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1he noLlon of musharlka ls LhaL Lwo or more persons [oln hands for common ob[ecLlve 1hls
ob[ecLlve ls Lo earn proflLs roflLs are dlvlded ln parLles ln proporLlonaLe raLlons ln Lngllsh
Law Lhls ls called arLnershlp
lf losses are susLalned Lhey are also dlvlded ln proporLlonaLe raLlo 1here can be no buslness
wlLhouL a rlsk 8lsks are also proporLlonaLely dlvlded
uef leglLlmacy from book
k|nds of Mushar|ka
1here are Lwo ma[or klnds
1 harlkaL al mllk
2 harlkaL al aqd
1hese Lwo klnds were prevalenL even before advenL of lslam
Accordlng Lo ma[orlLy Lhere are flve klnds of lL
1 harlkaL al lnan
2 harlkaL al mufawadah
3 harlkaL al mal
4 harlkaL al wu[uh
3 harlkaL al mudarabah
1he prevalllng pracLlces are
1 harlkaL al lnan
2 harlkaL al mufawadah
3 harlkaL al muzarah
4 harlkaL al musaqah
3 harlkaL al mudarabah
Panfls dlsLlngulsh on [usL Lwo basls (l) wheLher boLh parLles are worklng/ conLrlbuLlng
(ll) wheLher boLh parLles are worklng 8ased on Lhls Lhey have glven many klnds

O eneral parLnershlp LhaL we know ls lnan parLnershlp
O ln Mufawadah Lhere are Lwo or more persons who equally conLrlbuLe Lo caplLal
and equally conLrlbuLe Lo servlces and geL proflL on equal basls
O ln mudarabah Lhere are Lwo parLles one ls called rab ul mal and Lhe oLher ls
called mudarlb erson renderlng caplLal (rab ul mal) wlll noL render servlces
1he oLher (mudarlb) wlll only render servlces
O ln muzara belng Lhe land owner you provlde Lhe caplLal (land caplLal ferLlllzer
eLc) and Lhe hlred person wlll harvesL reap and provlde all klnd of servlces Crop
yleld wlll be dlvlded among owner and LenanL accordlng Lo agreed raLlo
O Musaqah ls a conLracL ln farms usually ?ou hlre a person who Lakes care of your
Lrees aL farm (Lhough he does noL planL Lhem) Lhe yleld wlll be dlvlded accordlng
Lo agreed raLlo Pe geLs Lhls agalnsL renumeraLlon 1hls raLlon varles from one
area Lo anoLher

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