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1eam Wordlay 1echnlcal 8lder

Purchaser shall provide adequate room in auditorium/sanctuary Ior perIormance as well
as provide sound equipment (i.e. lapel microphones, E-6 microphones, etc.) to
suIIiciently accommodate number oI audience members in attendance. Purchaser will be
responsible Ior sound equipment malIunctions, batteries, sound checks, etc.
a. Purchaser shall provide the Artist with two headsets or two lapel
b. Purchaser shall acquire two additional wireless handheld microphones prior
to the improv comedy portion oI the evening(s) iI applicable.
a. 49e: %he two handheld mics need to be on separate channels Irom the
E-6 or headset mics that Ryan and Chris will wear. All 4 will be used
at the same time.
c. %he downstage area oI the stage should be clear oI any objects at the
beginning oI sound check and all perIormances except Ior two (2) bottles oI

Purchaser will have downloaded all videos and .jpgs Irom the %eam WordPlay web page
prior to the event.

Purchaser host shall coordinate a minimum oI one IiIteenminute sound and video check
not later than one hour Irom the commencement oI the Purchaser. All technical personnel
including lighting, audio and video engineers will be present.

Purchaser agrees not to make any sound or video recording oI the perIormance without
permission Irom the Artist. %his is to include, but not limited to, the broadcast oI
perIormance and any Iorm oI reproduction oI the perIormance.

Ar9is9 shall have the right to sell and distribute merchandise at the engagement, which
includes, but is not limited to, tee shirts, autographed photos, DVDs and printed
materials. Ar9is9 will retain 100 oI the gross proceeds Irom the sales.

Purchaser shall provide a well-lit, secure, prime location Ior merchandising and shall
provide a minimum oI one volunteer to help with sales and keep track oI monies.

Purchaser shall provide appropriate display table that could be two standard conIerence
room tables 6 Ieet in length and two chairs.

%hank you in advance Ior this opportunity to partner together.
We look Iorward to a successIul event!
-Damascus Road Productions

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