|tch 1heres a sandwlch on Lhe sand whlch was senL by a sane
wlLchDown|oad th|s mp3
7 Spe|| New ork knlfe and a fork boLLle and a cork LhaL ls Lhe way you spell new
?orkDown|oad th|s mp3
8 I saw Sus|e l saw Susle slLLlng ln a shoe shlne shopDown|oad th|s mp3
Med|um 1ongue 1w|sters 1ry these s||ght|y more d|ff|cu|t tongue tw|sters
1 Can you can a can an you can a can as a canner can can a can?Down|oad th|s mp3
2 Copyr|ght When you wrlLe copy you have Lhe rlghL Lo copyrlghL Lhe copy you wrlLeDown|oad
th|s mp3
3 Iuzzy wuzzy uzzy Wuzzy was a bear uzzy Wuzzy had no halr uzzy Wuzzy wasnL very fuzzy
was he?Down|oad th|s mp3
4 Good cook Pow many cookles could a good cook cook lf a good cook could cook cookles? A
good cook could cook as much cookles as a good cook who could cook cooklesDown|oad th|s
3 now many cans ? Pow many cans can a cannlbal nlbble lf a cannlbal can nlbble cans? As many
cans as a cannlbal can nlbble lf a cannlbal can nlbble cansDown|oad th|s mp3
6 I have got a date l have goL a daLe aL a quarLer Lo elghL l'll see you aL Lhe gaLeso don'L be
laLeDown|oad th|s mp3
7 I thought of th|nk|ng l LhoughL l LhoughL of Lhlnklng of Lhanklng youDown|oad th|s mp3
8 one one Cneone was a race horse 1woLwo was one Loo Cneone won one race
1woLwo won one LooDown|oad th|s mp3
9 eter p|per eLer lper plcked a peck of plckled peppers A peck of plckled peppers eLer lper
plcked lf eLer lper plcked a peck of plckled peppers Wheres Lhe peck of plckled peppers
eLer lper plcked?Down|oad th|s mp3
10 Seven s||ck sna||s Seven sllck sllmy snalls slowly slldlng souLhwardDown|oad th|s mp3
11 Spe|| ch|cago hlcken ln Lhe car and Lhe car can go LhaL ls Lhe way you spell hlcago Down|oad
th|s mp3
12 1h|rty three th|eves 1he LhlrLyLhree Lhleves LhoughL LhaL Lhey Lhrllled Lhe Lhrone LhroughouL
1hursdayDown|oad th|s mp3
13 1wo w|tches two watches lf Lwo wlLches would waLch Lwo waLches whlch wlLch would waLch
whlch waLch?Down|oad th|s mp3
14 Understand lf you undersLand say undersLand lf you donL undersLand say donL
undersLand 8uL lf you undersLand and say donL undersLand how do l undersLand LhaL
you undersLand?Down|oad th|s mp3
13 Whether the weather WheLher Lhe weaLher be flne or wheLher Lhe weaLher be noL
WheLher Lhe weaLher be cold or wheLher Lhe weaLher be hoL Well weaLher Lhe weaLher
wheLher we llke lL or noLDown|oad th|s mp3
D|ff|cu|t Lng||sh 1ongue 1w|sters
1 8etty butter 8eLLy boughL some buLLer buL Lhe buLLer 8eLLy boughL was blLLer
so 8eLLy boughL some beLLer buLLer and Lhe beLLer buLLer 8eLLy boughL was beLLer Lhan Lhe
blLLer buLLer 8eLLy boughL before!Down|oad th|s mp3
2 8|scu|t m|xer l boughL a blL of baklng powder and baked a baLch of blsculLs l broughL a blg
baskeL of blsculLs back Lo Lhe bakery and baked a baskeL of blg blsculLs 1hen l Look Lhe blg
baskeL of blsculLs and Lhe baskeL of blg blsculLs and mlxed Lhe blg blsculLs wlLh Lhe baskeL of
blsculLs LhaL was nexL Lo Lhe blg baskeL and puL a bunch of blsculLs from Lhe baskeL lnLo a blsculL
mlxer and broughL Lhe baskeL of blsculLs and Lhe box of mlxed blsculLs and Lhe blsculL mlxer Lo
Lhe bakery and opened a Lln of sardlnes Down|oad th|s mp3
3 Doctor doctor|ng When a docLor docLors a docLor does Lhe docLor dolng Lhe docLorlng docLor
as Lhe docLor belng docLored wanLs Lo be docLored or does Lhe docLor dolng Lhe docLorlng
docLor as he wanLs Lo docLor?Down|oad th|s mp3
4 Mary Mac ,ary ,acs moLhers maklng ,ary ,ac marry me ,y moLhers maklng me marry
,ary ,ac Wlll l always be so ,erry when ,arys Laklng care of me? Wlll l always be so merry
when l marry ,ary ,ac? Down|oad th|s mp3
3 Nature watcher CuL ln Lhe pasLure Lhe naLure waLcher waLches Lhe caLcher Whlle Lhe caLcher
waLches Lhe plLcher who plLches Lhe balls WheLher Lhe LemperaLures up or wheLher Lhe
LemperaLures down Lhe naLure waLcher Lhe caLcher and Lhe plLcher are always around 1he
plLcher plLches Lhe caLcher caLches and Lhe waLcher waLches So wheLher Lhe LemperaLures
rlses or wheLher Lhe LemperaLure falls Lhe naLure waLcher [usL waLches Lhe caLcher whos
waLchlng Lhe plLcher whos waLchlng Lhe balls Down|oad th|s mp3
by 5botoo Iobosoo
6 W|sh to w|sh l wlsh Lo wlsh Lhe wlsh you wlsh Lo wlsh buL lf you wlsh Lhe wlsh Lhe wlLch
wlshes l wonL wlsh Lhe wlsh you wlsh Lo wlshDown|oad th|s mp3

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