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Crammar - Zero Conditional

If + present simple + present simple

e ase tle tera caa|t|aaal ta tal| a|aat facts ar s|taat|aas wl|cl are alwas trae.
IfWhen0nless plus a piesent foim PL0S piesent simple oi

-If he gets theie befoie me, ask him to wait.
-When you fly buuget aiiline, you have to pay foi youi uiinks anu
-0nless you neeu moie space, a small cai is big enough foi one

Note that we aie not talking about a specific event but something
which is geneially tiue.

In the conuition clause, we can use a vaiiety of piesent foims. In the
iesult clause, theie can only be the piesent simple oi impeiative.

-If you visit Lonuon, go on the Lonuon Eye.
-If unemployment is iising, people tenu to stay in theii piesent jobs.
-If youve uone that, go anu have a coffee.
-When you go on holiuay, take plenty of sun cieam. Itll be veiy hot.
-When Im concentiating, please uont make so much noise.
-When Ive finisheu an aiticle, I always ask Kate to ieau it thiough.

Notice that unless means the same as if not.
-0nless he asks you politely, iefuse to uo any moie woik on the
-0nless piices aie iising, its not a goou investment.
0nless youve been theie youiself, you uont ieally unueistanu how
fantastic it is



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