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Los Rios Debate


Aff Object Fiat Bad Stanfield

Object fiat is illegit and a voter for all the following reasons 1.) Destroys all negative ground They literally fiat away aff harms. Once we devolve fiat to include the object, all advantages can be solved with fiat. This kind of wishful thinking is impossible to compete with. 2.) Infinitely regressive Object fiat justifies fiat worlds in which bdies who arent solving the problem have dramatic epiphanies and start acting, people decide to join hands and sing to each other in fantastical utopia, or the laws of nature change so nobody dies anymore. 3.) Unfair comparison Aff asks you to compare any action our CPs would take in response to inherent barriers to a world in which barriers dont exist. The debate is now a ridiculous fantasy world with a guaranteed aff win. 4.) Destroys clash The aff proposes a problem where the solution is to have the problem change. There is zero debatability with this scenario. 5.) Justifies utopian plans object fiat avoids real-world barriers, meaning the aff could fiat out of DA links or solvency mitigation


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