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Course Syllabus

CAD 140-01

Computer-Aided Drafting I
3 Semester Hours

Fall 2011
Faculty: Office: Telephone: E-mail: Office Hours: Class Time: Professor Bijan Shapoorian AAB 313 443 235 4612 By appointment only Lecture: Tuesday 5:00 p.m. 6:00 p.m. MTC 301 Lab: Tuesday 6:15 p.m. 10:15 p.m. MTC 301

Course Description:


This course begins the in-depth study of the fundamentals of computer-aided drafting using AutoCAD 2011. Topics include commands, coordinates, undoing and altering, moving and duplicating, arrays, viewports, file maintenance, editing and templates for 2-D. Also included are dimensioning and geometric tolerances, measurement and calculations, the creation of a library for symbols and attributes, plotting and printing. Keyboarding and Windows operating system skills are recommended. This course is usually offered in the fall and spring.

Exercise Workbook for Beginning AutoCAD 2011, Cheryl R. Shrock Industrial Press Inc.

Textbook is required for both lecture and lab

AutoCAD 2011 (Students not required to purchase)

Additional Materials: USB Memory (Flash Drive / Thumb Drive) (1GB or more) 3-ring binder and hole punch to collect and organize class notes, handouts, Assignments and 8 x 11 size print of drawings produced by student.
(Students are required to submit their binder to Instructor for review and grade toward the final grade. Students shall save this binder for future reference)



1. Operate a CAD workstation -Select and set toolbars -Choose units and set decimals Assessment Strategy: Exam questions, quizzes and homework and lab evaluation. *

4. Create 2D AutoCAD 2010 drawings -Set, name and use layers -Name and organize layout presentations Assessment Strategy: Exam questions, quizzes and homework and lab evaluation. *


5. Produce 2D drawings accurately scaled for plotting -Calculate and use Drawing Scale setting Assessment Strategy: Exam questions, quizzes and homework and lab evaluation. * 6. Use CAD technology, available to CAD professionals consistent with current methods of drafting, design or engineering -Import external reference drawings into a layout presentation -Create viewports to explain the CAD project Assessment Strategy: Exam questions, quizzes and homework and lab evaluation. * 7. Use modification techniques to edit and modify drawings for presentation and accuracy -Make use of grip setting techniques -Use modify properties commands Assessment Strategy: Exam questions, quizzes and homework and lab evaluation. * 8. Using plotters/printers to create 8 x 11 CAD presentations -Plot using window techniques from layout in paper or Model Space -Create viewports and scale them Assessment Strategy: Exam questions, quizzes and homework and lab evaluation. *


3. Organize and manage AutoCAD related files for 2D drawings -Create save and file projects in industry standard folders -Import and copy files using the save as command for protecting work and resources. Assessment Strategy: Exam questions, quizzes and homework and lab evaluation. *

2. Understand and apply basic AutoCAD commands. -Use command line entries -Use tooltip instructions Assessment Strategy: Exam questions, quizzes and homework and lab evaluation. *

Course Requirements: Grading/Exams:

Grading will be determined based on tests, drawing assignments, quizzes, Electronic Library/writing project, laboratory assignments, midterm and final exam. This course will include a comprehensive final exam.

The course grade will be determined as follows: Attendance .. 3-Ring binder (8 points) and (5) Warm up Quizzes. Home works (10) . Lab assignments and drawings (12) ................ Electronic Research/Writing (2)... Mid-term exam Final Exam .. 13% 13% 10% 24% 10% 10% 20% (2 hours max)

Note: Each class will include the lecture and lab works. There are ongoing assignments due. Each student is expected to stay and work for the entire lab. Approximately 10-15 minutes is allowed for cleanup and course-housekeeping activities.

Conversion of numeric average to Final (Letter) Grade:

Attendance Policy

90 80 70 60 0

100 89 79 69 59

= = = = =


Absence / Lateness - NOT ALLOWED ARRANGE TO GET NOTES FROM ANOTHER STUDENT. You must take initiative to track down all the details of what was covered. Absence reflects on your final grade effectively.

Two electronic research projects are due. The first is due before midterm. Help Screen: Paper One: Find information from the AutoCAD help screen. Discuss how this has helped you with the class by using an oral and written presentation. On Week 5, the first paper is due.


Drafting Softwares by Autodesk: Paper Two: Find information on at least five different drafting softwares offered by Autodesk and used by Architects, Engineers, and Manufacturers. Provides a short description of each and explore which software may be the most suitable for you. On Week 10, the second paper is due.

Each paper body length should be two pages minimum.

How to get the highest grade on your paper
Discuss and show your mastery of the material for this course Demonstrate your ability to think beyond the limits of this course by writing information that ties this course to your career goal. Be sure to read what you wrote before you submit the paper Cover page with related picture(s) and writings provides a professional presentation Include introductory paragraph to present the main idea, content, conclusion, and references Double check spelling and grammar Papers are written in APA style which is defined on Wor-Wics website.

Late Assignment Policy

All homework, lab works and reading assignments must be submitted on time. Late assignments may receive 50% of the total credit at instructors discretion.

Quizzes and TESTS


If you miss a test, it will be the Instructors decision to determine if it can be made up for.


Students are required to maintain a high level of academic performance. Cheating and plagiarism as defined in Wor-Wic's Student Conduct Policy, found in the College Catalog. Infractions of this policy will result in the student's failure for the assignment or test. In the event of a flu epidemic or other emergency that results in the suspension of classes, faculty will be communicating with students about their courses and course requirements, such as assignments, quiz and exam dates, and class and grading policies, via faculty websites or Blackboard. Students will be responsible for completing all these assignments in accordance with class policies. Information about the resumption of classes will be communicated via the College's website and email system.


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