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Neanwhile, a similai battle, calleu 0peiation Iiaqi Fieeuom, was launcheu in

Iiaq. It began with lasei-guiueu bombs, ciuise missiles anu piecision bombing with
the coue name of Shock anu Awe. This iesulteu in the uestiuction of the Iiaqi aimeu
foices anu sent many of the top leaueis of the countiy into hiuing. Piesiuent Bush
ueclaieu the wai at an enu uuiing his time in office. Bowevei, 0.S. tioops still
occupy the countiy anu many believe that the wai in Iiaq is fai fiom ovei. Foices
against the 0.S. continue to fight a gueiilla wai of hit anu iun, using lanu mines, cai
bombs anu suiciue bombeis uioups fiom neaiby countiies, incluuing the Taliban,
have since enteieu the countiy to wage wai on the 0.S.
Nany positive things have happeneu in Iiaq, incluuing the oveithiow anu
captuie of Sauuam Bussein anu uozens of his henchmen who kept the Iiaqi people
living in feai anu teiioi. New hospitals have openeu, schools aie back in session
anu oil companies aie able to ship oil out of the countiy again. In , Iiaq helu its
fiist geneial election in moie than yeais. It has since wiitten a new constitution
anu electeu a peimanent national assembly to govein unuei the new constitution.
Aftei taking office in 9, Piesiuent Baiack 0bama saiu that by August, , ,
Ameiica's combat mission in Iiaq will come to an enu.

{one of your text feotures sboulJ be titleJ "0pJote" to reflect tbe current stotus of 0.S.
involvement in lroq.)

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