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A manufacLurer operaLes Lhree facLorles l1 l2 And l3 And

dlspaLches hls producLs Lo flve reLallers A8Cu 1he
followlng Lable lndlcaLes Lhe capaclLles of Lhe Lhree
facLorles 1he producL from each facLorles Lo each of Lhe
flve reLallers
l1 1 9 13 36 31 30
l2 24 12 16 20 1 100
l3 14 33 1 23 26 130
uemooJ 100 70 30 40 40
llnd Lhe opLlmal soluLlon of Lhe LransporLaLlon problem by uslng Modlfled ulsLrlbuLlon
ep 1 1o check for balanced LransporLaLlon problem
Slnce Lhe supply and demand ls equal (300) Lhe 1 ls
ep 2 llndlng Lhe lnlLlal soluLlon by vogals
approxlmaLlon meLhod
loctory /y
l1 1 9 13 36 31 30
l2 24 12 16 20 1 100
l3 14 33 1 23 26 130
uemooJ 100 70 30 40 40

ep J 1esL for non degeneracy
slnce n m+n1
7 3+31
7 3+2
7 7
ep 5 llndlng Lhe LoLal mlnlmum cosL
1oLal cosL
Mln Z (30*1) + (60*12) + (40*1) + (30*14) +
(10*33) + (30*1) + (40*23)
ep 6 Lo flnd opLlmal soluLlon by MCul meLhod
o) ueclJloq loop by floJloq ol ooJ vj
A 8 C u L ul
l1 1 9 13 36 31 13
l2 24 12 16 20 1 21
l3 14 33 1 23 26 0
v[ 14 33 1 23 22
60 40
30 10 30 40
non bas|cce||s |[ |+v[c|[
l18 11
l1C 23
l1u 26
l1L 42
l2A 31
l2C 36
l2u 18
l3L 23
now ldenLlfylng closed loop ln Lhe 1 from Lhe
poslLlve value of l[ Move Lo all Lhe cells and
have Lo Lake a bend only aL Lhe allocaLed cells
A 8 C u L al
l1 1 +9 13 36 31
l2 24 12 16 20 1
l3 14+ 33 1 23 26
30 10 30 40
ldenLlfy Lhe loop allocaLlons among ve slgns
shlfL Lhe allocaLlons ln loop by addlng Lhls
ldenLlfled allocaLlon Lo Lhe allocaLlons ln Lhe
+ve slgns subLracL from Lhe allocaLlon ln ve
slgns 1hen proceed by repeaLlng Lhe same
30 0
30 10
40 10
60 0
A 8 C u L ul
l1 1 9 13 36 31 13
l2 24 12 16 20 1 10
l3 14 33 1 23 26 0
v[ 14 22 1 23 11
40 10
60 30 40
non bas|cce||s |[ |+v[c|[
l1C 23
l1u 26
l1L 33
l1A 20
l2C 23
l2u 7
l28 11
l3L 13
CpLlmal soluLlon
1oLal cosL
Mln Z (40*1) + (10*9) + (60*12) + (40*1) +
(60*14) + (30*1) + (40*23)
1hus Lhe cosL ls mlnlmum by (28102700) 8s110/ Pence
opLlmum cosL ls 8s 2700

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